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Maoists and the Taliban are not the same buddy it's a fact...


They both fight democratically elected governments
They both try to impose their will through violence
They both terrorise civillians to extort money and recruit

They both kill innocent civillians

They are the bloody same.....terrorists. They just quote different reasons to kill.

There are some Indians here who try to be soft on the Maoists and say 'they are not a seperatist movement', 'they fight for blablabla'

Time to wake up and smell the carnage. Either we wipe them out now or remain under their siege and watch innocents die.
The Maoists are not a new phenomenon. Naxalism has been there from as far back as the 60s and off and on there have been explosions of violence which has forced attention and turned the spotlight on what is unfortunately the forgotten half of India. The Maoists lost legitimacy and credibility when they resorted to violence and killing. Of that there is no dearth of consensus in our country, save for the usual bespectacled jhola brigade of intellectuals and human rights activists who spout a load of ill concelaed bs all over tv. But I am sorry to say that this problem is not going to go away by force alone. yes, we may be able to buy ourselves time by breaking the back of THIS generation of violent maoists. But the movement will reappear. And we will have to address this some time or the other. Simply put, there are two Indias today, and those fortunate enough to be part of the better off one, are extremely uncomfortable to the point of unnecessarily defensive in facing the harsh reality of the other half of those we call our brother Indians. Its there at the back of our minds, but the beauty of the media spotlight is that it is short-lived by commercial necessity and the consumer has the option of switching off when it becomes to uncomfortable to digest. And as long as our politicians and exploitative industry form a blodd sucking nexus that continues to suck the resources from these regions of forgotten India and treat the humans residing there as an unnecessary hindrance to be transplanted and moved out of the way for the convenience of the few who are part of the cosy coterie, we will continue to see this violence. One half of India is crying out for help to the other half. But the other half is doing a good job, till now, of muting their conscience and getting on with their lives, preferring to look at the blood and gore spilt by the Maoists, and raise their voices in indignation against the terrorists, while collectively looking away from real bastards who have been getting away with murder and rape and explotation for decades. I have seen both parts of India closely, and been a part of both, so my words are not to be taken as those of a disgruntled jhola walla alone please.

OMG..still there are some crazy ppl out there supporting these @$$h**$. :sick::angry:

Why dont u Try telling this to the relatives of those killed in the train derailing...?

Or wat happens to those twin 7 year old killed by these mofo Bas***ds..?

Bloody NGO and human rights activists can go on and on abt this politician/Industry nexus..

But the question is wether the Maoists any better..? NO

By going down this terrorist path of killing civilians they are only distancing themselves from the public and signing their own death warrants.

They both fight democratically elected governments
They both try to impose their will through violence
They both terrorise civillians to extort money and recruit

They both kill innocent civillians

They are the bloody same.....terrorists. They just quote different reasons to kill.

There are some Indians here who try to be soft on the Maoists and say 'they are not a seperatist movement', 'they fight for blablabla'

Time to wake up and smell the carnage. Either we wipe them out now or remain under their siege and watch innocents die.

You forgot the most important and striking similarity brother.

They both started off as anti-establishment people movements to right the wrongs on the most downtrodden sections of our respective societies, before their ideology was bastardized for self gain.
OMG..still there are some crazy ppl out there supporting these @$$h**$. :sick::angry:

My friend, time to take off the indignant aam aadmi spectacles, get off your soap box, and point out to me which part of my post/s condones their activities or supports 'these @$$h**$'? Did you even bother to read them through before snap judging me 'crazy'? :confused:
You forgot the most important and striking similarity brother.

They both started off as anti-establishment people movements to right the wrongs on the most downtrodden sections of our respective societies, before their ideology was bastardized for self gain.

Taliban never started out "to right the wrongs on the most downtrodden sections of our respective societies" their birth lies in their desire to dictate life to those under their control and to kill anyone who does not submit to their whim, hell of a difference........
My friend, time to take off the indignant aam aadmi spectacles, get off your soap box, and point out to me which part of my post/s condones their activities or supports 'these @$$h**$'? Did you even bother to read them through before snap judging me 'crazy'? :confused:

First apologies for using expletives.:rolleyes: though it s a rightful indignation on seeing the violence let loose by these terrorists.

Secondly this is this dilemma of who is responsible for wat that is slowing down the response to these terrorists.

There should absolutely be no ambiguties in this...Killl those terrorists first and but then dont leave as saying Mission Accomplised.
Stay back and do the development work that has been neglected for decades and prevent another Naxal movement from arising.

Anyways nothing justifies the violece and terrorist acts that these Maoists have unleashed.Lets all be clear in this aspect.
Taliban never started out "to right the wrongs on the most downtrodden sections of our respective societies" their birth lies in their desire to dictate life to those under their control and to kill anyone who does not submit to their whim, hell of a difference........

Sorry my friend, but the Taliban did start off with the intentioned aim of disposessing the feudals and returning land to the millions of landless Pakistanis. What you describe as their origins is actually what they became. Or probably always were. Either way, that is what I meant by 'bastardisation of ideology.' And there are so many examples history is littered with well meaning beginings, changing somewhere down the line into horrible caricatures of themselves.
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Sorry my friend, but the Taliban did start off with the intentioned aim of disposessing the feudals and returning land to the millions of landless Pakistanis. What you describe as their origins is actually what they became. Or probably always were. Either way, that is what I meant by 'bastardisation of ideology.' And there are so many examples history is littered with of well meaning beginings, changing somewhere down the line into horrible caricatures of themselves.

My friend, we have been engaged against the Taliban here in Bajaur since the past two years, we started fighting them from a point where all that we controlled was our fort and nothing more, we have seen their rise and fall in front of our own eyes and i can tell you from personal experience, that the Taliban never started out as a force for the people, the were formed in 2005-06 by Baitullah Mehsud and since then all they have given the people is grief and a lot of dead family members, nothing more, nothing less.
First apologies for using expletives.:rolleyes: though it s a rightful indignation on seeing the violence let loose by these terrorists.

Secondly this is this dilemma of who is responsible for wat that is slowing down the response to these terrorists.

There should absolutely be no ambiguties in this...Killl those terrorists first and but then dont leave as saying Mission Accomplised.
Stay back and do the development work that has been neglected for decades and prevent another Naxal movement from arising.

Anyways nothing justifies the violece and terrorist acts that these Maoists have unleashed.Lets all be clear in this aspect.

Apology accepted brother. We are in this together. All of us. But I disagree with you of what is 'slowing down the response' to the terrorists. Believe me, it is not the lofty ideals of a social dilemma. There are strong vested interests who do not benefit from the Maoists being put down and peace, order, prosperity, and industry entering that region. Both national and foreign. The nation, the rich nation, is baying for the Maoists' blood. The nation, the whole nation, should also be looking beyond the barrels of the guns from which the bullets emerge. But this thing has gone past the tipping point. Rather, its been orchestrated to go past the tipping point. A generation of maosists are going to be wiped out. Sooner rather than later. While those vested interests go back to doing what they have been doing all along. And rich India moves its attention to more weighty matters, once calm returns. And millions of poor Indians continue to be poor. And mostly forgotten. Till the next uprising. And spate of government and NGO projects. Its called balance, and anything that disturbs it is bad.
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My friend, we have been engaged against the Taliban here in Bajaur since the past two years, we started fighting them from a point where all that we controlled was our fort and nothing more, we have seen their rise and fall in front of our own eyes and i can tell you from personal experience, that the Taliban never started out as a force for the people, the were formed in 2005-06 by Baitullah Mehsud and since then all they have given the people is grief and a lot of dead family members, nothing more, nothing less.

I see your point. But are you saying that returning land to the landless was not a plinth they built their early foundations on? I recall seeing a program on BBC which said otherwise. Till the poor got totally disillusioned, saw the light, and started painting the Pakistani flag on the doors of their huts and howels as a symbolic gesture?
If its a mistake, then it means that more mistakes are bound to happe in future if they are not stopped now...I was againsta the army so far ,but now their behavious seems to be of a mad dog..who goes around biting everyone, without a reason...army needed here.If we dont stop them now, we will be with the ranks of Pakistan.....facing numerous problems due to this fight on our own soil.
Apology accepted brother. We are in this together. All of us. But I disagree with you of what is 'slowing down the response' to the terrorists. Believe me, it is not the lofty ideals of a social dilemma. There are strong vested interests who do not benefit from the Maoists being put down and peace, order, prosperity, and industry entering that region. Both national and foreign. The nation, the rich nation, is baying for the Maoists' blood.
They shuld be rooted out..and i have no qualms in this seeing the bloodshed they have let loose.

The nation, the whole nation, should also be looking beyond the barrels of the guns from which the bullets emerge. But this thing has gone past the tipping point. Rather, its been orchestrated to go past the tipping point. A generation of maosists are going to be wiped out. Sooner rather than later. While those vested interests go back to doing what they have been doing all along. And rich India moves its attention to more weighty matters, once calm returns. And millions of poor Indians continue to be poor. And mostly forgotten. Till the next uprising. And spate of government and NGO projects. Its called balance, and anything that disturbs it is bad.

After they r rooted out...the govt shuld not go back to delhi...
It shuld stay behing and ensure that the development work that has been eluding these tribals for the past 6 decades are started and most importantly completed so that another Naxal movment is not started in the future.
They shuld be rooted out..and i have no qualms in this seeing the bloodshed they have let loose.

Agreed, and neither do I.

After they r rooted out...the govt shuld not go back to delhi...
It shuld stay behing and ensure that the development work that has been eluding these tribals for the past 6 decades are started and most importantly completed so that another Naxal movment is not started in the future.

Brother, we are both Indians. Both living in India. The same India where after a train crash of this magnitude, our honorable railways minister plays semantics saying law and order is the responsibility of the state. Lets hope for the best, but lets be realistic and not delude ourselves either. If we had a governemnt with some balls, we would have emergencies being declared in all affected states, and the Union taking over full responsibility of law and order. Not pass the buck and act sanctimonious and weep crocodile tears. And give that irritating woman the boot for starters. As should the CM of Jharkhand who typifies 'of the people, by the people, against the people.'

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