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Sorry, the US Economy is not collapsing!

A giant like the US economy does not collapse just like that..
It fumbles.. it stumbles.. but there are too many players and redundancies for it to collapse just like that.
The only possible time that it may collapse will be natural calamity .. like the San Andreas Fault collapsing.
A giant like the US economy does not collapse just like that..
It fumbles.. it stumbles.. but there are too many players and redundancies for it to collapse just like that.
The only possible time that it may collapse will be natural calamity .. like the San Andreas Fault collapsing.

My assertion is that it is already on a downward spiral that can not be rectified.

This downturn is a systemic failure. The failure is due mainly down to de-regulation and failure to enforce rules. Capitalism is based on supply and demand, as well as risk and reward. If one takes the risk of cheating and gets away with it, he gets a reward, this leads to more cheating (heard about Mr Ponzi). By not properly regulating the system, cheaters got rewards. Multiply this by several million, and you get our current issues. If regulations had been implemented, this would never have happened. Instead, we might have had another mild recession and your cyclic suggestion would have resulted.

UN report on the matter:


doubt you will read all this but there you go.

In 2012 :

1) According to the US Census Bureau ,today , 1 in 2 persons in America is already living at Poverty or Near Poverty levels .

That is a whopping 50% of the American population living a life of shambles , starvation , and utter desperation .

Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income - BusinessWeek


Census data: Half of U.S. poor or low income - CBS News


It is so bad in the States that , even the illegal migrants are leaving the USA en masse !

Yes, The Illegal aliens find that Mexico has a better quality of life !!! ( CNN's Jack Cafferty )


Number of illegal immigrants in U.S. declining - US news - Immigration: A Nation Divided - msnbc.com

My assertion is that it is already on a downward spiral that can not be rectified.

This downturn is a systemic failure. The failure is due mainly down to de-regulation and failure to enforce rules. Capitalism is based on supply and demand, as well as risk and reward. If one takes the risk of cheating and gets away with it, he gets a reward, this leads to more cheating (heard about Mr Ponzi). By not properly regulating the system, cheaters got rewards. Multiply this by several million, and you get our current issues. If regulations had been implemented, this would never have happened. Instead, we might have had another mild recession and your cyclic suggestion would have resulted.

UN report on the matter:


doubt you will read all this but there you go.
You're oversimplifying things & making it sound like every other entity out there cheats to fill its coffers ! This is not the case & the thing that currently sustains the US growth, so will in the future mind you, is the tech sector & you just can't beat the megacorps they have although probably the best one can do is assemble their items cheaply like Foxconn !
You're oversimplifying things & making it sound like every other entity out there cheats to fill its coffers ! This is not the case & the thing that currently sustains the US growth, so will in the future mind you, is the tech sector & you just can't beat the megacorps they have although probably the best one can do is assemble their items cheaply like Foxconn !

Did you even read that. Doubt it. you have responded why do you debate and respond without reading. i do not think some of the leading economists in the world reporting to the UN agree with you

this is a report from UNCTAD Secretariat Task Force on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation: Executive summary


I wonder if this will effect US dollar :rofl:

Pakistan, China sign currency swap agreement – The Express Tribune

China signs currency swap deal with Thailand| Thailand|chinadaily.com.cn

China's yuan trades big in Singapore - Channel NewsAsia

Japan, China in discussions for massive purchase of government bonds | The Japan Times Online


4. The U.S. will be on the brink of losing its status as the world’s reserve currency. Printing more money has been the preferred tactic of the Feds during our meltdown. We can do that because there’s a demand for the dollar by investors who believe in the stability of us paying our debts and because most international trading is done by converting the currencies of the two foreign countries into the dollar as a standard acceptable unit. As our debt spirals out of control, so does our ability to repay; once we’re not able to repay, investors will no longer buy the dollar and our country’s credit line will be cut. Once that happens, the dollar will no longer be an acceptable safe haven.

Top 10 Things I Expect in 2012 | years, financial, top - Analyst - The Orange County Register
Did you even read that. Doubt it. you have responded why do you debate and respond without reading. i do not think some of the leading economists in the world reporting to the UN agree with you

this is a report from UNCTAD Secretariat Task Force on Systemic Issues and Economic Cooperation: Executive summary
I don't need to cause I was replying to the other part of your post btw the IMF/World Bank are no different from the clowns heading the EU & I know enough about the subprime mortgage & its fallout that I really don't need any reference to follow what happened thereafter !
I don't need to cause I was replying to the other part of your post btw the IMF/World Bank are no different from the clowns heading the EU & I know enough about the subprime mortgage & its fallout that I really don't need any reference to follow what happened thereafter !

Of course you know more. why do you not go and sort out India and or America's issues lol

Wall Street Warns Tim Geithner That The Dollar Is Starting To Lose Its Reserve Status
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/03/2011 13:50 -0500

Ben Bernanke Ben Bernanke China Fitch Goldman Sachs goldman sachs None Reserve Currency Tim Geithner Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee Volatility

The Treasury's Borrowing Advisory Committee, chaired by such luminaries as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, which according to some (and by some we mean anyone who cares about such things) is the brains behind the decision-making process of US debt issuance has released its quarterly minutes, in which it has issued one of the most stark warnings about the fate of the US Dollar to date. While it is now a daily occurrence for China and Russia to bash the dollar, for the most part still powerless to provide an alternative (but rapidly gaining), the same warning coming from Jamie and Lloyd has to be taken far, far more seriously. Which is precisely what happened today. As Bloomberg reports, "The Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee... said the outperformance of haven currencies and those from emerging nations has aided in the debasement of the dollar’s reserve status, according to comments included in discussion charts presented ahead of the quarterly refunding. The Treasury published the documents today.

Wall Street Warns Tim Geithner That The Dollar Is Starting To Lose Its Reserve Status | ZeroHedge

If, God forbid, the US economy failed, it would be bad, very bad; for me, for you, for the whole world. No person in his right mind would wish for the US economy to fail.

Of course I do not want it but hey its not my doing I realise I have more to lose than most being in the 0.1% of the richest in the world and based in the UK I suffer more than most. The places which will suffer the most are Israel first then US and then UK

But the good thing is that American unjust policies around the world will end. Remember a hungry Pakistani Indian or Palestinian will be less effected they are hungry now and will be after the demise of US dollar etc
Of course you know more. why do you not go and sort out India and or America's issues lol
Cause they're systemic in nature, viz more than half of IND import bill is from crude oil & Gold so we really can't reverse this scenario unless we turn say towards a hydrogen led economy ! With US the problems are probably worse cause the lot love cheap stuff & then cry hoarse when their megacorps outsource the production alongwith their jobs ! Beyond this if you're talking about corruption its endemic in human society & be it CN or the UK we can't get rid of it only punishing the corrupt can act as a deterrence !
Contrary to the way the financial world may be presented in the mainstream media, the Fed is at the head of the global central banking syndicate that runs the show Don Vito Corleone style, where should any foreign central banks get out of line, will soon be in for a currency markets massacre as they see their currencies soar against the dollar and thus destroying their ability to export, which their economies are addicted to drug addicts style, as the official policy of the U.S. since the midst of the cold war has been to control the worlds financial system by means of operating a continuous large trade deficit, as covered at length in the October 2010 article (12 Oct 2010 - USD Index Trend Forecast Into Mid 2011, U.S. Dollar Collapse (Again)?).

Whilst many in the mainstream press have finally clocked onto the fact that the Fed intends to inflate (about a 18 months behind the curve), what no one appears to have clocked onto so far is that the BIG SECRET is that the Fed intends on INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD ! It is pushing the worlds governments reliant on exporting to the U.S. into devaluing their currencies by means of printing money (See Ebook QE section).

Thus against the Fed INFLATE or DIE policy, all foreign central banks are fighting hard to maintain their pegs to the downwards spiraling U.S. Dollar, which effectively means that all currencies are spiraling lower hence the whole world is inflating at the Feds whim. For instance emerging markets such as Brazil repeatedly cry out that they are being flooded with too much foreign capital that is driving up their currencies, therefore they are forced to print and debase their own currencies i.e. INFLATE! (are you listening delusional deflationists ?) THE FED IS INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD!

How can the US Fed get away with printing money and inflating the whole world ?

You may wonder that the dollar's strength (lack of collapse) in the face of money printing and ever expanding debt accumulation is as a consequence of underlying US economic strength or huge amounts of (Invisible) gold reserves at Fort Knox. The real reason why the US is able to get sway with printing unlimited amounts of money is the US Military, as the US remains the worlds sole hyper military power following the collapse of the soviet union and increasingly relies on global military power to back up the dollar as the worlds primary means of exchange, as any country that chooses not to comply will likely be on the receiving end of a 1000 tomahawk cruise missiles as Libya is experiencing today or even worse as Iraq has experienced during the past 8 years.

The U.S. Military Empire targets all those bastions of mediums of exchange that compete against the dollar, which is why the literally super sweet oil rich state of Libya presents such an ideal target for not just the U.S. but also the competing imperialists of Britain and France, regardless of the fact that they are choosing to back and about to arm rebels of North East Libya, an area that ranks as the Al-Qeeda recruitment capital of the world (as a proportion of population) as per the 31 page West Point Study that analysed the backgrounds of captured foreign guerrilla fighters in Iraq during 2006-2007.

Unfortunately, the death of all empires comes in the form of a short-lived super nova explosions of military expenditures, which is the path that the US appears to have chosen and hence the tendency to increasingly use shock and awe military force around the globe as the military industrial complex remains the only significant growth industry to restock the missiles and bombs and equipment expended

Walayat Street - Nadeem Walayat's Financial Markets Trading and Analysis Site
Good article by mate Noddy

Why 20+ and not 50+ (for each state of USA)

That's silly mate. The point is their will be division

Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018 - YouTube
US more growing economy means ( more destruction in this planet world ) GOD save us from these devils which are slaves of zionists.
China, Japan Agree to Reduce Reliance on U.S. Dollar
Written by Alex Newman
Thursday, 29 December 2011 09:10


The government of Japan and the communist dictatorship ruling mainland China announced a landmark agreement this week to facilitate trade between the two powers without using the U.S. dollar, relying instead on the Japanese yen and the Chinese yuan.

According to the terms of the deal, the two governments agreed to encourage trade directly in yen and yuan without having to use American dollars as an intermediary — the current practice. Companies in Japan and China will soon be able to convert the currencies directly. And the Japanese government also agreed to hold Chinese yuan in its foreign-reserves portfolio.

It remains unclear exactly how and when the agreement will be implemented. But according to news reports, both governments have already set up a working group to iron out the details. Officials said the move was aimed at reducing risk and transaction costs.

The new currency deal comes as the communist Chinese dictatorship has been taking increasingly bold steps to expand the international role of the yuan. The regime’s officials have also become ever-more vocal in attacking the dollar’s global reserve status, calling instead for a more international system managed by a world entity such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Of course, China and Japan are the second and third largest economies on Earth. And their governments are the two largest foreign holders of U.S. government debt. So the deal has huge implications — at least in the long term.

“The run on the dollar that could sink its value and bring surprise hyperinflation to the U.S. has just become a lot more likely,” observed Alfidi Capital CEO Anthony Alfidi, who said the bilateral move would eventually mean higher U.S. interest rates.

“The change does signal to other nations that America’s main trading partners will favor the illiquidity risk of less-traded currencies over the valuation risk of holding dollars tied to unsustainable spending,” Alfidi added, pointing out that demand for dollars would take a hit. “The U.S. financial elite should take a breather from its construction of swap lines for the eurozone to pay attention to this news.”

Other commentators implied that the deal should be seen as a signal aimed at American authorities. “The larger message this pact sends is economic and it is directed at America: ‘We have no faith in your leadership,’” wrote Michael Moran in Slate, saying the two Asian giants had taken another “baby step” toward dethroning the U.S. dollar. He also suggested that, despite official denials, Japan was starting to increase its diversification out of American assets and currency.

Still, many analysts downplayed the significance of the deal, claiming it was just one tiny step on what will be a long road to ending the dominance of the U.S. dollar. As the reigning world reserve currency for decades, they say, it will take many years for the dollar to finally lose its valuable status.

“While there’s a wider story there of whether it changes the role of the dollar as a reserve currency, that’s much more questionable,” Deutsche Bank currency strategist Alan Ruskin was quoted as saying by CNBC. “It would be a very, very small step in that direction.”

But examined together with other recent announcements and current trends, the process is likely well underway, say experts. And with countless prominent world leaders and global institutions calling for an end to the dollar’s privileged position, the end might come sooner than most mainstream analysts expect.

In August, the communist Chinese dictatorship blasted U.S. policymakers. The regime called for global supervision of the dollar and eventually the creation of a global currency. In April, leaders of the so-called “BRICS” — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — also demanded a new international monetary system.

Meanwhile, European Union officials took the opportunity offered by this week’s Japan-China currency deal to tout the imploding euro. "These are developments that show it's good that we have a unified Europe. United, Europe is the strongest economic area in the world,” claimed German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble after the announcement. “We have good chances to pursue our interests and then the opportunity to implement them in the world."

The value of the Chinese yuan is still highly controlled by authorities. Among other problems, it is not readily convertible, diminishing any potential role it may be able to assume in the global economy — at least for now. However, if the regime in Beijing were to loosen its grip over foreign exchanges, that could change quickly.

The effect of such a move would immediately reverberate across Asian markets and the world. And the U.S. dollar, along with the entire American economy, would almost certainly be the primary victims.

Oh dear me what a shame for Americans
1) According to the US Census Bureau ,today , 1 in 2 persons in America is already living at Poverty or Near Poverty levels .

That is a whopping 50% of the American population living a life of shambles , starvation , and utter desperation .

A source for that contention in bold please.

PS: Have you ever visited the US?
Contrary to the way the financial world may be presented in the mainstream media, the Fed is at the head of the global central banking syndicate that runs the show Don Vito Corleone style, where should any foreign central banks get out of line, will soon be in for a currency markets massacre as they see their currencies soar against the dollar and thus destroying their ability to export, which their economies are addicted to drug addicts style, as the official policy of the U.S. since the midst of the cold war has been to control the worlds financial system by means of operating a continuous large trade deficit, as covered at length in the October 2010 article (12 Oct 2010 - USD Index Trend Forecast Into Mid 2011, U.S. Dollar Collapse (Again)?).

Whilst many in the mainstream press have finally clocked onto the fact that the Fed intends to inflate (about a 18 months behind the curve), what no one appears to have clocked onto so far is that the BIG SECRET is that the Fed intends on INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD ! It is pushing the worlds governments reliant on exporting to the U.S. into devaluing their currencies by means of printing money (See Ebook QE section).

Thus against the Fed INFLATE or DIE policy, all foreign central banks are fighting hard to maintain their pegs to the downwards spiraling U.S. Dollar, which effectively means that all currencies are spiraling lower hence the whole world is inflating at the Feds whim. For instance emerging markets such as Brazil repeatedly cry out that they are being flooded with too much foreign capital that is driving up their currencies, therefore they are forced to print and debase their own currencies i.e. INFLATE! (are you listening delusional deflationists ?) THE FED IS INFLATING THE WHOLE WORLD!

How can the US Fed get away with printing money and inflating the whole world ?

You may wonder that the dollar's strength (lack of collapse) in the face of money printing and ever expanding debt accumulation is as a consequence of underlying US economic strength or huge amounts of (Invisible) gold reserves at Fort Knox. The real reason why the US is able to get sway with printing unlimited amounts of money is the US Military, as the US remains the worlds sole hyper military power following the collapse of the soviet union and increasingly relies on global military power to back up the dollar as the worlds primary means of exchange, as any country that chooses not to comply will likely be on the receiving end of a 1000 tomahawk cruise missiles as Libya is experiencing today or even worse as Iraq has experienced during the past 8 years.

The U.S. Military Empire targets all those bastions of mediums of exchange that compete against the dollar, which is why the literally super sweet oil rich state of Libya presents such an ideal target for not just the U.S. but also the competing imperialists of Britain and France, regardless of the fact that they are choosing to back and about to arm rebels of North East Libya, an area that ranks as the Al-Qeeda recruitment capital of the world (as a proportion of population) as per the 31 page West Point Study that analysed the backgrounds of captured foreign guerrilla fighters in Iraq during 2006-2007.

Unfortunately, the death of all empires comes in the form of a short-lived super nova explosions of military expenditures, which is the path that the US appears to have chosen and hence the tendency to increasingly use shock and awe military force around the globe as the military industrial complex remains the only significant growth industry to restock the missiles and bombs and equipment expended

Walayat Street - Nadeem Walayat's Financial Markets Trading and Analysis Site
Good article by mate Noddy

That's silly mate. The point is their will be division

Max Keiser: Dollar to be buried way before 2018 - YouTube
I think you need to get rid of that dope & stop watching the Godfather, its over man the DON is no more & the US is not gonna have all its way especially with the rise of IND/CN in the near future !
PS: Have you ever visited the US?

spent some time in wall street & twin towers. saw a lot of deprived or should i say depraved

I think you need to get rid of that dope & stop watching the Godfather, its over man the DON is no more & the US is not gonna have all its way especially with the rise of IND/CN in the near future !

Yaar didn't realise there was dope in hamlet cigars lol

Godfather was good but scarface better imo

Anyway whether is good outside I am going to office see you guys
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