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South China Sea: US must ‘disrupt and destroy’ China to stop invasion - ex-Taiwan admiral


Aug 26, 2010
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South China Sea: US must ‘disrupt and destroy’ China to stop invasion - ex-Taiwan admiral
THE US and Taiwan must work together to "disrupt and destroy" China's military assets over fears of an invasion, a former Taipei official has urged.
PUBLISHED: 02:27, Sat, Jul 10, 2021 | UPDATED: 07:32, Sat, Jul 10, 2021

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Lee Hsi-min, chief of the general staff of Taiwan’s armed forces from 2017 to 2019, and Eric Lee, research associate at the Project 2049 Institute, wrote an article calling for the US to help stop an invasion of Taipei from China. President Joe Biden’s administration has been vocal in supporting Taiwan’s independence from China and in supporting other nations in the South China Sea, angering Beijing.

Mr Lee wrote for NBC’s Think column the US should “prioritise capability-building among allies” to “target critical People’s Liberation Army vulnerabilities” should China invade Taiwan.
He said: “Together, they must develop the means to disrupt, deny, degrade, destroy or deceive the Chinese military’s assets, thus preventing it from achieving military success against Taiwan.
“Doing so would greatly enhance credible deterrence — and that could prevent war.”

The former head of Taiwan’s armed forces also recommended the US “position stocks of munitions, spare parts and other key defence equipment” so Taiwan can be more prepared for a war.

READ MORE: South China Sea: Britain flexes military muscles in threat to Beijing
A Taiwanese soldier on a tank at the Hukou military base during the military exercise ahead of next month�s Lunar New Year 19-Jan-2021

China news: A former Taiwanese official urged the US to ‘disrupt’ Beijing’s military (Image: PA)
A Taiwanese soldier stands on guard at the Hukou military base during the military exercise ahead of next month�s Lunar New Year 19-Jan-2021

In a stark warning, the former head of Taiwan’s armed forces added “the threat of Chinese military aggression is no longer hypothetical”.
He continued: “Should the Communist Party’s aggression continue to escalate, an all-out attack on Taiwan could become likely, with economic and military consequences that would shake the world.
“The question is not whether the United States should defend Taiwan during war but how to prevent war in the first place.
“Now is the time to strengthen US-Taiwan security cooperation to ensure peace in the Taiwan Strait.”

Taiwanese soldiers at the Hukou military base during the military exercise ahead of next month�s Lunar New Year 19-Jan-2021

China news: The former official and Eric Lee urged the US to ‘position stocks of munitions, spare parts and other key defence equipment’ near Taiwan among other actions (Image: PA)
Express.co.uk graphic on US military power

China news: The US has vocally supported Taiwanese independence (Image: EXPRESS)
US officials have issued stark warnings to China in recent months.
Kurt Campbell, coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the US national security council, said any attempts to invade Taiwan - which Beijing claims as its own territory - would be “catastrophic”.
Mr Campbell told the Asia Society online forum: “One of the reasons why the United States is so clear about our dissatisfaction by what China has undertaken in Hong Kong is a clear sense that, quietly behind the scenes, Chinese interlocutors have studied and tried to make an assessment [that asks] if we can do this, ‘what’s the international response and what does that tell us about what the response would be with respect to Taiwan’.
“I just want to underscore that such an effort would be catastrophic.”
In 2020, the US sold $5.861 billion worth of weapons systems to Taiwan, sparking outrage from China.
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Express.co.uk graphic on China military power

China news: Beijing has voiced outrage over Western support for Taiwan, and has carried out multiple drills staging invasions of the island (Image: EXPRESS)
On Tuesday, Zhao Lijan, a spokesperson from China's foreign ministry, suggested a potential invasion of Taiwan.
He warned “no one should underestimate the Chinese people’s staunch resolve, firm will, and formidable ability to defend national sovereignty.”
On June 15, some 28 Chinese military aircraft flew into Taiwan's air defence zone, the largest reported incursion this year.
China has also threatened Japan after its Deputy prime minister Taro Aso said an invasion of Taiwan is a “major problem”, adding: “We need to think hard that Okinawa could be the next.”
Mr Zhao said the remarks “harmed the political foundation of China-Japan relations”, and that China “resolutely opposed” them.

China will fight to the last man to defend Taiwan from the separatists, be it a small war, all out war, one month war or a 100 year war. We are not going anywhere, neither will the island. No amount of sabre rattling can change that:azn:
China will fight to the last man to defend Taiwan from the separatists, be it a small war, all out war, one month war or a 100 year war. We are not going anywhere, neither will the island. No amount of sabre rattling can change that:azn:

Really ? Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of Taiwan and has been an independent country for 75 years
Really ? Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of Taiwan and has been an independent country for 75 years
Look it up, this is year 2021. The time when the western bullies decide black is white is long gone. If Taiwan has been "independent" for that long how come your country doesn't have diplomatic ties with them? Where is their seat in the UN?
By what official ? PDF Think Tank officials?

yes you lost Taiwan now live with it

you cannot keep complaining after 75 years of getting beat

Taiwan is and will remain a independent country

any aggression against Taiwan will not be tolerated
yes you lost Taiwan now live with it

you cannot keep complaining after 75 years of getting beat

Taiwan is and will remain a independent country

any aggression against Taiwan will not be tolerated
Taiwan's official name is republic of China, there is no republic of Taiwan in this world, even PDF Think Tank analyst can not make one, bad ratings don't make new countries.
well, looks like the Taiwanese *leaderships* and their social media activist fan-buddies,
and quite possibly the majority of the Taiwanese population along with that[1] are saying a firm 'no' to the whole re-unification by peaceful deals matter.

much like the people on this forum already predicted would happen.

i'm sorry to hear this.

i hope the Taiwanese will not force the west into a major war against China!

[1] (given how national mass media forces certain viewpoints by repetition into people's minds (not that i'm against that, btw))
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Taiwan's official name is republic of China, there is no republic of Taiwan in this world, even PDF Think Tank analyst can not make one, bad ratings don't make new countries.
For all of your consideration this week / month / year :

in my humble opinion, ever since the truce situation between mainland China and the Taiwanese on the island of Taiwan came into effect,

and especially after the Taiwanese and Chinese evolved into vastly different forms of government and indoctrination-by-mass-media,

the Taiwanese *have* had "a country of their own".

they are ruled by a different form of government, they have vastly different social structure and policing structure,

and in effect, the Taiwanese are the *country* of Taiwan.
at least, in my own humble opinion, and that of *plenty* of other freedom-loving people around the world, they are!

my advice to the Chinese government and leaderships (of various types and ranks) at this moment, is :
You've had your recent aniversary parades (pretty, btw), now it's time to PROVE that you can be reasonable and patient as well!
For all of your consideration this week / month / year :

in my humble opinion, ever since the truce situation between mainland China and the Taiwanese on the island of Taiwan came into effect,

and especially after the Taiwanese and Chinese evolved into vastly different forms of government and indoctrination-by-mass-media,

the Taiwanese *have* had "a country of their own".

they are ruled by a different form of government, they have vastly different social structure and policing structure,

and in effect, the Taiwanese are the *country* of Taiwan.
at least, in my own humble opinion, and that of *plenty* of other freedom-loving people around the world, they are!
come back and tell me when your government recognizes Taiwan as a country.
FYI : i'm NOT posting these messages into that email mailinglist of mine (see the description in my forum signature on this site)..
(A) i don't fully trust politicians.
(B) i don't want to start any conflicts between nations or peoples!
Why do you think I was provoking you? you claimed that Taiwan is a country and I only ask you to come back and tell me when your government recognizes Taiwan as a country.
ok, so you weren't. that's nice to hear.

and yes, i'll be back here if and when if ever the EU or US or Japan or Indonesia or The Phillipines even, officially recognize Taiwan as a country.

i do know that that's a red-line not-to-be-crossed for the Chinese nationalism fans, most of the Chinese leaderships, etc.

what i'll say then will depend on the situation in the world/region at that time.
FYI : i'm NOT posting these messages into that email mailinglist of mine (see the description in my forum signature on this site)..
(A) i don't fully trust politicians.
(B) i don't want to start any conflicts between nations or peoples!
Neither you nor me are in a postion to judge what is a country and what is not, it's the job of international community and UN.
and yes, i'll be back here if and when if ever the EU or US or Japan or Indonesia or The Phillipines even, officially recognize Taiwan as a country.
See you then, don't let me wait too long.
Neither you nor me are in a postion to judge what is a country and what is not, it's the job of international community and UN.

You may be right on that point.

See you then, don't let me wait too long.

will do :) thanks.
people, i'm going to stop replying to this thread now, because :
(as it says on that fb homepage of mine right now) :

and eh, for the record :
my signature on that forum (visible beneath every post i've ever made on defence.pk) currently says, and will continue to say :
i no longer reply to finger-pointing replies. it's proven pointless.
in effect, that *also* means :
i no longer reply to nationalists and social media "keyboard warriors", at all, when they try to start "verbal fights" on forums with me,
because i had the audacity to post a strong and perhaps wise opinion of mine there.
plus, it means that i won't have to waste my time or emotional strength anymore.
i much prefer to spend my time building web-code for my websites (platform).
and i mean that..
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