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Sorry, we attacked the wrong train: PCPA


Mar 24, 2010
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New Delhi: A leader of the Naxal-backed People's Committee against Police Atrocities (PCPA) accused of planning and executing the derailment of the Howrah-Kurla Lomanya Tilak Gyaneshwari Super Deluxe Express train in West Bengal, has admitted that his group was behind the sabotage, but added that they were not planning to target civilians.
PCPA leader Bapi Mahato told The Indian Express that they were planning to target a goods train and not a passenger train.

Mahato told the newspaper that he was "sorry" for the attack on Gyaneshwari Express train near Jhargram on Friday that left 148 people dead and over 200 other injured hours after West Bengal Police held PCPA leaders Umakanto Mahato and him responsible for the incident.
"We're sorry. We never wanted these innocent civilians to die. Trust me, we targeted the goods train. But somehow, we were fed wrong information that the goods train would cross through this track and we removed pandrol clips from a long stretch. We didn't want to harm civilians. There must have been some miscalculation," Mahato to The Indian Express.
He also held Communist Party of India-Marxist activists responsible for the attack.
West Bengal Police sources had on Saturday told CNN-IBN that Umakanto and Bapi planned and executed the derailment of the Gyaneshwari Express.
The duo with the help of some disgruntled PCPA cadres abducted a railway lineman Dayaram Mahato posted at Sardiha station from his house at about 9:30 PM on Thursday night after threatening him and his family. The PCPA leaders warned him that his entire family would be killed if he did not accompany them and carried out their orders.
The PCPA leaders then forced Dayaram Mahato to open pandrol clips, which fix the track to the sleepers; at around 1 AM on Friday as they knew that Gyaneshwari Express would be passing the area in about 15-20 minutes.
Umakanto Mahato along with a few PCPA members remained at the site with the lineman while Bapi Mahato went to Sardiha station and blocked a goods train. He let the goods train go after getting go ahead from fellow cadres from the accident site. The goods train ploughed into some bogies of the derailed Gyaneshwari Express which led to more people being killed and injured.Sorry, we attacked the wrong train: PCPA - India - ibnlive
hell they wanna get away with just a sorry................
The only people I hate more than these mada.....s are those left wing oversmart bastards who romanticize them. We need to come down hard while we still have a chance, its taken us years to get the economy to where its at today. Should the Maoists get any stronger FDI will all but disappear.
Kill few of them and say sorry. People in that region are living in fear and its a shame for the nation.

Terrorist: We didn't mean to kill you by making your train crash into the goods train, we wanted to kill you by making the goods train crash into yours !
Yeah, that's very reassuring...............
These bastard commies needs to be slaughtered :angry:

---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 PM ----------

Why can't the stupid politicians let the Army lads go on a field trip?? :cry:
check their obstinacy!!thats y they say, terrorists are same everywhere:angry:
The Maoists are not a new phenomenon. Naxalism has been there from as far back as the 60s and off and on there have been explosions of violence which has forced attention and turned the spotlight on what is unfortunately the forgotten half of India. The Maoists lost legitimacy and credibility when they resorted to violence and killing. Of that there is no dearth of consensus in our country, save for the usual bespectacled jhola brigade of intellectuals and human rights activists who spout a load of ill concelaed bs all over tv. But I am sorry to say that this problem is not going to go away by force alone. yes, we may be able to buy ourselves time by breaking the back of THIS generation of violent maoists. But the movement will reappear. And we will have to address this some time or the other. Simply put, there are two Indias today, and those fortunate enough to be part of the better off one, are extremely uncomfortable to the point of unnecessarily defensive in facing the harsh reality of the other half of those we call our brother Indians. Its there at the back of our minds, but the beauty of the media spotlight is that it is short-lived by commercial necessity and the consumer has the option of switching off when it becomes to uncomfortable to digest. And as long as our politicians and exploitative industry form a blodd sucking nexus that continues to suck the resources from these regions of forgotten India and treat the humans residing there as an unnecessary hindrance to be transplanted and moved out of the way for the convenience of the few who are part of the cosy coterie, we will continue to see this violence. One half of India is crying out for help to the other half. But the other half is doing a good job, till now, of muting their conscience and getting on with their lives, preferring to look at the blood and gore spilt by the Maoists, and raise their voices in indignation against the terrorists, while collectively looking away from real bastards who have been getting away with murder and rape and explotation for decades. I have seen both parts of India closely, and been a part of both, so my words are not to be taken as those of a disgruntled jhola walla alone please.
what amazed me alot that even big incident in India didn't caught eyes of world media but smallest of terrorist activity in Pakistan got highlighted in whole world.!!!!!!!!

BTW i really condemn Moist BS activities.
Yeah, i am sure the families of the dead would be very happy to hear this pathetic apology!

'Hey buddy, didn't mean to wipe out your wife and kids, but sh!t happens! Aint life a ******!'

for too long we have been lax about Maoism. because sometimes they cool down the violence we release the grip and they rearm and become stronger. Time to kill them once and for all. They will fight back hard, and we will get attacked more, but we should just press on and kill them until they become another bloody lesson in history
for too long we have been lax about Maoism. because sometimes they cool down the violence we release the grip and they rearm and become stronger. Time to kill them once and for all. They will fight back hard, and we will get attacked more, but we should just press on and kill them until they become another bloody lesson in history

We have been lax about it because there is not political or commercial interst in doing otherwise. Much the opposite actually if you go deeper into the socio-politico-economic dynamics of mineral rich Bihar/Jharkhand for example. You will kill them all today. Their sones and daughters will grow up and arise tomorrow. As will newer recruits. Disenchanted. Landless. Exploited. Brutalised. The lesson we teach them today, will cease to hold fear for them tomorrow, for many of them have and do see much worse. Daily. And if its an option of going down quietly versus hitting back at someone, anyone, who they see as symbols of all that they are deprived of, of all that exploits them, rightly or wrongly, then hit back they will. With arms and training provided by enemies of the state, and exploited by the so-called idealogues who are no different from those who they claim to fight in the first place. Of course we need to search out and kill these terrorists. But what about those that made them terrorists in the first place? What does India do about that? And what about the millions of landless, hungry, brutally poor, and shamelessly exploited Indians that are left behind, 'living', after these terrorists are brought down? What will we Indians living in the richer India do about them after our rightful and politically correct blood lust for 'justice' and 'order'has been appeased? If 'order' is going to be an initial well-meaning phase of do-good socially relevant projects, destined to fall out of public and political gaze and favor a few years down the line, then believe me, this will repeat itself. And our children will face the same thing. Only by that time, our children would have got richer. And theirs would be even poorer.
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