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Sources: Russia and Iran are preparing a major oil deal


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation
Iran is ready to supply Russia up to 500 thousand barrels of oil per day in exchange for Russian goods to circumvent Western sanctions, the deal is estimated at about $ 1.5 billion per month, according to sources.
"There is good progress in this direction with the chances of success. We discuss the details and the date of signing of the agreement depends on these details, "- said the source.
"We would like to make a deal as soon as possible ," - said a senior Iranian official , who declined to give his name , reports Reuters.
"Our officials are discussing the matter with the Russian and hopefully documents will be signed in the near future , regardless of whether the agreement reached in Geneva ", - he said.
The largest buyer of Iranian oil is China, which imports about 420 thousand barrels per day.
Sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the EU have led to the fact that Iran has cut oil exports by more than half over the past 18 months to about 1 million barrels per day.
Russia did not join in sanctions . Buy Russia 500 thousand barrels per day allow Tehran to increase exports by 50%.
On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin in a telephone conversation with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani discussed the agreement on Iran's nuclear program and issues an international peace conference on Syria , " the Geneva- 2 ."
Before that, in November, "six" of international mediators on Iran's nuclear program and Iranian diplomats in Geneva came to an historic agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.
In particular, Iran pledged to suspend uranium enrichment in excess of 5 % , to suspend the production of plutonium and centrifuges and allow IAEA inspectors to its nuclear facilities .
 ВЗГЛЯД / Источники: Россия и Иран готовят крупную нефтяную сделку
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