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South China Sea region property of the world: India

Well, that's worst, then, buddy. As a visitor to our country, you're using your time to post anti-American rhetoric. If you dislike the US so much, why do business here? Do it somewhere else then. For some of us who served or serve in the Armed Forces to fight for the rights of our citizens, and read some disparaging remarks by the likes of you, it tends to irritate some of us.

You are an example of a rude guest living in my country.
We shot down every ballistic missiles fired at us during Operation Iraqi Freedom, at a rate of 100% accuracy. We are capable of shooting down inferior designed Chinese-made ICBMs.

Who said I'm a racist? Please don't assume. For a person who thinks so low of the United States and the multicultural dynamic of my country, you seem to love working and staying inside our country. The audacity of people who come and stay in our country and have the time to put down their host country in these forums.

Please, don't assume anything, and stick to the topic.

No you can't. That is because the US missile defense is a hoax and failed to shoot down a single Iraqi missile, SCUDS from the 1960's, in the Gulf War. The success rate of Chinese rocket launches is higher than the US one since 1969. US space technology would break apart like Challenger and Atlantis did.
How ignorant you can be. People visit a place for one reason or other. If you want people to love your country, tell you government to change her foreign policies, otherwise you're getting more and more people to hate your government.
Again you assume I'm doing business in the US. Where did I say that? You ned new glasses.

This was my post that was accused being anti America:

There is no need to bow down to the Americans in SCS and China is not doing it. Despite all the rhetoric her public opinions just won't allow her for another belligerent adventure. Her economy will tank and perhaps China's too if they're going to war. So she is going to taking such risks over these underwater rock disputes that is none of her business.
Well, that's worst, then, buddy. As a visitor to our country, you're using your time to post anti-American rhetoric. If you dislike the US so much, why do business here? Do it somewhere else then. For some of us who served or serve in the Armed Forces to fight for the rights of our citizens, and read some disparaging remarks by the likes of you, it tends to irritate some of us.

You are an example of a rude guest living in my country.

No one is posting anything anti-American here. We're posting facts about the US. Just because someone says the fact that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, doesn't mean they're an anti-Semitic. Just because someone educated you on the fact that US missile defense is a hoax, you are angry and thinking they're anti-American.
No one is posting anything anti-American here. We're posting facts about the US. Just because someone says the fact that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, doesn't mean they're an anti-Semitic. Just because someone educated you on the fact that US missile defense is a hoax, you are angry and thinking they're anti-American.

What a double standard! The said gentle can post everything negative about China and Chinese people with all kind of insinuations and yet forbids other to say anything negative about his government. Phony at its best!
No you can't. That is because the US missile defense is a hoax and failed to shoot down a single Iraqi missile, SCUDS from the 1960's, in the Gulf War. The success rate of Chinese rocket launches is higher than the US one since 1969. US space technology would break apart like Challenger and Atlantis did.

Oh? And just because you say it, hence, it is true? Where is your reference to support such asinine claim?

No one is posting anything anti-American here. We're posting facts about the US. Just because someone says the fact that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, doesn't mean they're an anti-Semitic. Just because someone educated you on the fact that US missile defense is a hoax, you are angry and thinking they're anti-American.

I'm not angry , am actually laughing at the spurious load of BS you post here. US ABM Shield is guaranteed by the AEGIS systems on our cruisers and destroyers, as well as on the THAAD systems that are operational.

All ballistic missiles shot at the United States by the Iraqi Armed Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 were shot down by our AEGIS systems. 100% accuracy. ;)

What a double standard! The said gentle can post everything negative about China and Chinese people with all kind of insinuations and yet forbids other to say anything negative about his government. Phony at its best!

You don't make any sense, and your posts have 0% qualitative and quantitative information. Mere intelligible ramblings.

Please, don't respond to me unless you provide reliable sources and references.

No one is posting anything anti-American here. We're posting facts about the US. Just because someone says the fact that 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, doesn't mean they're an anti-Semitic.

In the chronology of my involvement in this thread, not once did I even make regard to your posts about the Holocaust; that is besides the point and outside the topic. :)
Oh? And just because you say it, hence, it is true? Where is your reference to support such asinine claim?

I'm not angry , am actually laughing at the spurious load of BS you post here. US ABM Shield is guaranteed by the AEGIS systems on our cruisers and destroyers, as well as on the THAAD systems that are operational.

All ballistic missiles shot at the United States by the Iraqi Armed Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 were shot down by our AEGIS systems. 100% accuracy. ;)

You don't make any sense, and your posts have 0% qualitative and quantitative information. Mere intelligible ramblings. Its similar to a schizophrenic patient's psychotic tirade. ;)

You seem to have a little trouble reading. First check my original post that you accused me for being anti America.

You accused me I shouldn't be anti America because I live and work in America. This itself open for debate but we're not going into that. I told you I'm a visitor in America and I'm entitle to my own opinion.That's all. What kind of source you need for a regular conversation>

You also have to realize I love American people otherwise I wouldn't visit quiet often. As long as you don't accuse me I would even bother with your kind.
There is no need in trying to argue with an immigrant who believes he knows everything about his so called China, while at the same time is living in the USA.


I'm so flattered...with such bad english writting that I'm can be identified to be Chinese that is living in the U.S...what else I can say more:blink:...I'm wondering myself if American schools product alot of students like me with such english writting :lol:
Oh? And just because you say it, hence, it is true? Where is your reference to support such asinine claim?

I'm not angry , am actually laughing at the spurious load of BS you post here. US ABM Shield is guaranteed by the AEGIS systems on our cruisers and destroyers, as well as on the THAAD systems that are operational.

All ballistic missiles shot at the United States by the Iraqi Armed Forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 were shot down by our AEGIS systems. 100% accuracy. ;)

You don't make any sense, and your posts have 0% qualitative and quantitative information. Mere intelligible ramblings.

Please, don't respond to me unless you provide reliable sources and references.

In the chronology of my involvement in this thread, not once did I even make regard to your posts about the Holocaust; that is besides the point and outside the topic. :)

No it isn't. I've provided evidence. You have chosen to ignore it.
No it isn't. I've provided evidence. You have chosen to ignore it.

I reiterate, the Holocaust is not pertinent to this thread nor should it be discussed here, doing so is merely digressing from the subject matter. Both of you are already doing just that.

Back to the subject matter.
We have never said that we're strong as you claimed...you just inflate our capabilities..not us..I just brought up some points to answer about USHawk785's saying that China just talk not walks.

Africa, Middle east are not US enemies, i've never said that but U.S want to counter China's influence...such case of Libya..that they want to remove the disliked Gadafi that give china oil concession...without saying Sudan

As for Asat...I just want to tell this guy..we walk not just talk as we take initiative to demonstrate to U.S that their space asset can be jeopadized in case of conflict with China...Space asset is American military heart and brain...without it...U.S will lost their effectiveness of fighting...regardless if they have defense or not against Asat...they sure know that we have this capability.

For the rest of what I said...it's pretty obvious...China has no obligation to embrace structures and organizations that Western has created such UN ..IMF and WTO...the creation of BRICS and SCO are good example of this world reorganization...that thing will evolve in the future.

as for Indians and Vietnameses...you guys must feel more secure to have an American in this Thread...to backup your claim about Krisna's statement ..with U.S carrier battle group pictures...:lol:

Comprehension problem dude? I guess i will have to explain it to you. In your reply to USAhawk you mentioned what China could do against the US. This means you are saying that China has the capability to do all that what you mentioned. That is what i have refuted. Then what makes you think that i am inflating Chinese capabilities? It is you who are exaggerating Chinese capabilities. Anybody who reads your post #400 will probably come to the same conclusion.

Further you mentioned "we walk around your enemies vinesuela (you mean Venezuela), Cuba, Sudan...Africa, Middle-east". Such a statement can lead anybody to conclude that you are calling Africa and Middle-east as US enemies along with Venezuela and Cuba. If that is not the case then you should have put it in a proper manner to indicate what you really meant.

As for A-sat, do you think that Chinese A-sat is as advanced as the US one? I guess not.
consider this eg. US, Russia, Israel all have AESA radars. But Russian and Israeli radars do not match the US ones in capability. As far as Electronic warfare and A-sat capabilities are concerned, US is the tops.

You said that satellites are the heart and brain of US military. Since this is the case it is obvious that they will be having defenses against your A-sat capabilities. In that case how will US lose its war fighting effectiveness if they can defend against your A-SAT? Further what makes you think that US will not use its A-SAT against China? In that case guess what will happen to Chinese war fighting capability? Note that satellites have a very important role in modern warfare and so if the Chinese ones are destroyed, then....you know what.

These rest of what you said is also not obvious as you claim. You are comparing UN, IMF, WTO which are global organizations with BRICS, SCO which are smaller/regional organizations. BRICS and SCO cannot be substitutes to the UN, IMF, WTO. For this to happen BRICS AND SCO would require more members than the UN which is highly unlikely. They may grow in the future but your perception of these bodies taking the place of UN, IMF, WTO is a bit too far-fetched.

As for your claim of Indians and Vietnamese feeling more secure to have an American in this thread to back up our claims, i could say the same thing about Chinese when Pakistanis support them against Indians in this thread. we are quite capable of taking on you Chinese in arguments and don't need anybody's help, although by having the Americans we would be paying you in the same coin.

In the end i would like to point out that your posts will lead a person to probably arrive at the same conclusion as i have. If you think that my conclusions are not as per the intended meaning of your posts then do convey your intended meaning by being more specific.

Also do not be in a delusion that Indians got owned by the Chinese in this thread or in this forum or that we need anybody to feel secure. That is just an illusion that you are harboring.
There is no need in trying to argue with an immigrant who believes he knows everything about his so called China, while at the same time is living in the USA.


Sorry, but i disagree with you. The reason i am arguing with him is to shatter his illusions about Indians getting owned by Chinese in this thread. some of them seem suffer from superiority complex and i just hate that. In the argument with you he brought Indians, so i felt a strong urge to reply to him.
HELLO, wake up? still sleep-talk and never have to leave your own little castle dream, right?

The people who talk most about our dream are jealous that its coming true...and castle dream?, you forgot that we already have the castle.....:azn:
Your arrogant attitude forbid you to hear what I said and automatically assume I work in the US. I was on the topic too until you phoney self butt in.

That's why I meant when I said about "Pride before the fall". Whatever his real identity, he has yet to learn the meaning of these words.

The people who talk most about our dream are jealous that its coming true...and castle dream?, you forgot that we already have the castle.....:azn:

LOL, "two came in a row", go and study the meaning of "Pride before the fall" first.
India is not the only country telling China it doesn't own the vast area it is claiming.

China is antagonizing allot of countries with these claims.
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