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South China Sea Forum

We just want to emphasize that we are capable of ensuring freedom, justice, and liberty for the world. A true responsible rising power.

Peaceful development never meant a lack of strong army. In fact, it always meant China had very thick stick andextremely sweet carrot simultaneously.
with claims of other people´s properties and advancing a policy of intimidation by staging military exercises? your neighbors see you more as hooligan than a peaceful rising great power.
CCG 2091 commissioned::enjoy:


The 5950-ton CCG 2501 looks rather puny vs the 12800-ton CCG 2901:hitwall:
West Reef, Spratly Islands, Vietnam, September 2, 2015.


Aprin 2015, Spratly Islands, Vietnam.
Chinese invaders get lost. occupation with force is illegal. same what Japanese did in China.:smokin:

Hoang Sa belong to Vietnam.
Vietnamese were first presented there from long time ago..

I'm too lazy to tell you crap, China will strengthen law enforcement efforts in the Paracel Islands in the next few years, until the vietnamese did not dare to enter the Paracel waters , then it will turn to the Spratly , believe it or not.
I'm too lazy to tell you crap, China will strengthen law enforcement efforts in the Paracel Islands in the next few years, until the vietnamese did not dare to enter the Paracel waters , then it will turn to the Spratly , believe it or not.

Chinese invader has a big mouth, get lost from Islands of Vietnam, dirty aggressor !
Chinese invader has a big mouth, get lost from Islands of Vietnam, dirty aggressor !
The vietnamese still living on the tree when Chinese people manage the South China Sea.
I said believe it or not. I‘ll @you when vietnamese fishermen treated by China Coast Guard in the next few years.Maybe three to five years, so you do not die too soon.
The vietnamese still living on the tree when Chinese people manage the South China Sea.
I said believe it or not. I‘ll @you when vietnamese fishermen treated by China Coast Guard in the next few years.Maybe three to five years, so you do not die too soon.

Are you Chinese pynoy ? don't troll like this. there is Jiao Zhi sea of Vietnamese from ancient time until when you are ruled by Mongolian and Manchurian. Study more your ancestor's history book printed in China, kid.
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Can we get a updated pic set of all China spratly islands

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