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Space exploration and Pakistan:The significance of space technology


Sep 29, 2011
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At a stage in history, when Pakistan is struggling to keep its mainland intact and easily traversable for its general population, talk of space exploration might seem a bit farfetched.
The law and order problem created by terrorist insurgencies has severely damaged tourist activity in remote areas of the country. One might argue that prudence demands to first look into these‘immediate’ problems at home and aspire for higher aims like space exploration later.
However, in this era of hyper globalisation with increasing technological capture of almost all aspects of life, one cannot simply afford to look the other way when the world is slowly preparing to break the shacklesof gravity and move out of this planet.
I often wonder if people threw out the same criticisms at thoseexplorers who dared to sail on wooden ships to discover ‘the new world’.
Will there be a Pakistani space age?
The Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) is Pakistan’s national space agency.
Pakistan’s only Nobel laureate, Dr Abdus Salam, conceived the idea of the country’s first space research program and the national space agency was set up in 1961. It was granted the status of a Commission in 1981.
Its main task is to conduct research in space science, space technology, and develop its peaceful application for the country. It aims to promote space applications for the socio-economic uplift of the country.
On 16 July 1990, Pakistan launched its first experimental satellite BADR-1. It was Pakistan’s first indigenously developed satellite and was launched from the Xichang Launch Centre, China. The satellite successfully completed its designed life.
SUPARCO launched the second experimental satellite BADR-B on December 10, 2001. It was an Earth Observation Satellite and was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. The satellite was designed by Space Innovations Limited from the UK.
Originally manufactured by Boeing and launched on February 1, 1996, Paksat 1 was Pakistan’s first geostationary satellite. Paksat-1R replaced Paksat-1on August 11, 2011.
This satellite has a designated life of 15 years, with initial targets to provide broadband internet, digital television, remote and rural telephony, emergency communications, tele-education and tele-medicine services across South and Central Asia, Eastern Europe, East Africa and the Far East.
SUPARCO, in collaboration with JPMC, has established a satellite communication-based telemedicine network as a pilotproject.
Two sites have been connected through Paksat-1R satellite transponder, one at Jinnah PostGraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), with Karachi as the hub and another at Shikarpur civil hospital (interior Sindh) as a remote site. Specialists at JPMC can do live video conferencing with patients in Shikarpur, thusproviding specialist health care services in rural areas.
Space science is not just about satellites and rockets; it pledgesto satisfy human curiosity by answering questions about the deep mysteries of the Universe.It also helps in shaping modern lifestyle by producing helpful applications for all walks of life.
While policy makers in Pakistanfocus on the development of natural sciences and engineering education in the country, they should not ignorespace sciences, which can provequite beneficial in a country’s socio-economic uplift.
Space exploration and Pakistan: The significance of space technology | DAWN.COM
Its a bit long article but i felt first half part of the article hasn't much to do with pakistan so i only posted latter half part
The significance of Space exploration is being realized and necessary step are being taken to strengthen this sector. The main hurdle for Pakistan is the funds limitation.
SUPARCO, NESCOM and NCA are doing what can be done within the limited resources.

The pace of work is slow but it have surely began and hopefully will yield good results.
There is no question about the abilities of scientists and engineers tasked to Pakistan Space Program and if the finance situation improves, we will see rapid development.

The positive is that even in these limited resources we have achieved all this:



and a possible
Suparco is a very experience organization and is doing its best given its limited resources in funds and scientists.
SUPARCO is a dead organization just like WAPDA and Pakistan Railway.
Go into the history of this facility just a white elephant, no significant progress they have shown since Badr 1.
Ah and PakSat was the only solution they came up after so many decades, to buy another satellite or loss the only slot left in space for future's space activities of this country.
Just crap
pakistan should revive its space tech. it would negate watever little edge the indians have over pakistanis.
jagirdaari hatao....qaum ko aagey badhao.
Biggest importance of space exploration is that in our Solar system we have Million astroids rich with mineral and natural resources

Certain planets and Moons are rich with

a) Hydrocarbons (There is a moon that has seas/rivers of hydrocarbon instead of water seas)
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Unknown minerals
f) Frozen ice (Could be used to supply planet re-population), frozen seas on certain moons

These rich resources , the resources are so abundant that these could push the RACE or civilization to next phase of evolution which is growth and control of planets and moons, leaving behind the races who could not evolve to master space technology

One other advantage is that in case of a Astroid impact the civilians located in out post would be capable to coming back to earth and restarting civilization as presently that is the only thing we can do

Back in 1800 few families invested into oil fields discovered in US and then they took over major resources world wide these families now control most of the large corporations in USA.

Similarly similar group of investors are investing in taking over natural resources in space

Space is the next frontier

From an evolutionary stand point that is also the next step for humans

Have cities in Mars (Comparable gravity)
Have cities on certain moons orbiting larger planets

Setup mining operations for astroids

The Hedron collider research is not only identifying certain magical particles but it is also yeilding tons and tones of "ENERGY" such abundent energy could replace the current form of energy creation to fuel such large scale missions world wide
SUPARCO is a dead organization just like WAPDA and Pakistan Railway.
Go into the history of this facility just a white elephant, no significant progress they have shown since Badr 1.
Ah and PakSat was the only solution they came up after so many decades, to buy another satellite or loss the only slot left in space for future's space activities of this country.
Just crap

Pakistan just doesn't have space ambitions like India.
I think we have far more than just a little Edge
ahh, that I am sure of. But lets focus on encouraging our neighbours. we cant do that effectively by saying they are way too late, isnt it ??? :azn:
pakistan should revive its space tech. it would negate watever little edge the indians have over pakistanis.
'Little edge'?? It's a huge edge! :azn: But I wish Pakistan develops a rocket soon to carry all those TTP honchos on a one way ticket to the Moon! :cheesy:
SUPARCO is a dead organization just like WAPDA and Pakistan Railway.
Go into the history of this facility just a white elephant, no significant progress they have shown since Badr 1.
Ah and PakSat was the only solution they came up after so many decades, to buy another satellite or loss the only slot left in space for future's space activities of this country.
Just crap

SUPARCO has some truly brilliant people, and the people who have worked for SUPARCO were of incredible league and caliber. SUPARCO should be better funded in the future after the economy begins to boom.
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