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Special Forces: Sri Lanka LRP

There are two kinds of SFs in the SLA, right? This LRRP and the army commandoes?

These units played a very significant role in the Ealam war, and apparently it's the assasinations by the LRRP units that first struck fear into the LTTE leadership.
There are two kinds of SFs in the SLA, right? This LRRP and the army commandoes?

These units played a very significant role in the Ealam war, and apparently it's the assasinations by the LRRP units that first struck fear into the LTTE leadership.

I remember reading about how the identity of a few LRRP personnel was compromised by the Lankan media and led to a few deaths(apparently from LTTE targeted killings) amongst their ranks.

Who trains the LRRP, btw? SSG possibly?
I remember reading about how the identity of a few LRRP personnel was compromised by the Lankan media and led to a few deaths(apparently from LTTE targeted killings) amongst their ranks.

Who trains the LRRP, btw? SSG possibly?
Actually they were compromised by local police forces, who did not know their true identity, and arrested them on suspicion of being political assassins. Terrible mix up with tragic consequences.

Millennium City incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think they were trained by any foreign entities - they evolved from within their own military units, with their own experience. They were born out of necessity, and specially tailored for their own needs. This article from a US military website has some info about them. Bear in mind that this unit is not even acknowledged to exist, so not much will be known publically about their training anyway.

U.S. Army | Infantry Magazine
There are two kinds of SFs in the SLA, right? This LRRP and the army commandoes?

These units played a very significant role in the Ealam war, and apparently it's the assasinations by the LRRP units that first struck fear into the LTTE leadership.

Yeah.. I think they're primarily sourced from the 3rd Commando regiment and the 3rd Special forces regiment.. Also a significant number of the LRRP units comprised of Muslims because of their excellent multilingual expertise, Essential in infiltrating LTTE controlled areas and intelligence gathering

Actually they were compromised by local police forces, who did not know their true identity, and arrested them on suspicion of being political assassins. Terrible mix up with tragic consequences.

Millennium City incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't think they were trained by any foreign entities - they evolved from within their own military units, with their own experience. They were born out of necessity, and specially tailored for their own needs. This article from a US military website has some info about them. Bear in mind that this unit is not even acknowledged to exist, so not much will be known publically about their training anyway.

U.S. Army | Infantry Magazine

It was significant that at the SF memorial a number of deaths were marked the location of training camps.. Which leads to assume some of the units demised while training.. The intensity in training must have been overwhelming

I remember reading about how the identity of a few LRRP personnel was compromised by the Lankan media and led to a few deaths(apparently from LTTE targeted killings) amongst their ranks.

Who trains the LRRP, btw? SSG possibly?

The SL para police force the Special Task Force (STF) was initially trained by the British SAS.. But as far as it's known.. LRRP units had no foreign collaborations.. They were hand picked any way from elite fighting units in the Army to begin with.. Also as mentioned above by @janon the LRRP's were not acknowledged to exist
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It was significant that at the SF memorial a number of deaths were marked the location of training camps.. Which leads to assume some of the units demised while training.. The intensity in training must have been overwhelming
That's probably for another reason, to keep their operations a secret. If their memorial gave their real place and time of death, and that coincided with the killing of an important LTTE fellow, the enemies would easily know who killed who, and exact revenge for the black operation. It would be impossible to keep up plausible deniability in such a scenario.

It is unlikely that a large number of deaths happened during training - the trainers and officer in charge would be answerable, if not criminally liable. The ranger school in the US is one of the most gruelling courses in the world (physically and mentally), and only three or four times has accidental deaths happened during training - in 1994, that led to the several instructors and the commanding officer being disciplined or relieved of charge.
That's probably for another reason, to keep their operations a secret. If their memorial gave their real place and time of death, and that coincided with the killing of an important LTTE fellow, the enemies would easily know who killed who, and exact revenge for the black operation. It would be impossible to keep up plausible deniability in such a scenario.

It is unlikely that a large number of deaths happened during training - the trainers and officer in charge would be answerable, if not criminally liable. The ranger school in the US is one of the most gruelling courses in the world (physically and mentally), and only three or four times has accidental deaths happened during training - in 1994, that led to the several instructors and the commanding officer being disciplined or relieved of charge.

Very pertinent point.... :tup:
That's probably for another reason, to keep their operations a secret. If their memorial gave their real place and time of death, and that coincided with the killing of an important LTTE fellow, the enemies would easily know who killed who, and exact revenge for the black operation. It would be impossible to keep up plausible deniability in such a scenario.

It is unlikely that a large number of deaths happened during training - the trainers and officer in charge would be answerable, if not criminally liable. The ranger school in the US is one of the most gruelling courses in the world (physically and mentally), and only three or four times has accidental deaths happened during training - in 1994, that led to the several instructors and the commanding officer being disciplined or relieved of charge.

The Spetsnaz kills quite a few of their trainees every year.
Great videos @Gibbs - after fighting the LTTE for so long and under so grueling conditions, I think no one should have any doubts that the Sri Lankan Special Forces can be counted amongst the best in the world ! :tup:
Great videos @Gibbs - after fighting the LTTE for so long and under so grueling conditions, I think no one should have any doubts that the Sri Lankan Special Forces can be counted amongst the best in the world ! :tup:

The first episode of SrI Lanka special forces LRP will be aired tonight on the History channel.. Looking forward to that
Pakistan should also have such killer Kommandos, and send them to the Talibs !
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