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Some foreign participants pics from Anatolian Eagle 2012-02

can someone explain how that counts as a kill? cant he use flares or something?? everytime you get in a good position does that count as a kill and also is the f-16 new blocks that we have with those kinda things on the sides are they shwt compared to ef-2000?

Also whos f-16 was it


The following screenshot comes from a video recorded by the HUD (Head Up Display) of a Eurofighter Typhoon and it is the first (and only) Typhoon HUD capture ever made public.

It shows an F-16 in the wrong place at the wrong time: in front of a high maneuvering plane capable to point its nose when it wants to.

During a dissimilar air combat training (DACT), the “Viper”, in clean configuration and maneuvering under high G-forces, is killed by a Typhoon with a gun shot scored while flying at 8,200 feet, less than 5 degrees AOA (Angle of Attack), Mach 0.46, pulling 1.8G.


According to the source who sent it to me, the rest of the video shows that the Typhoon, after downing the F-16, continues maneuvering vertically, accelerating a bit to climb and descend again for a second shot on the same target.

The video answers to the some articles published in 2011 about claims that Pakistan Air Force’s pilots scored Typhoon kills during DACT taking place in Turkey, during Ex. Anatolian Eagle. According to such reports, Pakistani pilots on exchange with the Turkish Air Force, and flying TuAF F-16s, scored kills against RAF Typhoons in WVR (Within Visual Range) gun contests (even if no evidence was provided to support claims fueling the theory that the of fighter pilot tall story).

air superiority can only be established in the absence of an equivalent enemy air force, therefore guess most of the time WVR encounters are inevitable and gonna be the main issue...so the question is should we go for high degree of maneuverability or TV (whch is only meangful in low speed) for the plane or AIM 9X or Python 5 :) The wise goes for high level of situational awareness and a decent missile...you cant out maneuver a missile anyway... but still having a high maneuvering plane is not a sin :)
(even if no evidence was provided to support claims fueling the theory that the of fighter pilot tall story).[/B]

What you don’t believe a respected pilots recollection of his combat, we all know a pilot is always completely honest about how fast his car is, how pretty his date was last night and how many kills he got in red flag.
this picture is cool and intersting; a TuAF boeing 737 aew&c mesa peace eagle taking off during Anatolian Eagle ...you can also see eurofighters and phantoms in this set

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