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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

Well considering you don't want to participate, maybe it is.

Don't want to participate in what? Do you want me to drag out examples of the rude behaviour of your fellow countrymen? What good will that do? Will their behaviour improve? No chance. So why should I waste your time, when you aren't even the sort of person whose bullying behaviour was offensive and annoying?

Itu Aba (Taiping Island)
Image Credit: Google Maps
Taiwan: South China Sea Ruling 'Completely Unacceptable'
Taiwan denounces the tribunal’s decision that Itu Aba is a rock, not an island

On July 12, an arbitral tribunal in The Hague issued a landmark ruling, overturning many of China’s claims in the South China Sea. The case, Republic of Philippines v. People’s Republic of China, was initiated in 2013, when Manila filed legal objections to Beijing’s claims and behavior in the disputed area. The case has attracted worldwide attention – particularly in Taiwan.

Taiwan shares many of its South China Sea claims with the PRC – in fact, the claims officially originated not with the PRC but with the Republic of China (ROC) government in the immediate post-war era. When the ROC moved its capital to Taipei at the end of the Chinese Civil War, it brought its territorial claims. Taiwan thus found itself in the uncomfortable position of having its claims challenged – through the Philippines’ case against China – without having an opportunity to participate in the case. Taiwan, which is not a member of the United Nations, is likewise not a party to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); there was no legal avenue for Taipei to insert itself into the case. Even Taiwan’s request to send an observer delegation to the hearings was denied.

Most importantly for Taiwan, the tribunal took up the question of the status of Itu Aba, known as Taiping Island in Taiwan. The island, the largest naturally occurring feature in the Spratlys group, is occupied by Taiwan and houses a military garrison, a hospital, and a farm. Taipei strenuously argued its case that Itu Aba is capable of sustaining human habitation, with its freshwater wells and ability to grow produce, and is thus an island under UNCLOS. That, in turn, would give Taipei a claim to a 200 nautical mile EEZ extending from Itu Aba and encompassing a wide swath of the South China Sea.

Because Taipei was not able to officially participate in the case, it made its arguments in the court of public opinion, taking journalists to the island for a tour of its facilities and posting numerous images of Itu Aba online. At the last minute, the tribunal accepted an amicus curiae briefing from the Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law, which made the legal argument that Itu Aba should be considered an island.

The tribunal, however, ultimately disagreed. It found that Itu Aba – along with the rest of the Spratlys – is not an island, as it cannot sustain a human community without external aid. Taiwan’s response was immediate.

“We absolutely will not accept [the tribunal's decision] and we maintain that the ruling is not legally binding on the ROC,” the Presidential Office of Taiwan said in a statement. The statement pointed out that the tribunal did not consult with Taiwan or invite it to participate in the case, yet the ruling has “seriously undermined” Taiwan’s maritime rights in the South China Sea.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued its own statement, calling the ruling “completely unacceptable to the government of the Republic of China.” The Ministry also explained Taiwan’s reasons for concluding that the decision has “no legally binding force on the ROC.” First, the statement said, “In the text of the award, the ROC is referred to as ‘Taiwan Authority of China.’ This inappropriate designation is demeaning to the status of the ROC as a sovereign state.”
Him not really he be impeach once he does that

Its funny how they think Duterte will be pro-China in opposition to his own people in this delicate matter.

Looks like PRC needs another reality check and ego busting.
Its funny how they think Duterte will be pro-China in opposition to his own people in this delicate matter.

Looks like PRC needs another reality check and ego busting.

Duterte is a lot moron but even him will not go against the constitution and the people let these arrogant chincoms throw all the insults they can they are screwed if they attack our ships and durtertard will use this against them. Again duterte is just another president we can alway elect someone better something the chincoms dont know crap about
Isa pa ito taiwan man you chinese should just become one country already we can not surrender our rights to you people not the mainlanders and certainly not you taiwan
Don't want to participate in what? Do you want me to drag out examples of the rude behaviour of your fellow countrymen? What good will that do? Will their behaviour improve? No chance. So why should I waste your time, when you aren't even the sort of person whose bullying behaviour was offensive and annoying?

It's no use it's denial let him be as we say here in the Philippines "You're more stupid if you argue with stupid people"
Its funny how they think Duterte will be pro-China in opposition to his own people in this delicate matter.

Looks like PRC needs another reality check and ego busting.

You said it yourself that If Pinoy president is pro-China mean he's not hallucinate like Indians, he's pragmatic and realist, Indians are the ones that need the reality Check...LMAO.
Don't want to participate in what? Do you want me to drag out examples of the rude behaviour of your fellow countrymen? What good will that do? Will their behaviour improve? No chance. So why should I waste your time, when you aren't even the sort of person whose bullying behaviour was offensive and annoying?

I can't speak for anyone else. Just like you can't speak for others. If I consider what other Indians or any other nationality are saying, I wouldn't be having a debate at all.

I just meant, my views are not new and it sounded like you doubted my claim. I don't know it's hard to tell sometimes when there is no tone.

BTW, when did I have bullying behavior? I am confident in my views. I am a firm believer if you do the work, you get the reward. I can honestly say China has done the work, now that it is time we take our seat, why should we stand? I don't expect people to roll over for us, but similarly, why should we roll over for anyone else, when presented with the same opportunity, we succeeded and the others didn't.
Being one of the P5s China is morally bound to follow this UN mandated tribunal decision! Discarding this ruling will only undermine the authority of UN.. & will make it look like a joke.. while less fortunate countries gets bossed around & powerful ones get away!

You mean like how the US is morally bound?
I can't speak for anyone else. Just like you can't speak for others. If I consider what other Indians or any other nationality are saying, I wouldn't be having a debate at all.

I just meant, my views are not new and it sounded like you doubted my claim. I don't know it's hard to tell sometimes when there is no tone.

BTW, when did I have bullying behavior?
I am confident in my views. I am a firm believer if you do the work, you get the reward. I can honestly say China has done the work, now that it is time we take our seat, why should we stand? I don't expect people to roll over for us, but similarly, why should we roll over for anyone else, when presented with the same opportunity, we succeeded and the others didn't.

My dear Sir, where did you get any allusion to all that marked in red above in my posts? I am talking in a generic manner.

As for the rest, it was never a question of denying you your rights. It makes strange reading for an educated and historically aware Indian, since for over a decade, India worked hard to make China a recognisable and respected entity in international affairs. You seem to be referring to developments over the last ten years; I wish to draw your attention to India's behaviour towards China in exactly this context, in the 50s of the last century.

You mean like how the US is morally bound?

Yes, to treaties that it signs, willingly, voluntarily, not to treaties that it doesn't sign.
Its funny how they think Duterte will be pro-China in opposition to his own people in this delicate matter.

Looks like PRC needs another reality check and ego busting.

China is just a developing nation. It will further develop the islands and utilize natural resources. Peaceful rise shall continue. I guess that's at least we can agree about.
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