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Spain may seek UN intervention over Gibraltar dispute

Nope, there will be no more folk islands-like drama whatsoever. Both share critical interests, they aren't stupid enough to do so.

The issue has been floating on the surface since the disposal of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, it was a historic change of heart, Franco was a big-time dog at home, a rat in the neighborhood.

Do you think that they'll fight over it?

IMO they'll use their P5 muscle in some way or the other.

But can you make out why this issue has suddenly cropped up?

Next year Scotland is voting a referendum for independence from UK.

That leaves England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The country itself is in jeopardy.

On top of that EU issue is a serious problem.

Bahi, forget about Scotland, this is the fourth time the Scottish try to jail break from the UK, and it will fail miserably. Scotland is a rich state that the UK will never disabandoned.

When the Brits arrived to India in the 17th century, they never thought that they're going to leave for good, until it happened, but Scotland is a different issue, it is in their backyard :undecided:
This thread just didn't had its salt and pepper without our resident nutter/"anglo-saxon" hater.He solved all our discussions.All bow to his supreme intelligence-"the status quo will be maintaned because anglo-saxons are masters of Europe"
This thread just didn't had its salt and pepper without our resident nutter/"anglo-saxon" hater.He solved all our discussions.All bow to his supreme intelligence-"the status quo will be maintaned because anglo-saxons are masters of Europe"

:pop: you know nothing boss :rofl: ..
The Anglo-Saxons - masters of Europe. It is ridiculous when you read such news. In any case, even if the plebiscite will be held - the result is known in advance - the status quo will be maintained.

Vy tak dumayete? :)

Shotlandskiy narod sozdast khaos .
Vy tak dumayete? :)

Shotlandskiy narod sozdast khaos .

They are not allowed to do that. The Anglo-Saxons - anybody but stupid. They know how to count money better than anyone in this world.
Nope, there will be no more folk islands-like drama whatsoever. Both share critical interests, they aren't stupid enough to do so.

The issue has been floating on the surface since the disposal of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, it was a historic change of heart, Franco was a big-time dog at home, a rat in the neighborhood.

Bahi, forget about Scotland, this is the fourth time the Scottish try to jail break from the UK, and it will fail miserably. Scotland is a rich state that the UK will never disabandoned.

When the Brits arrived to India in the 17th century, they never thought that they're going to leave for good, until it happened, but Scotland is a different issue, it is in their backyard :undecided:

That is what we all expect.

But considering that the economic problems in Europe are a serious concern, Scots would be keen to use their massive natural gas reserves in recovering their economies.

They'd still be EU but they will do their best to try to separate.

I know this guy from Scotland whom I befriended on one of my travels to UK during the time when the referendum was first announced.

He was quite pessimistic about the issue but said that Scottish MPs are doing their nut to get it done through hook or crook.

Although if it happens, it will set a very, very bad precedent for a lot of overseas territories and strengthen Spain and Argentina's claims.

Not a wise move.
They are not allowed to do that. The Anglo-Saxons - anybody but stupid. They know how to count money better than anyone in this world.

YA chastichno soglasen s vami. Pomnite intsident , kogda IRA britanskoye voyennoye izmelchennykh protestuyushchikh s osoboy siloy v 1970-kh godakh?

Because it will be difficult to refuse to other provinces demanding autonomy or independence.
Although if it happens, it will set a very, very bad precedent for a lot of overseas territories and strengthen Spain and Argentina's claims.

Not a wise move.

Actually no...if Scotland breaks free she'll do it after the scots vote yes in a referendum.If you hold referendums in the Falklands (they had one last year as far as i know) or Gibraltar 99% of the population wants to remain with the UK.


Anyway,Am I the only one who sees the irony in all of this? A former european colonial power cries about the fact that another former european colonial power still maintains a small colny on its land while she,at the same time still has 2 colonies which she refuses to give up on morrocan soil.This is why it's just a show to be watched for me,2 hypocrites slugging it out..:pop:
YA chastichno soglasen s vami. Pomnite intsident , kogda IRA britanskoye voyennoye izmelchennykh protestuyushchikh s osoboy siloy v 1970-kh godakh?

Because it will be difficult to refuse to other provinces demanding autonomy or independence.

Scotland has no more chances to become independent than any U.S. state. It's just a show, which will once again demonstrate to the people of Britain that they live in "democracy." They say - "even independence can be get by anyone".
The political circus, as it does all of the Western model of the state.
Actually no...if Scotland breaks free she'll do it after the scots vote yes in a referendum.If you hold referendums in the Falklands (they had one last year as far as i know) or Gibraltar 99% of the population wants to remain with the UK.

Falkland Islands sovereignty referendum, 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gibraltar sovereignty referendum, 2002 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both are sticking to the Braits, these two countries are more comfortable with the United Kingdom over its adversaries. The UK gives them carrots annually, that's why they are remaining loyal to Her majesty.

Anyway,Am I the only one who sees the irony in all of this? A former european colonial power cries about the fact that another former european colonial power still maintains a small colny on its land while she,at the same time still has 2 colonies which she refuses to give up on morrocan soil.This is why it's just a show to be watched for me,2 hypocrites slugging it out..:pop:

We live in 2013, these so-called colonies have the free will to befriend any nation they feel they could trust. :lol:

Scotland has no more chances to become independent than any U.S. state. It's just a show, which will once again demonstrate to the people of Britain that they live in "democracy." They say - "even independence can be get by anyone".
The political circus, as it does all of the Western model of the state.

It will never happen, the English will do whatever it takes to appease the Scottish, even if it meant the English people will be grassed.

Scotland is too valuable to waste.
Economic setbacks happen every now and then. The UK is in a better position than many EU member-state of the EU.

Scotland natural resources are tremendous, ranging from gas to gold, it is the only way the UK can guarantee the survivability of its economic maturity, otherwise will we see another the British " Great Depression " or even worse.

The Brits may compromise with the Scot politicians in one way or the other, but forget about gaining full dependance, it took decades from the Irish to achieve their ultimate goal, they did everything they could from terrorizing civilians till assassinating heads of the Gov't, now the scenario is diametrically different.

From my own experience, I have met many Scots, and I was told that they are quite joyful about " belonging to the Buckingham Palace :D "

For Spain, Practically, There is nothing Spain can do about such claims even if it were backed by the US unless a miracle finds its way in or maybe when Spain agrees to buy the F-35s but still that may give them too small chance, I think it is impossible anyway.

That is what we all expect.

But considering that the economic problems in Europe are a serious concern, Scots would be keen to use their massive natural gas reserves in recovering their economies.

They'd still be EU but they will do their best to try to separate.

I know this guy from Scotland whom I befriended on one of my travels to UK during the time when the referendum was first announced.

He was quite pessimistic about the issue but said that Scottish MPs are doing their nut to get it done through hook or crook.

Although if it happens, it will set a very, very bad precedent for a lot of overseas territories and strengthen Spain and Argentina's claims.

Not a wise move.
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