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Special units from eight countries at military drill “Eagle 2013”


Feb 22, 2013
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Members of the special forces from eight countries have successfully realized the joint exercise “Eagle 2013” over the past five days, during which they drilled the anti-terrorist actions with their colleagues from the Special Brigade of the Serbian Army. The drill was ended yesterday at the “Oresac” training ground near Vrsac, and the participants from Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro were congratulated for the successful realization by Chief of the Serbian Army General Staff Ljubisa Dikovic. The greatest benefit from this exercise is the trust, understanding, readiness to cooperation, which is certain to contribute to the security in the region, Dikovic said.

Looks, like we missed this chance here. It would have been a great learning opportunity for our SOF Units.

Eurozone provided two rescue packages to save Greece in 2010 and 2011; however, the situation has been still gloomy, leading to a question that whether or not Greece should exit from the Eurozone.

It has been found that the Greece government has considerably endeavoured to bring its economy back to sustainable growth with higher employment. Besides that, Greece has been assessed positively by efforts on suitable reforms and a convincing budget for 2013. It is clear that Greece has been on right track to use the bailouts and support its economy (Economists, 2012).

Despite these efforts, the debts have been still huge and the economy has been still weak and volatile. Meanwhile, the second bailout will expire in the middle of 2014. Just a few months left to the expiry date, German Finance Minister, Schaeuble, said that it is essential to offer the third bailout for Greece but no more debt haircut (Telegraph, 2013).

What will happen to Greece after the second bailout expired? Will they exit the common currency area? Will the Eurozone continue to help Greece out? Will credit countries continue to provide billions of euros to pull Greece out from the debt? Will taxpayers supports for the next rescue package?

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and the participants from Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro were congratulated for the successful realization by Chief of the Serbian Army General Staff Ljubisa Dikovic. The greatest benefit from this exercise is the trust, understanding, readiness to cooperation, which is certain to contribute to the security in the region, Dikovic said.

Ah,so nice to see us getting along,cooperating,uttering big friendly words.......ofcourse a few hours(days ?) after this the serbs lashed out at the turks for interfering in the Balkans and demanding apologies for what Erdogan said/did. o_O

"Trust,understanding" gave way to "pulling out of talks with Bosnia and Turkey on postwar Balkan stability" :eek:
Welcome to the Balkans ladies and gentlemen,beware the knifes that your friendly neighbours have pointed at your backs,behind the nice friendly smiles.:oops:
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Ah,so nice to see us getting along,cooperating,uttering big friendly words.......ofcourse a few hours(days ?) after this the serbs lashed out at the turks for interfering in the Balkans and demanding apologies for what Erdogan said/did. o_O

"Trust,understanding" gave way to "pulling out of talks with Bosnia and Turkey on postwar Balkan stability" :eek:
Welcome to the Balkans ladies and gentlemen,beware the knifes that your friendly neighbours have pointed at your backs,behind the nice friendly smiles.:oops:

I couldn't understand why Serbs freaked out. Erdogan said "Turkey is Kosovo, Kosovo is Turkey"..... and they demanded apology ??? I don't know what they are thinking but we are not pushovers...

Eurozone provided two rescue packages to save Greece in 2010 and 2011; however, the situation has been still gloomy, leading to a question that whether or not Greece should exit from the Eurozone.

It has been found that the Greece government has considerably endeavoured to bring its economy back to sustainable growth with higher employment. Besides that, Greece has been assessed positively by efforts on suitable reforms and a convincing budget for 2013. It is clear that Greece has been on right track to use the bailouts and support its economy (Economists, 2012).

Despite these efforts, the debts have been still huge and the economy has been still weak and volatile. Meanwhile, the second bailout will expire in the middle of 2014. Just a few months left to the expiry date, German Finance Minister, Schaeuble, said that it is essential to offer the third bailout for Greece but no more debt haircut (Telegraph, 2013).

What will happen to Greece after the second bailout expired? Will they exit the common currency area? Will the Eurozone continue to help Greece out? Will credit countries continue to provide billions of euros to pull Greece out from the debt? Will taxpayers supports for the next rescue package?

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I wish you could just stop posting off-topic articles in unrelated threads..... :(

You should just start a new thread with that article.
I couldn't understand why Serbs freaked out. Erdogan said "Turkey is Kosovo, Kosovo is Turkey"..... and they demanded apology ??? I don't know what they are thinking but we are not pushovers...

Honestly, how would you like it if the greek prime minister said that about northern Cyprus ?
It was a regional exercise involving Balkan countries.

And that's why Pakistan had a right to be there. Our soldiers in Kosovo did more than many of the countries in the region.
And that's why Pakistan had a right to be there. Our soldiers in Kosovo did more than many of the countries in the region.

Are you sure? Did Pakistan even had troops in Kosovo ? I couldn't find anything on that,you weren't a contributor to Kosovo Force.
Are you sure? Did Pakistan even had troops in Kosovo ? I couldn't find anything on that,you weren't a contributor to Kosovo Force.

My friend. You must be young. While other countries in the region were in the media, it was Pakistan Army that was getting their elbows dirty behind the scenes. Our forces saw a lot of action.
My friend. You must be young. While other countries in the region were in the media, it was Pakistan Army that was getting their elbows dirty behind the scenes. Our forces saw a lot of action.

Talk is cheap.Proof please !
Plus,the serbs were cleaning house on the ground,the only thing that stoped them was american led NATO bombing.
Hahaha. This is common knowledge.

Pakistanis regulars were engaging Serbian tanks.


Read to enlighten yourself.

Well not to many proofs there either,just some posters saying it happenned while others said it did not.
Anyway,that link you gave me was talking about Bosnia,you've said about Kosovo in here.Bosnia and Kosovo are two different things,i think you've confused them a little. :)
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