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South Asia has the potential to be an economic power by 2025

we want relations on equality bases not like a master n slave :sniper:

why are u so prejudice????

the good relations have to be on mutual terms and respect.

But many times India have tries to walk that extra mile as a big brother u take it as bully.
n one thing more we started developing pakistan from zero stage with no industries no universities no infrastructure n u got every thing + running industries after partition when we came on a stage when we got economic boom so called war on terror fuked our whole economy n on other side u indians are stopping water of our rivers :hitwall:

don't fall victim of propaganda, India gave u 53 crore at the time of partition, all the rivers and fertile land in Punjab, very good cities like Lahore a former sikh capital, karachi etc. Don't blame ur failures on others. You are good in agriculture because we gave u fertile land and rivers partition.

India have developing on its own and despite hostile neighbors like china and pakistan

We have developed Chennai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, NOIDA these are not gifted to us.

The IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, BHEL, ISRO, DRDO are due to our own hard work and talent.
don't fall victim of propaganda, India gave u 53 crore at the time of partition, all the rivers and fertile land in Punjab, very good cities like Lahore a former sikh capital, karachi etc. Don't blame ur failures on others. You are good in agriculture because we gave u fertile land and rivers partition.

India have developing on its own and despite hostile neighbors like china and pakistan

We have developed Chennai, Bangalore, Gurgaon, NOIDA these are not gifted to us.

The IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, BHEL, ISRO, DRDO are due to our own hard work and talent.

india didnt paid whole money my boy correct ur facts ... m not talking about good cities tell me what we got in industries after partition n how many universities we got ??? we made karachi industrial city we made faisalabad a textile hub of pakistan it was not gifted to us
u talking about fertile land of punjab this punjab is not going to b fertile anymore in future if indians keep on stopping rivers of pakistan u are trying ur best to destroy our economy even india is supporting terrorists in balochistan so that development work on gawadar could stop sum times by killing chinese engineers n sum times by destroying government assets
india didnt paid whole money my boy correct ur facts ... m not talking about good cities tell me what we got in industries after partition n how many universities we got ??? we made karachi industrial city we made faisalabad a textile hub of pakistan it was not gifted to us

in another words he meant Pakistan did not have any defence industry, only 4 cement industries and if i am not wrong only 1 sugar factory and there wasn't any big industries to name

And now look at the companies/industries that we have build after 1947.

List of companies of Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

leaders have to realize this so we can unleash our great potential and develop both countries with mutual understanding. look how are at loss, India is developing rapidly. we have to act now o it will be to late for us. And future generations will not forgive us for fighting for trivial issues at the stake of their future.


I am glad you got my POV. Thanks
pakistan should by seriously concerned about its growth now....before it is too late....see how india will be growing in next 5 year
nominal gdp in bn$
2009-1,242.641(+097bn in 2009)
2010-1,339.488(+110bn in 2010)
2011-1,449.169(+134bn in 2011)
2012-1,583.432(+157bn in 2012)
2013-1,740.413(+168bn in 2013)


service industry is the best scope ,i suppose......
economist believe that the people are the best resources of the country...& we all know (like india) pakistan also got many skilled people.
There is potential but who is interested in positive things??????

In Pakistan they don't want our products, trade.

They are afraid of our TV, even films.

The future of South Asia is India+Bangladesh+Myanmar+Bhutan+Sri Lanka

And it is happening forget about India, look at Bangladesh, Sri Lanka they are growing and developing.

But few biased people in pakistan are dragging pakistan in chaos. They don't wanna progress only hate.

Refrain from childish posts.

Pakistan does not want to be flooded with Indian products if the tariffs are lifted. The smaller economy is always at more risk and has to be protected.

Secondly, the issue is not about Pakistanis wanting to derail. Your idea of peace is to sit on top of the problem and forget it. This will mean that down the road these issues will come to fore again.

Lastly, you should notice that the trade between India and all other South Asian countries is a meager $10 billion. This is not because of Pakistan. This is because of the regional politics...you have to figure your relations out with others too.

The future of South Asia is nothing without Pakistan (the second largest country in the block).
Refrain from childish posts.

Pakistan does not want to be flooded with Indian products if the tariffs are lifted. The smaller economy is always at more risk and has to be protected.

Secondly, the issue is not about Pakistanis wanting to derail. Your idea of peace is to sit on top of the problem and forget it. This will mean that down the road these issues will come to fore again.

Lastly, you should notice that the trade between India and all other South Asian countries is a meager $10 billion. This is not because of Pakistan. This is because of the regional politics...you have to figure your relations out with others too.

The future of South Asia is nothing without Pakistan (the second largest country in the block).

childish posts?????????


there was same fear in India when govt. was opening its economy people used to say that big MNC's from USA, UK, Germany, Japan will rule our economy and they will straight away purchase Indian companies with their money power and India will become dumping ground of foreign products.

But rest is history, whole world knows how India have benefited by opening of economy.

Forget about MNCs buying Indian companies,

Our own Indian companies are buying MNCs and big companies throughout the world including USA, UK, Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada etc. So, i suggest u to do some home work.

Pakistan be desert by 2025 as all the water be in south India.


i like to remind u that there is no rule in the forum binding or forcing you to post.

1. India is not using pakistan's water fact of the matter is this that the India's share of water is freely flowing into pakistan.

2. The water you are talking about goes to Jammu and Kashmir.

3. Why u want to make Jammu and Kashmir a desert and Kashmiri people suffer from lack of water??????

4. Not a single drop of water from Indus river goes to South India, your post shows your lack of knowledge.

try to refrain from troll post and do some homework before posting.


i like to remind u that there is no rule in the forum binding or forcing you to post.

1. India is not using pakistan's water fact of the matter is this that the India's share of water is freely flowing into pakistan.

2. The water you are talking about goes to Jammu and Kashmir.

3. Why u want to make Jammu and Kashmir a desert and Kashmiri people suffer from lack of water??????

4. Not a single drop of water from Indus river goes to South India, your post shows your lack of knowledge.

try to refrain from troll post and do some homework before posting.


Read that sir and I always do my home work :disagree:

Shortage of Water in Pakistan and Indian breach of Indus water treaty.

At Marala, on river Chenab (in Pakistan) the water flow was found to be 40% less than previous years in the second week of January 2010. The average flow at this point in last ten years has been 11,000 cusecs. The commissioner Indus water treaty in Pakistan, Mr. Syed Jamaat Ali disclosed the facts recently. He exposed that the main reason for this decrease in the flow is due to the illegal and inhuman resource building by India on this river. According to a report during the years 2008-9 the river flow at Marala, Chenab has been less than 50% of the previous average.
It’s a matter of life and death for Pakistan that in all its rivers which come from India and Indian held Kashmir, the water flow is decreasing persistently. The fertile lands in the catchment areas of these rivers in Pakistan are being rendered barren gradually and at an alarming pace. Deforestation is at its full swing and dangerous environmental hazards are being produced. Along with the rivers Chenab, Indus, Jhelum, Ravi, Bias and Sutlej the lands are an example of barren landscape and ruins of human dwellings. The centuries old civilization which thrived along the banks of these once mighty rivers are now rapidly vanishing and social, cultural and economic impact of the Indian’s schemes of depriving Pakistan of its legal waters is monumental

India is not only building dams and power projects on these rivers but is also busy in diverting their flow. Last year only there was a shortage of 55,000 cusecs of water in Pakistan which is alarming and is becoming a cause of tension between the two countries. Its becoming vital for Pakistan to plead its case in the International court of justice because if remedial measures are not taken by India vast lands in Pakistan will convert into deserts and famine will result in Pakistan with massive loss of life and property.
The Indus water treaty of 1960 solved the water problem for India and Pakistan in a judicious manner. Both the countries were the signatories of the treaty but now very unfortunately India has taken an absolutely immoral stance and is stubbornly and deliberately depriving Pakistan of its legal waters. In a blatant violation of the treaty India is building more than sixty projects on the rivers whose water was legally owned by Pakistan. 147 kilometer up north the head Marala on river Chenab in the Indian held Kashmir, in district Doda, India is building the notorious Buglehar Dam and hydroelectric power plant. Its immediate result is that in Pakistan there has been such shortage in the flow of Chenab that they have to close the Marala-Ravi link canal which was a vital source of irrigation. In the command area of head Marala there simply is not enough water. As a result three million acres of fertile land has become barren. Pakistan couldn’t even had the Mangla dam filled at its full capacity due to this shortage. It has presented this issue on various international forums but nothing has been done in the right direction. Pakistan maintains that the design and structure of Baglehar dam is in total violation of the Indus water treaty. The World Bank was also contacted in this connection which appointed a consultant who concluded that the objections on Pakistan’s part are all valid and genuine. With this dam alone Pakistan is being deprived of 0.3 million and twenty one thousand acre feet of water annually. According to IWT (Indus water treaty) India cannot build dams to store waters on rivers Indus, Chenab and Jhelum. It can only have ‘run of river hydro electric power projects’. But in Buglehar dam alone the capacity to store water is in the tune of 0.32 million acre feet of water. By building these dams India has also reinforced its infrastructure in the Indian held Kashmir and is trying to mix the political issues with water problems. It seems that India is ready to convert the Pakistani rivers into Hakra and Sarsvati the once mighty rivers now converted into barren landscape by building dams over them.
In the last ten years India has built more than a dozen hydroelectric projects and dams on river Chenab with the resultant electricity production of 8696 megawatts. Mr. Zahur ul Hasan Dar of IWT council claims that by the year 2013 Pakistan faces the danger of being declared as calamity struck area. In October 2008 president Zardari took this issue with the prime minister of India and told him of the seriousness of the water crisis for Pakistan. But Indian government has turned a deaf ear to all these pleadings. A common opinion is that India as the eternal enemy of Pakistan, despite its claims of democracy and rule of law is deliberately trying to make Pakistan suffer due to loss of irrigation waters and power projects on its legal waters.

Shortage of Water in Pakistan and Indian breach of Indus water treaty. My Notes
Pakistan-China have an FTA and have a trade deficit with that country as well. This can be argued that Pakistani are not hostile even though their market was "flooded" by cheaper Chinese products.

Cross LoC trade has resulted in a surplus for Pakistani Kashmir, and its quite possible that Pakistan can benefit by not just selling goods but by providing services such as transit rights for trade and gas.

Before 1947, 80% of present day Pakistan's trade was with India. Just like China has been an engine of growth of the smaller economies of East Asia. India can provide the same opportunity for smaller economies in south Asia. But the first priority will have to be to provide a secure and stable environment.
the talk about the indian dramas being banned is not right to be talked bout here. they are not being banned because they are from india, they are being banned because of what they are showing and how it is effecting kids & peoples life, etc. (vulgar, showing rapes, etc especially on Star Plus). My family watches them too here, but not star plus, they are the worst, but there are some very good ones too, which are family-orientated. Trust me, i have been to the forums and most people complain how they show women being shown negative, beaten, kidnaps, murders, etc. I have seen only a few of Pakistani dramas while they may not be so visually appealing, they are written very strongly and end as soon as the story is done, trust me, but they don't have a proper ground to stand on so no one ever sees them.

last week on mothers day there was a 40 minute drama on Noor TV, called JANAT, believe me, it was such a nice drama, i guarantee you it will touch your heart and make you cry.

I used to watch Baa Bahu aur Baby, Khichdi and Sarabhai, but they ended, but they were truly one of the best dramas and had really strong storylines, stood out from the rest.

so there, there are good and bad in everything and i just believe that it doesn't really belong here lol. not meant to hurt anyone, im new here anyway. :) bye

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