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South China Sea Forum

Just like Indians started doing after 1000 year muslim rule. Its like pot calling the kettle black even though the pot here is India where as the kettle may not be all that black. :coffee:

Post reported for trolling, waste of time to discuss here :wave:
China puts itself above int’l law: Carl Thayer
International law does not have 3000 nuclear weapons, stealth fighters and aircraft carriers! :china:

Vietnam will not finally learn it's lesson until the tanks crash through the border!

China and Vietnam should stop. This dispute is going no where. I say it's best to reach an agreement and send all fishing ships from both nations back home.
Sovereignty over islands in the South China Sea is non-negotiable. But China could make a deal on sharing fishery and other resources. We have been saying this since the 1960s.
International law does not have 3000 nuclear weapons, stealth fighters and aircraft carriers! :china:

Vietnam will not finally learn it's lesson until the tanks crash through the border!

Sovereignty over the South China Sea is non-negotiable. But China could make a deal on sharing fishery and other resources.

base on number of nuclear weapons, stealth fighters and aircraft carriers Uncle Sam is your master, China copied such toys to bullying his neighbors, in reality toys made in China are fake and usless.

Islands belong to Vietnam from ancient time, Man Quing Dynasty China recognized it. Occupation with force is illegal.
Do you want to threat India? You should know India is not a pushover.

Do you want to be banned?
He want to be a loser. He can't not say anything value to satisfies his stupid arrogant (well, chinese didn't have any value on this section), so he insult us.

Idiot alway like that, I thought you already know that.!?
it was highly regrettable for the shooting in March, a Chinese navy ship fired but didn't sink the vietnamese boat.

It's showed of aggressive face of China. Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam from ancient time. There is traditional fisher area of Vietnamese fishermen. China robbed Islands 1974, but can not swallow our Islands.
China is simply defending itself from american run puppets , Trust me America will not defend vietnam in an event of war , try to be smart and stay away from china .

Vietnam defend the sovereignty of country, not depend on USA is by our side or not, idiot.
MSA 01:


China says its navy visited its southernmost territorial claim during military drills in the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.
The visit to James Shoal followed exercises that began Saturday marking a high-profile show of China's determination to stake its claim to territory in an area that is disputed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.
The official People's Daily online said Wednesday that one destroyer, two frigates and an amphibious landing ship took part in the drills around Chinese-controlled outcroppings. They involved hovercraft, ship-born helicopters, amphibious tanks, and land-based fighters and bombers, and were followed by a ceremonial visit Tuesday to James Shoal farther south.
The area is surrounded by shipping lanes and rich fishing grounds claimed in whole or in part by neighboring countries.

Read more: China holds landing exercises in South China Sea - Las Vegas Sun News

SU 30 MKI is in training course,.


Wrong plane. It's Su-30MK2V
Chinese air force jet crashes during air show. :omghaha:
The Associated Press
Posted : Friday Oct 14, 2011 8:18:24 EDT
BEIJING — A Chinese air force jet crashed at an air show on Friday, leaving one of the pilots missing and presumed dead.


2 pilot dead & you laugh at their demise? Very classy. :no:

& wrong topic, genius. :offtopic:

Indonesia protested over China passports

By Lionel Barber, David Pilling and Ben Bland in Jakarta


Marty Natalegawa©Getty

Indonesia has revealed that it protested to Beijing about China’s publication in its passports of its “nine-dash line” claim to almost the entire South China Sea.

Beijing’s decision to print the new map last year prompted protests from the Philippines and Vietnam, which also claim large parts of the South China Sea. India, which has a border dispute with China, also criticised Beijing’s move.

Marty Natalegawa, Indonesia’s foreign minister, told the Financial Times in an interview that Indonesia lodged a protest with Beijing several weeks after the new passports were issued,

“We said that usage of that passport should not be inferred as being a recognition of that claim,” he said. “We exercised nice low key diplomacy but getting our point across.”

At the time that the dispute arose last year, Mr Natalegawa said China’s move was “disingenuous” and that Beijing was “testing the water to see its neighbours’ reactions”, according to the Jakarta Post.


A page from a new Chinese passport shows a map that includes an area in the South China Sea inside a line of dashes representing maritime territory claimed by China. The Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, India – and now Indonesia – have criticised the map saying the new design violates their sovereignty. (Reuters photo)

But Indonesia made no public statement at the time about the fact that the nine-dash line cuts through its Exclusive Economic Zone in the gas-rich Natuna Sea, where international energy companies such as ExxonMobil and Total are operating.

Indonesia has long tried to play down its territorial dispute with Beijing for fear of upsetting relations with China, which is a key trade and investment partner.

“We believe that by doing quiet diplomacy we get a better result,” said Evi Fitriani, an international relations expert at the University of Indonesia. “So I'm quite surprised that the foreign minister admitted making this protest.”

Ristian Atriandi Supriyanto, a maritime security analyst at S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said Indonesia was reluctant to increase tensions with China for fear of inflaming public opinion and risking a damaging economic backlash from Beijing.

But he argued that there was an “increasing risk that Indonesia will be drawn into the fray” as China’s navy continues to grow at a much faster rate than Indonesia’s already inferior maritime forces.

As a thriving, young democracy and a member of the Group of 20 world’s largest economies, Indonesia is keen to play a more active role in regional and global diplomacy. But the rise of China and the recent US “pivot” to Asia have made it more difficult for Jakarta to maintain its traditional position of not aligning with any major powers while remaining friends with all.

“Indonesia is worried about China but they are more worried about being seen to be in any particular camp,” said a senior western diplomat in Jakarta.

Mr Natalegawa has spearheaded Indonesia’s rise on the world stage since he was appointed as foreign minister by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in 2009.

“We’ve been trying to be the country that connects the dots and brings different elements together in an appropriate and measured way,” he told the FT interview, citing Indonesia’s efforts to convince southeast Asian nations to form a united position on how to resolve maritime disputes with China and to encourage the repressive military junta that ruled Myanmar until 2011 to open up.

But, despite his hopes for collaborative, multilateral diplomacy, the foreign minister accepted that the peace and stability that has allowed Asia to become a key driver of the global economy could come under threat because of the emergence of China as a major power.

“China’s rise, how it transpires, how it plays out, will really determine the state of the region, whether it’s part of the solution or part of the problem,” he said.

But, with some in Beijing fearing that the US rebalance toward Asia is designed to contain China, Mr Natalegawa warned that countries should be careful not to antagonise China unnecessarily.

“In Indonesia on the whole we see China’s rise as an opportunity rather than a threat,” he said. “It’s how we respond to it that could become a threat.”

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Indonesia protested over China passports

By Lionel Barber, David Pilling and Ben Bland in Jakarta
I read the news some days ago, that surprised me a bit. I had thought Indonesia never dared to critisise or protest against the big bully. I just wonder why you published the note now.

Not because China navy staged a landing manouver before your house door?
I read the news some days ago, that surprised me a bit. I had thought Indonesia never dared to critisise or protest against the big bully. I just wonder why you published the note now.

Not because China navy staged a landing manouver before your house door?

“In Indonesia on the whole we see China’s rise as an opportunity rather than a threat,” he said. “It’s how we respond to it that could become a threat.”

The Foreign Minister merely send a note of protest, but it still doesn't mean whether will we react on it. China is Indonesia most important trading partner & we prefer to keep things in the down-low.

“Indonesia is worried about China but they are more worried about being seen to be in any particular camp,” said a senior western diplomat in Jakarta.

In the meantime let's all see where this is going.
I read the news some days ago, that surprised me a bit. I had thought Indonesia never dared to critisise or protest against the big bully. I just wonder why you published the note now.

Not because China navy staged a landing manouver before your house door?

:omghaha:In SCS ,you are the only target:azn:
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