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Thai warships visit South China Sea Fleet
( Source: China Military Online ) 2015-February-10 16:25
ZHANJIANG, February 10 (ChinaMil) -- A taskforce consisting of the training ships of the Royal Thai Navy (RTN), led by Telist Panst, vice president of the Royal Thai Naval Academy, arrived at a naval port in Zhanjiang of south China's Guangdong province on the morning of February 9, 2015 and began a 4-day-long goodwill visit to the South China Sea Fleet of the Navy of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLAN).

  At about 10:00, the South China Sea Fleet of the PLAN held a welcoming ceremony at the pier of the naval port to welcome the visit of the taskforce of the RTN. After that, Panst and his party called on Shen Jinlong, commander of the South China Sea Fleet of the PLAN.

  The taskforce of the RTN consists of the frigate "Korahbali", frigate "Bangpakong" and ocean patrol ship "Patani" as well as a total of 696 officers and men, cadets and civilian personnel, according to sources.

  During the taskforce's visit, the officers and men of the PLAN and the RTN will visit each other's warships, and the two sides will also hold activities including friendly sports tournaments, deck receptions and warship public open day.
Philippines Protests China Land Reclamation at Another Reef - ABC News

Again with the detailed yet provocative China-centric comment.

Funny that you also commented that Taiwan should take the entire Luzon while expelling us Filipino... and don't try to play dumb that you didn't said this in a comment section in news and even here in PK defence.

lol, he did?
lol, he did?

I looked for the detailed posts but it seems it got deleted along with the articles. I remember it was in the website "The Diplomat" but some of his post clearly indicates what he wants



These were posted back when I was lurking this forums before I made an account here.

Funny enough, his Disqus account has comments that always bring up the Han Dynasty and Ming Dynasty as "justifications."
The Spratly Islands have belonged to China since ancient times. Ocean-faring Chinese explorers had claimed the Spratly Islands a thousand years ago.


"By the twelfth century, names for the South China Sea islands began to appear. The Paracels and the Spratlys were referred to more consistently as Changsha and Shitang. By the mid-fourteenth century, Shitang could be accurately identified as the Spratlys. There is also evidence of Chinese naval control over some areas of the South China Sea, which resulted in complete Chinese dominion of the South China Sea in the late thirteenth century. Finally, in the fifteenth century, Zheng He's seven voyages placed the South China Sea islands on the official navigational charts. In this map, the Xisha Islands are called Shitang, and the Nansha Islands are referred to as Wansheng Shitang Yu."

"The Map of South and East Ocean Sea Routes was drawn in between 1712-1721 by Qing (Ching) Dynasty Fujian (Fuchien) Province Navy Commander Shi Shibiao, the son of a famous Qing Dynasty imperial officer. This map shows the sea routes, time, and descriptions from Chinese coastal ports to Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia and the Philippines. On this map, the locations and names of the Southern Sea Islands (Nanhai Zhudao) are very accurate. The map shows Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea islands (including Nansha Islands, Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Dongsha Islands)."
^ Oh please stop living on the past because by that logic, Italy should take over the European Union as well as some portion of Northern Africa, Israel, Palestine and Syria because it used to be Roman Empire territory.

By that logic, Iran should take over parts of the Arabia and South Asia because it used to be Achaemenid Empire territory.

And in general, by following that logic, successor states to the empires of ancient times should do what China does today.

And oh, I am already expecting that you will this post as some dumbass reply or you will completely ignore this, but the conclusion of your logic is basically a total "cluster-fak"
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This guy is like many chinese maoist imperialist SOBs are so full of it they have no real evidence and ignorant of history and common sense hell if that was true they should be under the Mongolians right now or retrun to the old Imperial chinese system this imperialism plan and simply and something to keep the chinese people something to do so that rulling maoist party overlords to rule china.

Top view picture of Yongshu (Fiery Cross) Island taken around April last year before the start of reclamation.

There is a lighthouse on the top right corner.

The surrounding area would look very different today (but I don't have any updated pics).
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The Spratly Islands have belonged to China since ancient times. Ocean-faring Chinese explorers had claimed the Spratly Islands a thousand years ago.


"By the twelfth century, names for the South China Sea islands began to appear. The Paracels and the Spratlys were referred to more consistently as Changsha and Shitang. By the mid-fourteenth century, Shitang could be accurately identified as the Spratlys. There is also evidence of Chinese naval control over some areas of the South China Sea, which resulted in complete Chinese dominion of the South China Sea in the late thirteenth century. Finally, in the fifteenth century, Zheng He's seven voyages placed the South China Sea islands on the official navigational charts. In this map, the Xisha Islands are called Shitang, and the Nansha Islands are referred to as Wansheng Shitang Yu."

"The Map of South and East Ocean Sea Routes was drawn in between 1712-1721 by Qing (Ching) Dynasty Fujian (Fuchien) Province Navy Commander Shi Shibiao, the son of a famous Qing Dynasty imperial officer. This map shows the sea routes, time, and descriptions from Chinese coastal ports to Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brunei, Cambodia and the Philippines. On this map, the locations and names of the Southern Sea Islands (Nanhai Zhudao) are very accurate. The map shows Chinese sovereignty over the South China Sea islands (including Nansha Islands, Xisha Islands, Zhongsha Islands and Dongsha Islands)."

don't lie.

From ancient time , in Chinese book, Chinese recognized there is Jiao Zhi Sea, This is a sea belong to Jiao Zhi People (Vietnamese). :coffee:

Look at this map, made by ur ancestor.


Picture of Subi Reef, taken in April 2014.
Reclamation has started since then, early this year.
Huangyan Island/Scarborough Shoal has always been Chinese

• 2000 years ago, during China’s Qin and Han Dynasties, China first found and named Huangyan Island.

• In 1279, Chinese astronomer Guo Shoujing established 27 observatory stations and Huangyan Island was home to one of them.

• In the 15th century, Zheng He’s navigation map pointed out the location of Huangyan Island.

• In 1947, a map drawn up by China’s Interior Ministry meant China had already started to manage Huangyan Island.

• In 1930 and 1960, Huangyan Island was not included in the Philippines’ Constitution and Territorial Baseline Law.

Citation: China Holds Undisputed Sovereignty over Huangyan Island - CNTV English Special Report
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