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Some Indian numbers found in WhatsApp groups of TLP members - Arshad Sharif

yes you use your own people for such things and other side is also using them, so whats the difference?
No problem with us using irregulars against India. We should all be very clear on which nation started this policy of using state supported irregulars though. Pakistan responds befittingly.
it looks RAW is very much worried for superiority of religion islam that is why they are directing TLP activists to violence by indian phone numbers .
Don't worry yourself about the details for now. The general principle has held true for decades. India will try to destabilise Pakistan by all available means, especially using Islamist and/or separatist forces. We know the types of muslims you like to create in Hindustan - they're less concerned with actual Islam and more concerned with committees, badmouthing Pakistan and fomenting violence in our nation.
What else you expect from India? they will of course whatever tools they have to increase violence in Pakistan, from BLA to PTM , from TLP to MQM all those groups have started within Pakistan but their leaders later start taking dollars from Foreigners and than dance on their beats.
No fuel can be added to a fire that doesn’t exist. If there are millions of terrorists in Pakistan and the majority are intolerant extremists, It would be idiotic of India to not exploit them to end Pakistan - and they are well underway.
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