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Some facts about Iranian inventions

Nov 24, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iranian was the first peolpe who created alphabet in south of Iran about 7000 years ago.

,was the first people who minted coin and used it for bussiness.

,was the first people who created roadster and built roads for roadster.

,was the first people who created perfume.

,was the first people who invented canalization.

,was the first people who invented thread and spinning.

.was the first people who used fire for heating and cooking.

,was the first peolpe who had queens for governance.

,was the first people who built ship according a persian queen`s instruction.

,was the first people who invented glass and used it for thier houses.

,was the first people who discovered earth is round.

,was the first people who created astronomy.

,was the first peolpe who created cavalry army.

,was the first peole who discovered coal.

,was the first people who invented scale.

,was the first peolpe who invented a simple camera by a box and took photo.

Prophet Muhammad[S.A]:If Sciences exist [even out out of earch] and in a star like soraya nevertheless Iranian people will get them.
What did the persians invented? - Yahoo Answers

(6000 BC) - The modern brick. Some of the oldest bricks found to date are Persian, from ca. 6000 BC.
(~5000 BC) - Invention of Wine. Discovery made by University of Pennsylvania excavations at Hajji Firuz Tepe in northwestern Iran.
(5000 BC) - Invention of Tar (lute), that led to the development of the guitar.
(3000 BC) - The ziggurat. The Sialk ziggurat, according to the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran, predates that of Ur or any other of Mesopotamia's 34 ziggurats.
(2000 BC) - Peaches are a fruit of Iranian origin, as indicated by their Latin scientific name, Prunus persica, from which (by way of the French) we have the English word "peach."
Tulips were first cultivated in ancient Persia.
(1700 BC) - The windmill.
(1400 BC) - The game of Backgammon appears in the east of Iran.
(1400 BC to 600 BC) - Zoroastrianism: where the first prophet of a monotheistic faith arose according to some scholars, claiming Zoroastrianism as being "the oldest of the revealed credal religions, which has probably had more influence on mankind directly or indirectly, more than any other faith".
(576 BC to 529 BC) - Under the rule of Cyrus II the Great, the Cyrus Cylinder was issued. This is considered to be the first universal declaration of human rights, predating the Magna Carta by one millennium It was discovered in 1879 in Babylon and today is kept in the British Museum.
(576 BC to 529 BC) - Under the rule of Cyrus II the Great, Cyrus frees the Jews from Babylonian captivity. See Cyrus in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
(521 BC) - The game Polo.
(500 BC) World's oldest Staple (fastener).
(500 BC) The first Taxation system (under the Achaemenid Empire).
(500 BC) The first courier post. Also called the "Royal Road".
(500 BC) - Source for introduction of the domesticated chicken into Europe.
(500 BC) - First cultivation of spinach
An ancient ice house, called a yakhchal, built in ancient times for storing ice during summers.
Spoon crafted in 550BC.
(400 BC) - Yakhchals , ancient refrigerators. (See picture above)
(400 BC) - Ice Cream.[22]
(250 BC) - According to archaeological digs, the Parthians created the world's first batteries. Their original use is still uncertain, though it is suspected that they were used for electroplating.
(250 BC) Original excavation of a Suez Canal.
(271 AD) - The teaching hospital
(700 AD) - The Cookie.
(762 AD) - Designing Baghdad: The original city was based on Persian precedents such as Firouzabad in Persia. The two designers who were hired by the caliph al-Mansur to plan the city were Nowbakht, a former Persian Zoroastrian, and Mashallah, a former Jew from Khorasan.
(864 AD-930 AD) - First systematic use of alcohol in Medicine: Rhazes.
(1000 AD) - Introduction of paper to the west.
(935 - 1020) - Ferdowsi writes the Shahnama (Book of Kings) that resulted in the revival of Iranian culture and the expansion of the Iranian cultural sphere.
(980 - 1037) - Avicenna, a physician, writes The Canon of Medicine one of the foundational manuals in the history of modern medicine.
(1207 AD - 1273 AD) - Rumi writes poetry and in 1997, the translations were best-sellers in the United States.
Algebra and Trigonometry: Numerous Iranians were directly responsible for the establishment of Algebra, the advancement of Medicine and Chemistry, and the discovery of Trigonometry.
Qanat , subterranean aqueducts.
Wind Catchers , ancient air residential conditioning.
"Virtually all European scholars claim Arabic music has Persian origins

KING CYRUS Born 590 BC or 576 BC
Died August 530 BC
Buried Pasargadae
Predecessor Cambyses I
Successor Cambyses II

What have the Persians invented? - Yahoo Answers

Insurance by Government was started during Cyrus
the Great of Persia. (Gardeshgari, Iran, March 2000).

Weight, Money and Measurements were standardized
in Persia, for the first time, some 2, 500 years ago
(Gardeshgari, March 2000)

The first accounting tools were found in Iran,
belonging to 9,000 years ago. (Gardeshgari, March

The first brick invention took place in Iran.
(Gardeshgari, Iran, March 2002).

According to the Shah-Namah of Ferdausi, the first
caesarian operation (actually Persian-Birth) was done
in Persia

The first anesthesia was practiced in Persia 1,000 B.C.

The first World Super-Highway, that connected the
East and the West, was the Silk Road. It joined China
to Europe; and its main part was Central Asia (Ancient
Persia) with its many Caravans, Caravansarais,
Bazaars, etc. etc.

The first time that the Navy was used in a
Military Operation was by the Persian Army some
2,500 BC.

The first time that the ships were used as bridge
to cross the river, was done by King Darius, who
crossed the Nile and conquered Egypt.

The first ruler who planned and constructed the
Suez Canal in Egypt was King Xerxes of Persia (539

The first time that a canal was built to connect
two seawaters was by King Xerxes of Persia, who built
the Xerxes' canal, near Greece, and attacked Greece,
during the Persian Wars, 500 B.C. (International
Herald Tribune, Nov. 15, 2001).

One of the earliest Legal Codes in the world is
called The Law of the Medes and the Persians.

The first system of federal government was
started in the Persian Empire.

The first secret service, called the eyes and the
ears of the king, was started in Persia.

Darius the Great of Persia established the First
Tax System, Customs Duties, Official Records and The
Legal Code, in the world level.

^^^ I found those inventions by iranians by just a simple search. I am sure they are a lot of more inventions that can be added to this list.

I think @Serpentine , @haman10 , @SOHEIL , @Ostad can help to make these lists longer.
در مورد ابداع شلوار چیزی نگفتید ... ابداع آستین و امثالهم رو م نگفتید !
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