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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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The way to send a message to political elements is through the ballot box.
You are right ballot is the right and better way. But way erdogan was going doubt there would have been another election , even if so a fair one. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. The attacks in france must have given indication about where the country was headed.
What a shock, as if EU, US and Israel have no clue what's going on....They're probably in touch with Army generals orchestrating the coup, checking on the progress and advising them on the process. They will try to wipe their hands clean, nobody is stupid.
The US response has been strangely mute, something doesn't add up./
So seems like erdogan would even drag the country into a civil war just to save his ***. What a pig

A democratic leader is defending his people from military fascists.

I call him brave. Go for it, Erdogan.
Why does the Reichstag fire come to mind
**** off asswipe, go to your fucking forum the mess .net were you kiss Israeli *** like your life depends on it.

I'm hoping that this sort of post that adds nothing to the discussion at hand is not tolerated. I don't believe it used to be.
Hey just read the news tomorrow. i don't believe in gossip.

Don't care what you believe or don't, I know for a fact Al Qaeda and ISIS will become state powers within a year or two thanks to this moronic decision by the usual culprits. They just destabilized the whole world, and insist on repressing the will of the people in the Middle East. They have severe hateful and genocidal intent towards the people of the Middle East, and they're making it even more clear day by day. This will blow up in their face make no mistake about it.
Reading sela from mosques at this moment!
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