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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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People are in the streets, footage now being shown, this won't be tolerated, good luck to Turkish people. If it succeeds ISIS will gain very much strength, the whole Middle East will be stabilized. Idiotic Westerners and Jews have deeply miscalculated, they clearly just sent message that freedom will not be achieved by anybody in the region. Except through armed uprising. This is stupid and will lead to huge uptick in terorism, believe me when I say people now lost their patience.

This was rushed decision by the West.

Turkish army is just taking orders from US and EU, along with Israel. This army isn't independent just like every other filthy army in the region. They are not even armies, they're just there to crack down on people and serve as forces of control for the West.

So what you are saying is that Turkish people who work in the military have no pride or mind of their own and can be bought by the west and Israel?
Coup is coming to Saudi Arabia too. It is just a matter of time. US is cleaning the houses of its allies in the region. Saudi Arabia is overdue.

Iran is no more a US or British ally as it was before. Iran is now itself an independent power pole in the region. A coup does not make sense in Iran. As it would not make any sense in any truly independent state.

Saudi Arabia is the last absolute monarchy and it will be overthrown by a military coup with US support. It is just a matter of a short time now.

The Saudis do what the Americans tell them. Why would the US get rid of them?
What is the viable alternative to the house of Saud?

It will be him. He is the best alternative for the entire House of Saud. He is an Iranian doctor and a great global intellectual after all.
It seems that the senior military leadership has been detained, but it doesn't look like this was a small group. It is a large scale operation, with fighters, helis and tanks involved, which means that a good portion of the military is behind this, and not just a few rogue officers.

If he manages to escape, Erdogan will get asylum in Europe, most probably germany or france.

The police seems to be fighting back against the military, which means that the army is going to have a hard time taking over. Plus, pro government supporters are massing on the streets, against the military, which means the army will either have to mow them down, or back away.

The coup may very well succeed, but the army will never gain complete control, or trust of the population.

Like I said, this won't be over that easily. This will have enormous repercussions. Erdogan has already called his supporters to take to the streets. As far as I know, this is happening right now on a mass scale.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in a phone interview on broadcaster CNNTürk that a "minority group" in the military has attempted a coup.

Erdoğan said the parallel state, referring to the followers of the U.S.-based scholar Fethullah Gülen, has promoted the attempt.

"We will not leave the ground to them," he said, vowing to end the "occupation" by the group, called on nation to unite at squares and airports. Erdoğen said he would also be on the streets.

The move is not as part of the chain of command., he said.

"I am the chief commonder," he said.

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said earlier that Turkey is facing an uprising attempt from inside the army, with the state-run Anadolu Agency reporting that Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar is being kept as a hostage with a group. Erdoğan neither confirmed nor denied the information, telling that there was an "obscure atmosphere" of information.

A group naming itself "Peace in the Country Council," published a statement on Turkey's state-run broatcaster TRT, which it had taken over during the July 15 coup attempt, that it has taken tne power in the country.

The statement said the group so-called council will trial at "fair courts" all those "have betrayed the country.

The so-called council also declared a curfew.

A CNNTürk reporter said a helicopter shoot on the General Staff headquarters in Ankara.

CNNTürk reported that two busses full of soldiers entered the headquarters of the state-run TRT in Ankara. Channels started to broadcast wheather forecast only.

"This cannot be called a coup for the moment. This is an uprising," PM Yıldırım said. The security forces are in action against this he said, in phone call to broadcaster NTV.

"We will punish it the hardest way," he also said.

“Our security forces will use force against force, he said.”

The head of the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) said on broadcaster CNNTürk on the phone that a group of soldiers were trying to take them out of the building.

He called on citizen to hit the streets against the attemp, similar to pro-govrenment papers on their websites.

Ambulances await in front of the General in Staff headquarters in Ankara, as entrance to the building is denied.

Atatürk Airport has been closed to traffic, with tanks waiting in front of it.

A number of armored vehicles have cut a main road in Istanbul, where the Istanbul police headquarters is located.

Gendarmerie has blocked entrances to bridges in Istanbul from the Anatolian to the European side of the city on July 15.

Reports said an explosion was heard in Ankara's Gölbaşı district.

Doğan News Agency reported that police in Ankara called personnel to office.

Details to come...

Civilians taking up arms in Istanbul, this is a very dirty and dangerous move by whoever has planned this, first it was the stupid fucking Egyptian segment of morons , now small segment of Turkish morons sell their nation to people that seek total submission out of them. Good luck to the police, Turkish army, just like Egyptian and Saudi turned out to be useless Western dick licking morons. I have no respect for the Turkish army, that serves no purpose but taking order from foreigners.
Nevetheless, a military coup should not be rewarded. Should not be excused. Washington should condemn this. Threaten sanctions if we have to against the coup leaders.
I don't know how popular the coup is but there is footage of the tanks being cheered as they move through the streets.
Urgent from Iraq:

The Turkish forces in Iraq got ordered to pull out of Iraq.

This is the fruits of toppling erdogan.

Dont come with fake news, even we dont know what will happen in turkey tomorrow morning, the coup isnt fully operational to take this decision. Nothing is clear yet, its not known who has done it and what is the status. Else than what has aired on tv and radio that armed forces took the govern
May God help our turkish brothers, explosions and firing has been heard in Ankara
Latest new : Social media and Internet Blocked by the Military ... That's why there are no Turkish members responding to this news ..
Turkey is a member of NATO. These officers would never revolt without first taking the green light by Americans(because its them who will recognize them)
"Claims from Turkish sources on air that head of Turkish military has been killed and that the heads of the Turkish Air Force and Land Forces are behind the coup."


It also seems that the navy may be backing Erdogan.

Can any Turkish member confirm this? Or give their opinion?
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