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Sorry to open this thread. Bangladesh floating over oil.

No it is not. We have coal reserves that would last us more than 50 years though.

Well it depends how much coal you plan on using each year. Bangladesh has very small coal reserves otherwise.
As far I remember the news was on janakantha. Come on Bangladeshi brothers, you must have some info about it?
Bangladesh does have limited proven oil reserves in Sylhet. In Haripur there is proven reserves of 40 Mbbl. The area has not been properly investigated and hence there is potential for more.
In the mid 2000's we were producing 4/5k barrels a day. I suspect the production capacity remains the same to date. We purchase oil from the gulf below market rate and coupled with the fact that exploration is expensive GOB has never seriously to date bothered to explore for oil.
Welcome MB.

I believe this comment ' Bangladesh floating on oil' was made by Saifur Rahman ex finance minister based on assumption which was never proven and most probably wrong.
Thanks kobirazz

In terms of Oil quite simply there is no way of saying one way or another as GOB has never seriously looked for oil. It is also not uncommon for oil to be present where there is natural gas. However I suppose it would be logical to assume that there probably is not a great deal of it as surely if it was as abundant as say saudi we would have know about it.
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