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South China Sea Forum


Someone has to do it right? Nothing is wrong with that. Problem with the world nowadays is people think too highly of themselves and forgot where they came from. :)
Even if China had sovereignty over Spratleys and Paracels, it would still mean only 12 nmi territorial waters. A 200nmi EEZ has NOTHING to do with sovereignty/territory, and the right to close waters to others. Hence the claim SCS in its entirtey is Chinese territory is ... ludicrous.
China is the first claimant to the region in the modern era when nation like Philippine and Vietnam were still colonies of the west. Especially compare to Philippine whose border is well defined under the Paris Treaty between Spain and the US that excludes it from any of the islands in the South China Sea, Chinese claim are much stronger.
Beyond that, there is the Japanese occupation, which by Treaty of Taipei with ROC it has relinquished all control over the islands in SCS. And further back, the Chinese-Vietnamese Boundary convention in 1887 signed with the French also confirmed Qing's ownership of the Spratly and Paracel islands.

Vietnam controlled Islands from Le, Ngyen Dynasty, long before colonie time.

Old map of Vietnam stated Hoang Sa is part of Qungnam province in 1667.
from diplomat magazine
Alex McLean
@Nihonjin1051 @Chinese-Dragon @ChineseTiger1986 @Beast @ other Chinese and Japanese Vietnamese member who are fighting over south china sea

From 1954 to 1975, both Paracel and Spratly belong to South Vietnam. North Vietnam didn't have right to the Islands. Howver what you said above is fabricating of Chinese.

Parecel and spratly belong to Vietnam from 1667. Old map of Vietnam.

Old map of Vietnam 1836. both Paracel and Spratly is under controlle of Vietnam.
Like that wasn't the PLAN all along...

Well, now they have a good reason to put even more there. See their office statement today:

"If any country thinks that, through some gimmicks, they will be able to interfere with or even prevent China from engaging in reasonable, legitimate and legal activities in its own territories, I want to suggest those countries give up such fantasy," ministry spokesman Lu Kang said.

"In fact, if relevant parties insist on creating tensions in the region and making trouble out of nothing, it may force China to draw the conclusion that we need to strengthen and hasten the buildup of our relevant capabilities. I advise the U.S. not to create such a self-fulfilling prophecy."
Even if China had sovereignty over Spratleys and Paracels, it would still mean only 12 nmi territorial waters. A 200nmi EEZ has NOTHING to do with sovereignty/territory, and the right to close waters to others. Hence the claim SCS in its entirtey is Chinese territory is ... ludicrous.
U forget Franklin Island to Britain or Hawaii to U.S, there's nothing is ludicrous, power speaking in the world ... also Japan building artificial island in the pacific.

The UN said it has begun examining Japan's bid to extend its continental shelf in the Pacific to a gigantic seabed, Kyodo News reported.
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You call that a map ?

You claim for those islands with a so called map which was wrote in Chinese ?

This is Vietnam map. In the past we have used Han Zi to writting, like what Japanese do untill now.

Vietnam map in 1836.
This is Vietnam map. In the past we have used Han Zi to writting, like what Japanese do untill now.

Vietnam map in 1836.
Vietnam was our vassal state.
You and the whole Viet ,including those islands, belonged to us when your ancestor made this so called map.

And we claimed nine dash lines after WW2, no one questioned that .
Falkland islands bro.:D
Im sorry for my bad English ... there'r also several oversea colony islands in the Pacific far away from Britain and France, much further than the distance between SCS island and mainland of China ... so nothing is ludicrous.
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This is Vietnam map. In the past we have used Han Zi to writting, like what Japanese do untill now.

Vietnam map in 1836.

Those islands on the map seem to be in the wrong place. They maybe just some irrelevant islands off Vietnam coast. Besides, if maps can do the job, why we need Navy? :cheesy:

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