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South China Sea Forum

China has agreed to return the US underwater drone that it seized in international waters earlier this week, the Pentagon said Saturday.

"We have registered our objection to China's unlawful seizure of a US unmanned underwater vehicle operating in international waters in the South China Sea. Through direct engagement with Chinese authorities, we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the UUV to the United States," Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said in a statement.

Details were not immediately available on when or how it may be returned.
Earlier Saturday, China's defense ministry said Chinese authorities had decided to return it, but criticized the US for having "hyped up" the issue. President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on the incident, calling China's action "unprecedented."

"Upon confirming that the device was a US underwater drone, the Chinese side decided to transfer it to the US side in an appropriate manner," Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Sr. Col. Yang Yujun said. "China and the United States have been communicating about this process. It is inappropriate -- and unhelpful for a resolution -- that the US has unilaterally hyped up the issue. We express our regret over that."

The statement added that the US "has been frequently deploying ships and aircraft to conduct close-in surveillance and military surveys in waters facing China. China firmly opposes such acts and demands the US cease such activities. China will stay alert over relevant US activities and will take necessary measures to counter them."

A message left with the State Department was not returned Saturday.

Saturday morning, Trump tweeted, "China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act."
Trump initially tweeted that it was an "unpresidented" act, leading him to delete the message and retweet it with the correct spelling.

Incident in international waters
The incident, the latest encounter in international waters in the South China Sea region, occurred earlier this week about 100 miles off the Philippine port at Subic Bay.

The USNS Bowditch had stopped in the water to pick up two underwater drones. At that point, a Chinese naval ship that had been shadowing the Bowditch put a small boat into the water. That small boat came up alongside and the Chinese crew took one of the drones.

The US got no answer from the Chinese on the radio when it said the drone was American property, a US defense official told CNN.

As they turned away, the Chinese did come up on the radio and indicated they were returning to their own operations.

US oceanographic research vessels are often followed in the water under the assumption they are spying. In this case, however, the drone was simply measuring ocean conditions, the official said.

Cook earlier in the week said said China had "unlawfully seized" the drone, calling for its immediate return.
Although it's unclear what the motivation was for the Chinese, the seizing of the drone comes on the heels of other provocative incidents that have happened since Trump received a congratulatory call from Taiwan's President, a violation of the US's agreement with China's "One China policy." China publicly voiced its disapproval of that incident and contacted the White House at the time.

The US should respond with sanctions on Chinese businesses or impose higher tariffs. They can't let anybody get away with theft of US property in international waters.

Yeah, and that will be different from the situation right now...how?

As far as technology goes, China's own branch of submarine drones research started in the 90s and by 2004, they are already operational. While I don't doubt the benefit of observing your chief competitor's newest technology, the benefit is clearly secondary.

Judging from the actual picture of the drone capture, the speed and efficiency of the move, it is clear that the move has been planned from the very start. Likely that satellites have already been tracking the US vessel for quite a while. The net they used in the capture actually fits the drone perfectly, indicating that they are well aware the specifications for the drone in question.

Basically, this is China's middle finger to Trump's loud mouth. You gonna run your mouth off and test the grounds? Well, two can play that game and pay back is a bitch.

Edit: I would like to point out a piece of implication that a lot of people ignore from the incident. There is a reason they released the picture from the actual drone-capture scene. The scene indicated a planned operation and detailed information on US equipment involved. This showed that China is capable of tracking minute US vessel movements, likely without the vessel even realizing it. I don't think I need to explain the military significance for this.
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USN Underwater Drones were TRESPASSING
and lurking underwater inside PRC 12nm zone

@F-22Raptor ,, @boomslang


95+% americese who can NOT perform some basic math -- tend to be Super DUMB DUMB and Super DIMWIT in global affairs and blind and ignorant towards their own americese government Serial GENOCIDAL activities for the last 300 years.
I hope both of you are not this type of americese above.

It is almost 100% certain that USN Underwater Drones were TRESPASSING and lurking underwater inside PRC 12nm zone.

=== :enjoy:

All those americese who hate PRC shall be GRATEFUL that too many part of PRC are still being controlled by those weak Chinese slaves who are bending over backward to appease and trying very hard to please the Hegemonic Evil usa.

If PRC is being controlled by Unbrainwashed people like me, then the usa ( Land of the Ignoramus ) that you americese love so much will be ALREADY in TOTAL CHAOS and in nationwide Civil Disturbances and Upheavals from coast to coast.
Unbrainwashed people like me will make certain that americese overall defense ( Military and Domestic ) spendings will BALLOON to exceed 60% of your total national budget.

CHINA and all pro CHINA nations will obliterate and attack americese from everywhere on Earth ( including from your homeland ).
Both ocean ( Pacific and Atlantic will NOT be able to shield you from our attacks ).
Your standard of Living will PLUMMET overnight.

U can not deny the truth that is STARING in your FACE. -- With Low Lifer scum trump in power, your usa ( Land of the Ignoramus ) will DECLINE even FASTER. -- Mark my words and remember my post -- U just watch.

:yes4: :agree: :yes4:
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Guess Trump wants to stick to the pivot board game like his predecessor. Some said Trump would be aggressive and take on China on the SCS issue unlike the lame duck Obama. I'd like to see if Trump wants to have a show down with the PLA or just like his predecessor all talk but no real action. :lol: I have said it many times you either declare us war based on Chinese militarization on our own territory or you repeat the same BS tactic playing the antagonizing part and then chicken last minute. China only has 1 option and that is WAR.
This will be routine so no point making a fuss out of it. What was the US thinking, sending their little spy machine to gather Intel within China's territorial periphery? This type of intrusive and unwelcoming behavior will not be accepted, Trumps new regime better take note.
kindly mind your language, you have lost my respect with that post.
Kindly explain what is so offensive about the word 'blah' (I see far worse being used here all the time, with little complaints, so I cannot really take your comment seriously)

We already spanked them silly in 1950. Let's see how the Yanks react to our merciful light spanking. The nuking of New York is just waiting for Chairman Xi's command.

Wrong. China reserved its rights when joining the treaty. Treaty does not affect the fact the South China Sea is Chinese waters.
It still means China agreed to resolve any conflicts via paths specified in the treaty. And it is not doing so.
UNCLOS is about sea, it's 0% applicable to island territory. China had gotten back those scs islands from Japan after WWII.
One of the basic rule of UNCLOS is that land decides sea. What's more, they are different understanding or application of UNCLOS, some insist 200 nm sea territory off land, some claim 3 nm, some claim 12 nm, and so on.
I think you should read some of the unclos text. It is very specific about territorial sea, contiguous zones, eez etc. Real islands are relevant. It still doesn't give China the right to snag US equipment in international waters.

Philippines might have grounds for objection, but not the US as regardless whose EEZ it is, it's clearly not the US's.
Too bad UNLCOS also outline the rights of States other than the coastal state in question.


Rights and duties of other States in the exclusive economic zone

1. In the exclusive economic zone, all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy, subject to the relevant provisions of this Convention, the freedoms referred to in article 87 of navigation and overflight and of the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms, such as those associated with the operation of ships, aircraft and submarine cables and pipelines, and compatible with the other provisions of this Convention.

2. Articles 88 to 115 and other pertinent rules of international law apply to the exclusive economic zone in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

3. In exercising their rights and performing their duties under this Convention in the exclusive economic zone, States shall have due regard to the rights and duties of the coastal State and shall comply with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance with the provisions of this Convention and other rules of international law in so far as they are not incompatible with this Part.

Getting you equipment stolen is not part of rights and duties of other states in the EEZ, irrespective of whose it is.

Did Pinoy ever complained? Surprisely, its American claiming acting on behalf of Pinoy to conduct the BS freedom of navigation. So how does 40miles of Philippine coast on behalf of Philippine by US justify? US deserve a slap on face for so much stirring..

It certainly is NOT Chines EEZ. And even if it were, there is not right to take equipment like this.

Who are you to determine which territory belong to whom?
I don't. UNCLOS does. And where there is disagreement, UNCLOS specifies the path to be taken towards resolving disagreement. Stealing equipment isn't one of those paths.

On 12 July 2016, an arbitral tribunal in the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled that China has no legal basis to claim "historic rights" within its nine-dash line in a case brought by the Philippines. The tribunal judged that there was no evidence that China had historically exercised exclusive control over the waters or resources within the Nine-Dash Line. The ruling was rejected by the Chinese government

China has not (as of 2016) filed a formal and specifically defined claim to the area within the dashes.
Lots of salty responses from the usual U.S. armchair cheerleader squad of PDF. :D You can read the humilation out of every desperate though act post, desperately trying to play it of cool or divert attention by shaming China who just righfully protected and acted in its sovereign rights, from the same typical low IQ trolls who gloat every day about the weak paper tiger and baffled PLA generals.

Now China seizes an invading assets of the U.S. aggitators like it was nothing, when the self proclaimed expert cheerleader concensus was something along the line of China being hardly be able to detect anything made by the U.S. stealth or not simply because of Vietnamese plumber "physics" nor would it dare to prevent all mighty U.S. navy from "freedom" violating Chinas sovereignty. So much timeconsuming, opinionated foam and unsubstantial layman drivel feigned as "expertise" and "facts" and high any mighty gloating over "ignorant" and "uneducated" Chinese poster... yet reality once again contradicts the whole narrative...

Btw. you can stop spinning and missquoting UNCLOS and hyping up irrelevant foreign kangaroo court decisions that everyone knows have no legal jursidiction all over again. We all know about what UNCLOS says, what China agreed upon and that some kangaroo court can't change historical facts from the South Chinese Sea thread. Its been beaten to death with trolls insist pretending their snippet quotes and spins proof China is wrong despite being corrected and debunked times again and since months only some persistent Vietnamese trolls keep repeating the same ignorant copy paste claims every few pages... You care about an argument? Go read it repeated times and times again to the other deliberately ignorant acting Vietnamese and U.S. trolls over there. Those dumb spins are just getting tiresome. We aleady know you pretend its not and all the excuses you made up. It is and stays lawfully and historically Chinese waters. Period

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