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South China Sea Forum

Not really. If our intention is to practice on the Vietnamese, we would not give the option to calm tension down in Vietnam and urged to settle talk peacefully. Instead what we were doing is to demonstrate to the Vietnamese that now we possess the capability to drill unilaterally without anyone assistance. The oil drilling platform had been a long announcement since mid-2000 and only recently did we start to show it. In the short-term, we expect the Vietnamese to respond aggressively but we know we can always calm down teh situation when we have to. This is what we are doing right now. For the long-term, it signals to the Vietnamese to stop bickering with us and accelerate bilateral negotiation in settling joint-development in contest water. The lost player here is actually the Phillipines.

Yes I hope so. I actually don't care about Vietnam, but Pinoys irritate me. Such a distasteful people, just looking for a beating.
Well that's what they get for trying to suck up to America, who is Russia's greatest enemy. :P

When you try to play both sides, then neither one will come and help you.

You are right on this. Vietnam is in a very different/difficult situation to others. Its kind of Unique among the claimants in SCS. In that its not a democracy like Philippines Japan, south korea, Taiwan, Malaysia etc who have claims in SCS . It has fought a bloody war with U.S, has human rights issues/political refugees living in the U.S(who still act as a reminder Washington can use them anytime to harm the country), is still a little bit tilted towards Russia(Which the U.S sees as a rival/competitor), and is communist like its northern neighbor. So Vietnam is kind of in a difficult position and doesn't knows which side to choose. it could go with the U.S but its comes with great risks and will alienate both Russia and China, plus the U.S could also change the communist regime if it deems necessary(to a U.S democratic president who will be subservient to its interests like the Philippines). It would have been easier if South Vietnam had won the war and Vietnam was a democracy. Unfortunately its not the case, so i don't see Vietnam getting any help from the U.S other than verbal statements IMO. except maybe it agrees to U.S bases and become another Philippines then it will help send a message to China. However the irony is that Vietnam also has territory claims with the Philippines , and still occupies some Filipinos islands it seized decades ago. In all this, the country i support/feel sorry for is the Philippines, since its the weakest among all the claimants and having visited the country, they are nice, hard working and welcoming people. Will have been good if china and the other Asian countries could agree to share the area resources/joint exploration with the Philippines.
Asia is a very complex region IMO.:undecided:
What is your waters? From my little knowledge, if you sign something, you have to obey it. Even 5-year-old kid knows that. Am I wrong?
You signed the UNCLOS 1982, so why you just trying to drill oil inside other country's Exclusive Economic Zone, which is totally illegal according to what you have signed?
Isn't it a scary thing especially for it's neighbors? How much more can China do when the west abandons Asia?
USA will not help Vietnam in a conflict. China know this, Vietcong leader know this. Only five vietcong in pdf don't know this.
What's the use of international law in which China signed up for if you don't obey it? Don't you hate America because of that?
What's the use of international law in which China signed up for if you don't obey it? Don't you hate America because of that?
The UN law does not apply in this case if you read it. To be frank, international laws don't mean shit because treaties have been broken thousands of time throughout history. Laws are written and made by strong countries in power to make the rest believe they are relevant.
In this case China is drilling 18 miles off their Paracel islands, which is 120 miles from. Vietnam coast. Vietnamese ultra nationalist causing shit and lying for world support, or rather USA support. US will support them with more lip service and encouragement, nothing more.
Threat to wildlife
(The Philippine Star) | Updated May 9, 2014 - 12:00am

Giant clams and corals for décor. Sharks for their fins, for soup. Pangolins, seahorses and snakes for their supposed medicinal properties. And sea turtles for their meat, also believed to bring health benefits. All these creatures have been confiscated in the past years by Philippine authorities from Chinese poachers venturing into waters way beyond their shores.

That the creatures are endangered or protected have not deterred the Chinese, even if their country acceded way back in 1981 to CITES, or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The Philippines, which ratified the treaty in the same year, has had its share of activities that threaten endangered wildlife. Unlike the Chinese, however, Filipino violators have largely kept their activities within national territory.

Chinese poachers have ventured as far as Palau, perhaps laying the groundwork for a territorial claim over the entire Pacific Ocean as they hunt for sharks and giant clams. In 2012, fishery and wildlife police in Palau, where shark fishing is banned, fired what officials described as warning shots at Chinese poachers, killing one of them and arresting the rest who burned down their own ship.

Chinese poachers have avoided Palau since then. But they continue to harvest endangered species all over the South China Sea, which they claim almost in its entirety. They have ventured even into the Sulu Sea, which may soon be covered by an expanded 18-Dash-Line territorial claim.

Sulu Sea, home to the Tubbataha Reefs World Heritage Site, opens out to the West Philippine Sea, near the spot 60 miles off the southern tip of Palawan where Philippine maritime police arrested on Tuesday morning 11 Chinese fishermen with a cargo of some 300 sea turtles. A boat with five Filipinos and about 40 turtles were intercepted along with the Chinese boat.

As in similar arrests in the past, Manila is again considering a Chinese demand for the release of the poachers. Unless the government starts dealing more firmly with the theft of its endangered wildlife, we will not see the end of this illegal activity, and it may even escalate.

EDITORIAL - Threat to wildlife | Opinion, News, The Philippine Star | philstar.com
troll or not, really speaking, considering the imbalance of power, Vietnam should accquire nuclear deterrence.
otherwise we would be constantly blackmailed.

a fleet of nuclear submarines would be very helpful.

Vietnam, like any other sovereign nation has a right to defend itself. I have no issues with that.
What's the use of international law in which China signed up for if you don't obey it? Don't you hate America because of that?
International treaties is for superpower and winner. We can dictate what is it.
What's the use of international law in which China signed up for if you don't obey it? Don't you hate America because of that?

It is not international law. It is a convention. So, has no mandate and anybody can opt out when they wish. China put many exemptions before signing the agreement.

Again. so long as all the P5 do not like it, nothing becomes international law. They have veto power to shot down anything.
What is your waters? From my little knowledge, if you sign something, you have to obey it. Even 5-year-old kid knows that. Am I wrong?
You signed the UNCLOS 1982, so why you just trying to drill oil inside other country's Exclusive Economic Zone, which is totally illegal according to what you have signed?
Check the UNCLOS word by word which we signed

After that , you tell me we obey it or not .

What's the use of international law in which China signed up for if you don't obey it? Don't you hate America because of that?
You guys are really funny , you even do not know the details of this international law which we singed up and you condemn us not obeying it .

Have you ever hear about additional provisions ?
In this case China is drilling 18 miles off their Paracel islands, which is 120 miles from. Vietnam coast. Vietnamese ultra nationalist causing shit and lying for world support, or rather USA support. US will support them with more lip service and encouragement, nothing more.

Paracels or Hoang Sa is Islands of Vietnam, China ocoupid with force 1974. Its illegal .
What 's the current situation now ?

Any update ?

Vietnam known from long time there is no oil.

US CIA did it noisy in the past, just for cheating greedy Chinese jumped in to rob Islands Hoang Sa 1974. Then they known that US will comback with new position.
low IQ chinese cant understand how to do.
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