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South China Sea Forum

I had always reminded the Viets that this is a game between superpowers and those in the middle are just pawns. Nobody knows the behind the scenes deal China makes with US on dividing their sphere.

same comedia what china did with USA in Vietnam war in 1968-1975.:p:

Ha ha ha. What will China do with the ruling?
The answer below.

View attachment 321895

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Its china dream.:D

Philippines says omission of arbitration ruling in ASEAN statement not victory for China
By Reuters July 27, 2016 | 10:51 am GMT+7

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi speaks to media at the sidelines of the ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Vientiane, Laos July 26, 2016. Photo by Reuters/Jorge Silva
'The Arbitral award is a matter between China and the Philippines.'
The Philippines "vigorously pushed" for the inclusion of a arbitration ruling in an ASEAN statement but the grouping's decision not to mention it was not a victory for China, Manila's foreign minister said on Wednesday.

The issuance of a joint communique by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, however, was a victory for the grouping, which the Philippines had never asked for support on its arbitration case, Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay said.

"I am just saying this to dispel the reports that have been said that China came out victorious in the ASEAN meeting because we precisely agreed to not mentioning the arbitral award," Yasay told a news conference.

"The Arbitral award is a matter between China and the Philippines."


Philippine Foreign Secretary Perfecto Yasay leaves a meeting of the ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Vientiane, Laos July 26, 2016. Photo by Reuters/Jorge Silva

Kerry to meet Philippines' Duterte on cooperation, China talks

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets Philippine's President Rodrigo Duterte in Manila on Wednesday to discuss his new government's priorities as well as possible dialogue with China on resolving tensions over the South China Sea.

Kerry is the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit the Philippines since Duterte's election victory in May and follows a meeting of foreign ministers from Southeast Asian nations in Laos this week.

"We are going to hear about (Duterte's) priorities, we're going to get to know him," a U.S. official said ahead of the meeting. "We're going to discuss how we can work together and where we want to focus."

Duterte will host Kerry at the presidential palace for a working lunch, a gesture the U.S. official called "unprecedented and a signal of the importance the new president places on the relationship and the alliance" with the United States.

Kerry said on Tuesday he supported the resumption of talks between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea following an international court ruling against Beijing over the dispute earlier this month.

China has refused to accept the July 12 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, based in The Hague, in which Manila won an emphatic legal victory.

During the meeting in Vientiane, China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi asked Kerry to lend his support for bilateral talks to restart between Manila and Beijing.


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (R) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi hold a joint news conference after their meeting at the State Department in Washington, February 23, 2016. Photo by Reuters/Yuri Gripas/File Photo

"I expect the conversation to include more exploration on the question of what a constructive, positive and peaceful and lawful path forward looks like," the U.S. official said, adding that the Philippines had behaved with restraint since the court ruling.

The official said Kerry would also raise U.S. concerns over "an unhappy history" in the Philippines of extra-judicial killings and violence against journalists.

"We hope to learn more from President Duterte about his thinking in connection with protecting human rights, civil rights, and maintaining the rule of law in law enforcement," the official added.

Duterte's incendiary rhetoric and advocacy of extrajudicial killings to stamp out crime has prompted alarm among the international community, including in the United States.

Increased military cooperation between the two countries could also come up during the meeting, the official said.

The Philippines is one of the oldest U.S. allies in Asia, and hosted permanent U.S. military bases until 1992. That deal ended after Philippine lawmakers voted to evict U.S. troops in 1991.

However, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter recently announced that U.S. troops and military equipment would be sent on regular rotations in the Philippines and that the two countries had started joint patrols in the South China Sea.
China's supreme court clarifies maritime jurisdiction
Source: Xinhua | 2016-08-02 11:31:53 | Editor: huaxia

BEIJING, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- The Supreme People's Court (SPC) on Tuesday issued a regulation on judicial interpretation to clarify China's jurisdiction over its territorial seas.

The explanation provides a clear legal basis for China to protect the maritime order, marine safety and interests, and to exercise integrated management over the country's jurisdictional seas, said an SPC statement.

The regulation, which takes effect Tuesday, states that Chinese citizens or foreigners will be pursued for criminal liability if they engage in illegal hunting or fishing, or killing endangered wildlife in China's jurisdictional seas.

"Judicial power is an important component of national sovereignty," said the statement, adding, "People's courts will actively exercise jurisdiction over China's territorial waters, support administrative departments to legally perform maritime management duties, equally protect the legal rights of Chinese and foreign parties involved and safeguard Chinese territorial sovereignty and maritime interests."

The judicial explanation, based on Chinese law, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and judicial practices, further clarifies China's maritime jurisdiction, the statement said.

According to the regulation, jurisdictional seas not only include inland waters and territorial seas, but also cover regions including contiguous zones, exclusive economic zones and continental shelves.

The regulation also addresses Chinese citizens or organizations engaged in fishing in fishing zones or the open sea under co-management between China and other countries, according to signed agreements.

The interpretation specifies the standard of conviction and punishment for illegal marine fishing: those who illegally enter Chinese territorial waters and refuse to leave after being driven away, or who re-enter after being driven away or being fined in the past year, will be considered to have committed "serious" criminal acts and will be fined and sentenced to less than a year of imprisonment, detention or surveillance.

This penalty also applies to those who illegally enter China's territorial seas to fish but do not engage in "illegal fishing" under the law, it said.

"The explanation offers legal guarantees for marine fishing law enforcement," defining punishments for fishing without a license in order to encourage legal fishing, said the statement, adding that it also promotes judicial assistance and international cooperation on marine affairs.
US President’s interview on Hague’s tribunal ruling over East Sea (Bien Dong in Vietnamese)

US President Barack Obama has acknowledged that the Philippines made a lawful and peaceful effort to resolve their maritime dispute with China using The Hague tribunal.

The President made the statement during an interview with Singapore’s Strait Times newspaper on August 1. It was the first time the President had given an interview to press on the East Sea issue after the court’s July 12 decision.

He said the tribunal’s ruling delivered a clear and legally binding decision on maritime claims in the East Sea as they relate to China and the Philippines and that ruling should be respected.

According to the President, the US is committed to respecting international law and its participation in Asia does not target any particular nation.

He said the US will continue to urge China and other claimants to work to peacefully resolve disagreements in the waters.

The President said that the US believes every nation should respect international law, including the East Sea.

Respecting international law is in the interests of the US, China and the rest of the world to make sure that the rules of the road are upheld. The rules and norms are part of the foundation of regional stability, and they have allowed nations across the region, including China, to grow and prosper, he added.

same comedia what china did with USA in Vietnam war in 1968-1975.:p:

Its china dream.:D

We did invade into Vietnam and took some islands and sank some ships. But Viet hide like monkeys, nowdays, there is no more hiding in the forest. It's gonna be a fast sharp attack in the sea with air power and navy.
We did invade into Vietnam and took some islands and sank some ships. But Viet hide like monkeys, nowdays, there is no more hiding in the forest. It's gonna be a fast sharp attack in the sea with air power and navy.

China kneed before USA in cold war from 1968,... 1972....:-)

Philippines: Hague’s verdict will be “ground” for talks with China

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has affirmed that the July 12 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration based in The Hague, the Netherlands on the case between his country and China in the East Sea will be a “ground” for future talks between Manila and Beijing over territorial disputes.

Presidential spokesperson Ernesto Abella said the statement came in a meeting between President Duterte and US Secretary of State John Kerry in Manila, during which, the two sides discussed the East Sea among other issues of mutual concern.

Speaking with the press after the meeting, Kerry asserted that the US does not stand with any particular party in the East Sea dispute, however, it will have obvious viewpoints in safeguarding rights to freedom and legal use of aerial and water areas stipulated in international law.

The American diplomat said Washington hopes disputes will be solved peacefully through diplomatic ways, without coercion and threat to use force.

On the same day, President Duterte convened a National Security C ouncil session with the participation of four former presidents, including Fidel Ramos, Joseph Estrada, Gloria Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III, to discuss the government’s strategies in future talks with China to solve East Sea disputes and other security matters.

Richard Nixon's 1972 trip to China

Watch from 1:52 , who were on their knees?;)

when USA is no more paper tiger, and became friend of China, China begged this tiger to visit her house. :-)
yes, likes this.

It was the US who came to visit and initiate the first alliance, thanks to our llink in Pakistan.

Both of them were lowering their heads, but Deng was shorter. Are you serious? You use this as evidence we submit to the US? The fact remains, the US initiated the first alliance to counter USSR, after USSR collapsed, they turned their back on China. And Vietnam was the first action in this alliance, we were supporting Vietnam, until it became a crazy dog trying to destabilize SEA. It proved one thing, when we kicked Viet ***, the Russians just kept quiet. The aim of the war had always been to taunt Russia, there was never an intention to colonize Vietnam.
China launches website on South China Sea issue
2016-08-03 13:36:15 CRIENGLISH.com Web Editor: Guan Chao


The launch ceremony for southchinasea.org is held in Beijing, on July 18, 2016. [Photo: haiwainet.cn]

A website called "thesouthchinasea.org" was recently launched in Beijing.

The launch was timely coming shortly after the ruling on the "arbitration" initiated by the former government of the Philippines.

The online portal aims to support China's stance on South China Sea issues and provide factual information to the public.

It will feature updates on expert opinions and historical facts on the South China Sea issue, in addition to listing the latest feeds on tourism and development in the area.

Screenshot of the website:-

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It was the US who came to visit and initiate the first alliance, thanks to our llink in Pakistan.

Both of them were lowering their heads, but Deng was shorter. Are you serious? You use this as evidence we submit to the US? The fact remains, the US initiated the first alliance to counter USSR, after USSR collapsed, they turned their back on China. And Vietnam was the first action in this alliance, we were supporting Vietnam, until it became a crazy dog trying to destabilize SEA. It proved one thing, when we kicked Viet ***, the Russians just kept quiet. The aim of the war had always been to taunt Russia, there was never an intention to colonize Vietnam.


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