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Special force set up to combat terrorism in Balochistan

@haviZsultan So you agree with extra judicial killings in Baluchistan but if IA do in Kashmir because of increasing domestic terrorists, its wrong ? Hypocrisy much ?

As I said before I am a journalist and I cannot make such suggestions though there is an emotional vein in me that comes from being idealistic, my job is to look at things neutrally so if I were writing about this I were to take the opinions of the "suspects" family members, army's and common peoples. Furthermore in the past I worked for peoples rights including the Pakistan Hindu council and Sufferers Witness other than Tameer and Roshan trust among many others. I cannot make such a suggestion and if I did I would limit upon myself a lot of things. Even Afghan nationals who have bashed me quite a bit... I have not suggested removing the refugees but rather giving them citizenship.

What I did say was it was effective in the scenario where courts were failing to provide justice. In our case only 4% convicts are actually convicted.

You can say I am sympathizing with the security forces point of view but not agreeing. Also there is no real proof in this regard. What I am operating on is mere sayings. There is also no proof of Chaudhry Aslam but there are some disappearances noticed in police custody which have been noticed.
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There is no terrorism in Balouchistan. Some problem have problem with governemnt there and they have every right to protest that. Main problem in extra judicial killing. Even your supreme court is saying this.
That's all you've got? And you're supposed to be a.....Think Tank??? :woot: :rofl: :rofl:

The admin needs to revise its qualitative requirements for such exalted positions! :P
Hmmm...So the Mumbai massacre was a false flag op by the RAW? I think you've been seeing and hearing too many Zaid Hamid and Hafiz Saeed videos on You Tube of late! I didn't know they could brainwash the sheeple to such an extent! :cheesy:

And oh yeah! The world is flat. Hafiz said so! :P

yeah sure as no evidence has been presented regarding involvement of anyone so that was yours own agency game...:woot:

Talking RSS fan a supporter of hindutva terrorism to me to be the fan of ZH haha...:devil:
That's all you've got? And you're supposed to be a.....Think Tank??? :woot: :rofl: :rofl:

The admin needs to revise its qualitative requirements for such exalted positions! :P

That's all you've got? And you're supposed to be a.....Think Tank??? :woot: :rofl: :rofl:

The admin needs to revise its qualitative requirements for such exalted positions! :P

Every time someone like you mentions that i am a "Think Tank" and questions why i deserve this honour if you want to call it that, i simply say i am open to relinquishing the position, so don't be butt hurt my friend. But coming back to the topic at hand, you want to know why i chose that image to respond to you?

It has been said that the intel agencies are themselves responsible for most of the targeted killings, kidnapping and extortion in Balochistan.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...mbat-terrorism-balochistan.html#ixzz2IssCiehS

Kya Bat Karto ho Bahi?
Firstly who has said this, can you provide any relevant information to back this claim? If not it is nothing more than Hyperbole.

I will come back to the targeted killing bit and the end of my rebuke to you, but first let me correct you, the Balochi are Pakistanis too and the Federal government does care about their plight, and the Pakistani people do care about our Balochi brothers, regardless what people like you may think

Furthermore Islamabad has taken concrete measures to help address the issues faces by the Balochi people:
Among the major steps that the government has taken on the economic development and political side are the Aghaz–e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan package, the larger initiative of the Eighteenth Amendment, the very specific NFC Award, the employment quota for Balochistan in the federal departments, and development share of the province in the federal PSDP.

These are wide ranging reformative measures that would bring quick results and change the whole complexion of governance in the province if the militants and insurgents allow the works to proceed.

The government has chalked out a plan to provide 20,000 jobs for the youth. So far about 10,000 youth have been provided jobs.

Five thousand Balochis were recruited in Pakistan army. In addition, the Balochis have been appointed in several federal and provincial departments including, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Civil Defense Department, PWD, Ministry of Defense and others.

This integrated socio-political cum economic approach to Balochistan’s problems would need strong political will to bring out positive results.

Let the Baloch elect a government of their choice. As one Baloch leader said, the people need a better Balochistan rather than a greater Baluchistan.

In this regard, Islamabad’s Baluchistan agenda should have the following clear objectives:

a) it will address the political grievances of the Balochis by giving them the reins of governance through fair democratic elections
b) political solution to the problem lies in recognising the Baloch identity and handing over the management of resources to the people of the province;
c) Aghaz-e-Huqooq-e-Balochistan will be carried forward in true letter and spirit;
d) Balochistan is a multi-ethnic province, thus all stake holders will be taken on board;
e) the dissident elements will also be involved in the dialogue process;
f) Gwadar should be operationalised on priority basis as per the aspirations of the people and at the same time the rights of the locals must be safeguarded;
g) raising awareness among the people outside Balochistan on what is going on in the province;
h) setting up industrial zones in Quetta and other urban centres of the province where the young people could use their potential and get employment;
j) Baloch students cannot compete with the students of other provinces and need to be given preferential treatment in admission to colleges and universities and in public sector employment. In short, a political settlement is urgently needed and vital if Balochistan is to have peace, normalcy and fair share in national development.
Source: http://ipripak.org/pa/bwat.pdf

Now i would like to come to this issue of "special forces" killing our own civilians and targeted killings:

Targeted killings and kidnappings for ransom that are a daily occurrence are easily blamed on government agencies. Members of religious minority communities are at greater risk and have been forced to migrate to other parts of the country and abroad.

The nationalist groups are also targeting settlers from other parts of Pakistan who have been living there for decades. The federal government has been trying for a political solution alongside economic development, since long neglect in the latter area has been at the centre of the problem in Balochistan.

But it is paradoxical that unrest started in Balochistan when various development projects were undertaken to develop the backward regions of the province. The sole aim of these projects was to eliminate frustration among the people by building infrastructure and creating employment opportunities.

Let's talk facts and figures:

Bellow is an excerpt from the Balochistan Section of Pakistan Security Report July 2012, Published by Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies:

Balochistan was the worst violence-affected region of the country in July where 43 terrorist attacks perpetrated by nationalist insurgent groups, particularly Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and Lashkar-e-Balochistan, and violent sectarian group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ) were reported that resulted in the death of 66 people and inflicted injuries on 56 others. Out of 43 reported terrorist attacks, five were of sectarian nature and another four were conducted by the militant groups other than nationalist insurgents; remaining attacks were carried out by nationalist insurgents. Quetta was the most affected district that faced 16 terrorist attacks including sectarian, insurgent and militant attacks, which killed 18 people and injured 41 others. Kech with 4 attacks, Dera Bugti, Mastung and Bolan with 3 attacks each were the other districts that faced militants’ attacks in the reporting month.

The nationalist insurgents increased their attacks against the non-Baloch settlers in the province. In one of such attack, militants targeted the three pick-up vans in Dasht Hasholi area in Kech district and gunned down 18 people while two others were injured in the attack. All the people were settlers, belonged to Sindh, Punjab and KP and wanted to go to Iran. Spokesman of Baloch Liberation Tiger Miran Baloch claimed responsibility for the attack.[1] In another attack 8 coalminers belonging to the Swat and Dir area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were kidnapped from Sourang Mach coalmines in Bolan district. Later they were killed and their bullet riddled bodies were found from Dagari area, near Quetta. Baloch Liberation Army claimed responsibility.[2]

Militants targeted a public meeting of the Awami National Party (ANP) in Kuchlak area. Vice President of Pashtun Students Federation (PSF) Malik Muhammad Qasim was killed and Provincial President of the ANP, Aurangzab Kasi and his wife injured along with other people.[3] In other attacks, Muhammad Ramzan was gunned down in Sariab road area. He belonged to Sindh.[4] A bullet-riddled body was found from Kank area Khuzdar.[5] Muhammad Tahir from Sargodha and Badal Khan, a soft drink vendor, were gunned down in Saryab area in District Quetta.[6]

Targeting security forces, militants attacked Pakistan Coast Guards check post in Gwadar with heavy weapons that resulted in the death of eight paramilitary personnel. BLF claimed responsibility of the attack.[7] In another attack militants attacked the levies check post in Jewa Kras area in Kalat district and killed one levy personnel and injured another.[8] A Police sub inspector Muhammad Rafeeq was shot dead in Bolan Colony area, in Khuzdar district.[9]A policeman Ghulam Mustafa was gunned down in Faisal Colony area, Chaghi district.[10] A police van in Quetta was targeted when police was on patrolling during Taraveeh prayers; two police constables Muhammad Sadiq and Muhammad Asif were killed.[11] A Frontier Corps (FC) food supply vehicle hit a landmine in Mat Mandrani area, in Dera Bugti that left one FC personal dead and another injured.[12]
Furthermore here is a representation of terrorist attacks recorded throughout Pakistan in October 2012:

National Breakdown of Casualties in attacks:

*Kindly note how the civilian casualties recorded outnumber the militant casualties. This is because all attacks perpetrated in these regions have a direct impact on the "Civilian Population"

On the issue of the missing persons cases and targeted killing:

According to The Express Tribune newspaper, Pakistan dated June 9, 2012, Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal, the Head of the Commission, addressing a news conference at Quetta stated that the foreign intelligence agencies wanted to deteriorate the situation of Balochistan in order to destabilize Pakistan. He added that out of 460 missing persons from all over Pakistan, 42 bodies of missing persons were found from Balochistan, and claimed that foreign intelligence agencies were involved in the crime.

Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal further said that the list of missing persons also contained the names of those living abroad and also those who have been involved in terrorism-related cases. He further claimed that some of the missing persons were in Afghanistan and they could not be recovered because they were in US controlled territory.

I find it amusing that you choose to play the innocent in this exchange, India has been openly meddling in Pakistani affairs for a long time now, here is just but a sampling:

The Institute of Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) and Observer Research Foundation (ORF), both Indian Policy Research centres invited well known anti Pakistani Balochi leaders and speakers such as Dr. Wahid Baloch, General Secretary of the American Friends of Balochistan (AFOB) to come and slander Pakistan in public and in the press:
Link: IntelliBriefs: 'Pakistan is the problem in Balochistan'

Some visual aids for your consumption:



I suppose the Pakistani "special forces" killed all these people too?
@RescueRanger, Sir g I think this is enough to make these people shut, thaand rakho, they live on the other side of border and talk to us like they know Pakistan. There is a saying " You only see what you want to see", and I think it suits them best.

@OP, Creating an SF is as crucial as Controlling and Leading it. You can train them to shoot, you can train them in tactics but unless you don't have the support from leadership, all that training is in vain. And by leadership I mean their Team leader, their commanding officer, their operational head.

as @haviZsultan brother said just look at CID Karachi, the Chief himself (Ch.Aslam Baig) doesn't look less then a gangster, he gives that motivation that courage to his men, he himself is on the street. Balochistan already has ATS, and they are well trained and equipped, I have seen them in Islamabad on Security detail with balochistan MPAs , MNAs. CSP members posted their just sit in their offices and just pass their time, They are not bothered what goes on in their.
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No amount of special forces and measures can tackle terrorism until the root of the problem is rectified.
Fedual lords occupying vast swathes of land and keeping masses deprived of developments, education and rights is the prime reason of terrorism and rising crimes. Large number of uneducated and unemployed youth are cannon fodder for criminal mafia's and terrorist groups..Pakistan will slip into a class-war if fedualism is not curtailed!
Brovo, sir, Rescue Ranger, I'm loved reading your answer and was pleased by the detailed amount of evidence that you've presented. Hat's off to you!

Sadly, I don't think that the Special Forces would be able to abate the tide of unrest in Balochistan. We need to target it politically and sociologically and enable Balochis to tackle the problem; though I believe it should be done all over Pakistan. A strong centre and its directed moves do not work well in the long run.
Credits : Rescue Ranger saab..:D[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the pic. I'd imagine this isn't you as I can't imagine you being as good looking. So.....by posting a picture...you've answered or participated in a very serious discussion? Like I said, Terrorists are Terrorists. If others do it and get condemned......it is ABOUT time you, the Indian community condemn the terrorism your Hindu brethren are doing too. I've YET to see ONE person denouncing terrorism done by Hindus. But if this was something about Pakistan or Sri Lanka or anyone else........all of you be putting posts left and right. Your OWN government is now looking into the terrorism training camps inside India and are trying to dismantle those.
Again, I am looking forward to seeing ATLEAST some Indian members try to denounce terrorism done by Hindus that has been killing hundreds of people every year. If you expect the Americans to side with you and if you expect to put Pakistan on the spot for anything that they have done (which doesn't even result in a fraction of killings that your own Hindu terrorist do).....you need to denounce it. Otherwise, you lose the right to ****** about others doing that to you as you are ALSO sponsoring and harboring terrorism!
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