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Space exploration and Pakistan:The significance of space technology

Pakistan just doesn't have space ambitions like India.

Sometimes when their are no ambitions their is no point of having a country , to be human means you must have ambition

We see kids having ambition to learn
We see parents having little money but raising kids
We see business in Pakistan running with no electricity
We have army air force - navy with ambition going against big ratios
You see armature , sector astronomy clubs etc

There is ambition , just along the last 20-30 years we have been taken over by illiterate people
they have, but not capability, India space budget is as small as PAK when they build their own first Sat and launched it.

You dont get the capability until you have proper funds for it. Pak doesn't plan to spend much otherwise we would have seen something fruitful on this front. When there is extra cash we might see something.
I think Pakistan's basic SLV is just screw driver away
Since they have a good missile program

What they lack is funding
I think Pakistan's basic SLV is just screw driver away
Since they have a good missile program

What they lack is funding

yes you are right and 2005 earthquake cripelled what was left of paks economy hopefully we will be back on track
Don't blame an earthquake for decades of corruption by our beloved politicians.

yes you are right and 2005 earthquake cripelled what was left of paks economy hopefully we will be back on track
yes you are right and 2005 earthquake cripelled what was left of paks economy hopefully we will be back on track

I think for the next 5-10 years you should focus on your economy & security situation the. You can invest in space as much as you need
Also when china is there why fear
Don't blame an earthquake for decades of corruption by our beloved politicians.

brother i am not blaming earth quake i am saying when we were trying to get on track the Earth quake cripled what was LEFT of our economy

read it care fully

I think for the next 5-10 years you should focus on your economy & security situation the. You can invest in space as much as you need
Also when china is there why fear

yeah my point exactly first we should secure our home then we cane go for any thing
they have, but not capability, India space budget is as small as PAK when they build their own first Sat and launched it.

Sorry?? Din't understood what you said??

Is 1 Dollar in 1975 worth the same value as 1 Dollar in 2013??

On Topic: I must say that I was shocked to know that SUPARCO was established in 1961 while ISRO in 1969, that means, Pakistan had complete 8 years head start in space department than India, add to that the fact that they had a space superpower US on there side always, Pakistan understood the value of utilizing space for overall development earlier than India, but sadly they couldn't capitalize on it with sustained budget & continuous backing by the GOI.

Just an Assumption - In the race to build nukes, Pakistan lost on the space front to India. India being much larger economy could capitalize on both, but Pakistan had to make the choice.
Nasa has advanced so much in Space tech that it is impossible for any other country to get on par with the US.Rather than putting an Indian or Pakistani on the moon all the countries with space program should get together to try to do stuff that has not been done yet.The countries that do not have any space program can invest in the international space agency to help further exploration of Space instead of doing stuff that already has been done.The ISS is a great example what international cooperation can do!
Let Pakistan to first focus on electricity generation to fulfill basic energy needs , people here dont even have basic needs available and we are dreaming for things that need sophistication and capital.... better to come back to planet earth and start comparing Pakistan with the countries of her own league that is zambia, zimbabwe , vietnam, sudan did i forgot any country
Let Pakistan to first focus on electricity generation to fulfill basic energy needs , people here dont even have basic needs available and we are dreaming for things that need sophistication and capital.... better to come back to planet earth and start comparing Pakistan with the countries of her own league that is zambia, zimbabwe , vietnam, sudan did i forgot any country

Tajikstan and Sri Lanka.
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