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Some top reactions from Pakistan's social Community after Pm Imran khan speech

Cash GK

Sep 20, 2015
Reaction score
(1)First I will start with Pm's comments.
عدلیہ سے ہارس ٹریڈنگ پر از خود نوٹس کی توقع تھی
‏(وزیراعظم عمران خان)
I was expecting the judiciary iwill ssue a notice on horse trading
(Prime Minister Imran Khan)
The next time someone goes to the grave of Pakistan's hero General Hameed Gul Sahib, let him know. "America defeated Pakistan with the help of Pakistanis"
امپورٹڈ حکومت پاکستانی قوم نے کبھی تسلیم نہیں کی نہ کرے گی،
‏لیکن ہر امپورٹ کے لیے بنک کی گارنٹی یعنی LC کی ضرورت پڑتی ہے
‏عوام یہ سوال بھی ضرور کرے گی کہ “اس امپورٹ کے لیے LC کس نے کھلوائی”
Imported government Pakistani nation will never recognize,
But for every import a bank guarantee i.e. LC is required
The public will also ask the question, "Who fed the LC for this import?"
(4)تاریخ ہمیشہ بہادروں کو یاد رکھتی ہے
‏آج امریکہ کی نوکری کرنے والے جرنیل ،جج ،صحافی، سیاست دان اپنے ویزے اور پیتزے بچانے والے سب غلام تاریخ کے کچرا دان کا کوڑا بن جائیں گے۔عمران خان مزاحمت کی علامت بن کر جاوداں ہوں گے۔

(5) میں امپورٹڈ گورنمنٹ کو کبھی تسلیم نہیں کروں گا اور عوام میں نکلوں گا۔ وزیراعظم عمران خان
(6) چوتھی بار کہہ رہا ہوں کہ نومبر 2021 سے اب تک جو کچھ ہورہا ہے وہ ہمیشہ چھپا نہیں رہے گا،
‏جب بھی چیزیں سامنے آئیں تو کئی چہرے ہمیشہ کے لیے نفرت کی علامت بن جائیں گے.
‏بھان متی کے کنبے کی اصل اوقات بھی عوام کو پتا چل جائے گی،
‏ان کی نسلوں کو بھی کرائے کے قاتلوں کی اولادیں کہا جائے گا
(7) شہباز شریف جس نے ذرداری کو لاڑکانہ کی سڑکوں پر گھسیٹنا تھا اور پیٹ پھاڑ کر دولت نکالنی تھی اب وہ بیرونی سازش کے تحت سب چوروں کا وزیراعظم بننے کے لئیے دربدر ہورہا ہے۔ ان کا نظریہ صرف کرپشن ہے
(8) اب 'سیلکٹڈ' نہیں 'امپورٹڈ' کی چلے گی کیونکہ سلیکٹرز 'امپورٹرز' کے آگے ہاتھ باندھے کھڑے ہیں!
(9) Imran Khan Riaz, Irshad Bhatti & Maleeha Hashmi have all disappeared from TV screens within 24 hours, PMLN is being blamed for pressures; but this doesn't suit PMLN's coming elections Agenda! Hope PMLN leaders will clarify!
(10) Supreme Court decision is riddled with inconsistencies & contradictions; implications of interference in the affairs of an elected legislature by an unelected judiciary will become visible with every passing day! May God help Pakistan
(11) فیصلہ آپ لوگوں نے کرنا ہے
‏ہماری عدلیہ جو فیصلہ کرتی ہے وہ تو سب کو پتہ ہے امیر کے لیے الگ نظام
‏اور غریب کے لیے ایک الگ نظام
‏ہم سب کو اس نظام کے خلاف سوشل میڈیا پر مہم چلانی ہو گی
‏اور مہم ہے صدراتی نظام
‏ہمارے ملک پاکستان میں جب تک صدارتی نظام نہیں آئے گا انصاف نہیں ہو گا.
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My fear is that PTI is being pushed to become a KP based pashtun nationalist party.

Benazir once noted that smaller provinces' based parties do not get justice in the Fed courts.

So PPP found a solution which was to do exactly what Nawaz sharif did with judges in Punjab and Islamabad - brought them under PPP wing in Sindh.

Its now a possibility that Pakistan might not have a single Pan national party and a balkanized govt structure might exist in future.
I'm really feeling sorry for Pakistan and Pakistanis now, because all are happening very nakedly after the brave speech of Imran Khan against the western hegemony!

I still wish and pray to Allah , may he save your nation from imperist power and uncle Toms!
I’m ashamed to be Pakistani 😢
Anybody who feels otherwise at this time is just delusional or an idiot.

Where did the post saying that the problem with Pakistan's establishment (gens, judges, whatever) is that they make decisions screwing over hundreds of millions for unforeseen amounts of time while they retire themselves and enjoy all their perks, privileges, and plots regardless of where the country is heading go...?

Anyway, that was an accurate picture.
I'm really feeling sorry for Pakistan and Pakistanis now, because all are happening very nakedly after the brave speech of Imran Khan against the western hegemony!

I still wish and pray to Allah , may he save your nation from imperist power and uncle Toms!

When are you guys going to remove the Begums from power? I have a Bangali mate, he hates them :)
When are you guys going to remove the Begums from power? I have a Bangali mate, he hates them :)

One Begum is gone case. Another one is ruling. I want her stay on power till the end of 2028.

I nowadays feel safer as a citizen of a semi dictatorial country.

Because semi dictatorship is proven more useful for a South Asian country than Western democracy.
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One Begum is gone case. Another one is ruling. I want her stay on power till the end of 2028.

I nowadays feel safer as a citizen of a semi dictatorial country.

Because semi dictatorship is proven more useful for a South Asian country than Western democracy.

Atleast you don't get the headache of dirty politics everyday. You have Begum sahiba as supreme leader and you just put your head down and work hard. She's doing well at economy though so it's a good thing.
‏ہمارے ملک پاکستان میں جب تک صدارتی نظام نہیں آئے گا انصاف نہیں ہو گا.
Who will gurantee that?
Every system can work if justice is there. Like Communism works in China but not in Russia. You know how China deals with corrupt officials.
I know situation is not good but you have to remember that we belong to a great Nation, we are children's of warriors, we are the only country born in the name of Islam and giving up is haram in Islam, we will not give up. People are desperate and angry against our army, judicial system, PPP and Nawaz League, we have to pray to Allah and stand with IK, i was more disheart then anyone else. I did cry for my country, I have seen the guy from shawarma shop. Who used to tell me everyday that oil prices are getting higher but still he was crying because he knew IK was best choice, we have to preach to everyone to vote for Imran, I love my country and I will not lose my hope in good
I know situation is not good but you have to remember that we belong to a great Nation, we are children's of warriors, we are the only country born in the name of Islam and giving up is haram in Islam, we will not give up. People are desperate and angry against our army, judicial system, PPP and Nawaz League, we have to pray to Allah and stand with IK, i was more disheart then anyone else. I did cry for my country, I have seen the guy from shawarma shop. Who used to tell me everyday that oil prices are getting higher but still he was crying because he knew IK was best choice, we have to preach to everyone to vote for Imran, I love my country and I will not lose my hope in good
Our grandfathers had that fighting spirit, entire villages faught 2 world wars on multiple fronts for crying out loud, and it seems new generation are bunch of anime kids

Crying, get out of Pakistan,- were millions killed thousands raped
So you can get out at the first sign of trouble?

Follow IK(do not criticize forces like he said repeatedly) , do peaceful protests and make sure no other power takes advantage of our political instibility

But tantrums, move out BS is spiting on the graves of our Martyr's and people who suffered during partition
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