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Some countries inoculated with Chinese vaccines fail to curb viral spread

Hamartia Antidote

Nov 17, 2013
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United States

Health officials in some countries are scratching their heads because their high vaccination rates did not lead to a decline in Covid-19 cases.

Such phenomenon is particularly prevalent in countries that vaccinated the population mainly with Chinese Covid-19 vaccines, and industry watchers are raising questions over the Chinese vaccines’ efficacy.

Chinese companies, including Sinopharm and Sinovac have developed Covid-19 vaccines and the Sinopharm vaccine won the WHO’s approval for emergency use on Saturday.

Seychelles is the most vaccinated against Covid-19 in the world, followed by Israel. Over 60 percent of the population in the Indian Ocean nation have received two full doses of a Covid-19 vaccine. However, unlike in Israel, the number of Covid-19 cases has recently gone up in Seychelles, which has about a population of 97,000.

According to Our World in Data, an international statistics website, 60.7 percent of the Seychelles population have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, followed by 58.7 percent of Israel. In Seychelles, 69.2 percent of the people have received the first dose of a vaccine.

However, new daily Covid-19 cases went up to 1,799 on Thursday in Seychelles, whereas the daily number was only 63 in Israel on the same day.

Screen Shot 2021-06-06 at 12.33.26 AM.jpg

Share of the population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 as of May 10, 2021 (Source: Our World in Data)

The United Arab Emirates, the third most vaccinated after Seychelles and Israel, is having a similar problem. On April 20, 38.8 percent of the UAE population have received both doses of a vaccine, and 51.4 percent have got the first dose. However, daily new cases have exceeded 1,700 recently in the UAE.

Chile, ranking fourth in the vaccination rate, has vaccinated 37.4 percent of the population with two full doses and 44.8 percent with the first dose.

However, Covid-19 infections are still rampant in Chile. The new daily Covid-19 cases used to hover around 2,000 in early December. However, after the Covid-19 vaccination started, new cases rose to over 7,000 per day in March. The situation abated a little in mid-April, and the daily number fell to around 5,000 in May.

What Seychelles, the UAE, and Chile have in common is that they have inoculated their populations mostly with Chinese Covid-19 vaccines.

Over 60 percent of the population in Seychelles received the Sinopharm vaccine, and the rest, the AstraZeneca vaccine. The UAE granted the nod for the Sinopharm vaccine in December and has rolled out the vaccine swiftly since. People in the capital city of Abu Dhabi received Sinopharm vaccines only, and those in Dubai, vaccines from Sinopharm, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca.

Chile began vaccinating medical professionals with the Pfizer vaccine in December and accelerated the vaccine rollout with the Sinovac vaccine in February.

A rush in relaxing quarantine measures is cited as one of the causes of continued Covid-19 spreads.

Seychelles began to allow foreign travelers to enter the country on March 25, when the vaccination rate was below 30 percent.

As the vaccination rate increased in the UAE, health officials lifted viral curbs and maintained mask-wearing policy only.

Chile also eased social distancing rules.

The WHO approved the Sinopharm vaccine as the sixth Covid-19 vaccine for emergency use. Sinopharm vaccine can be given to adults aged 18 or older, and two doses should be administered three to four weeks apart.

The WHO said the Sinopharm vaccine was 79 percent effective in Covid-19 patients with symptoms and those hospitalized.

출처 : KBR(http://www.koreabiomed.com)
Virus is not necessarily a bad thing. They kill the weak and the old, leaving the survivors young and healthy. Think about it. Lions eat the weak and the old, leaving the surviving herbivores young and vibrant. The US tries to save the weak and the old, and ends up destroying itself demographically.

That’s really stupid comment to start off.

human life is way precious than your stupid ego.

There are more than 10,000 cases in the United States every day. Does this mean that the vaccines vaccinated in the United States are not effective?

Do you know what is interesting? The United States can provide nothing. When the first stage, the world needs masks and protective clothing. The United States could not provide them, and the United States began to advocate freedom and refused to wear masks.

In the second phase, in order to preemptively release the vaccine, the United States did not complete the third phase of the trial forcibly released. Then the United States began to promote itself as the savior. But embarrassingly, the United States is still unable to provide vaccines.Because the United States is already a non-industrial country, the United States has many laboratories but no factories.

Now in the third stage, the United States has begun to deny the role of vaccines, because China provides more vaccines to the world than the world's total. And this is just the beginning.

But I think there are a fourth stage, a fifth stage. They are also the stages where the United States cannot provide anything.
The world still needs an efficient public health system, an effective medical system, and the infrastructure and medical equipment to support all of this.

The only thing the United States can do is to praise or criticize your government in the media.
lol china bad. western vaccines good... the uk the most inoculated in europe is rising high with new cases. jai turd..

and in the US also highly vaccinated still have ten of thousands new cases everyday, but china bad. pfizer good. :D lolz

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lol china bad. western vaccines good... the uk the most inoculated in europe is rising high with new cases. jai turd..

and in the US also highly vaccinated still have ten of thousands new cases everyday, but china bad. pfizer good. :D lolz

You’re missing the point genius. The point is to have lower cases after vaccinations. The new cases rate should be on a downward trajectory after vaccination. Instead in Seychelles after vaccination the new cases rates are going up

US is highly vaccinated but before vaccination the cases were as much as 200k/day now after vaccination it’s around 16k/day which tells you vaccine is working. And new cases are in a downward trajectory

there is a reason why Bahrain is giving Pfizer after giving Chinese vaccines. The cases weren’t going down
Virus is not necessarily a bad thing. They kill the weak and the old, leaving the survivors young and healthy. Think about it. Lions eat the weak and the old, leaving the surviving herbivores young and vibrant. The US tries to save the weak and the old, and ends up destroying itself demographically.
For Chinese troll you are only playing into enemy's hands sonny
You’re missing the point genius. The point is to have lower cases after vaccinations. The new cases rate should be on a downward trajectory after vaccination. Instead in Seychelles after vaccination the new cases rates are going up

US is highly vaccinated but before vaccination the cases were as much as 200k/day now after vaccination it’s around 16k/day which tells you vaccine is working. And new cases are in a downward trajectory

there is a reason why Bahrain is giving Pfizer after giving Chinese vaccines. The cases weren’t going down
doesn't mean you can't get virus after vaccinated. each country have their own way managing pandemic. some strict, some relax or their people just don't care. that kind of behavior contribute to rising number. the uk is example of that. their number went down for awhile after vaccinated, now rising again after gov relax rules.

chinese vaccines that highly vaccinated in hungry, serbia, moroco and one of brazilian city are working very well for them. i don't see western media talk much about that. also, in indonesia, thailand and many others that still low vaccinations are working very well for their frontline workers.
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Israel had a lockdown in February despite using 100% BioNTech vaccine and already distributing 1.5 million vaccines to the most vulnerable by December. This doesn't prove the BioNTech vaccine is not effective, it just proves that a lockdown is necessary during vaccination to prevent partially vaccinated people from getting sick.

The vast majority of those hospitalized in Chile and Seychelles were not vaccinated at all. Meanwhile Indonesian healthcare workers and entire regions of Brazil had their outbreaks ended with Sinovac and Sinopharm.

The disinformation presented here is likely to cost lives.
doesn't mean you can't get virus after vaccinated. each country have their own way managing pandemic. some strict, some relax or their people just don't care. that kind of behavior contribute to rising number. the uk is example of that. their number went down, now rising again after gov relax rules.

chinese vaccines that highly vaccinated in hungry, serbia, moroco and one of brazilian city are working very well for them. i don't see western media talk much about that. also, in indonesia, thailand and many others that still low vaccinations are working very well for their frontline workers.

This is a very baseless and sorry *** excuse. So someone shouldn’t question a doctor who killed a few patient as long as he has saved some patients?

this zig zagging isn’t ideal way to vaccinate everyone. Just because some countries it’s working isn’t excuse for other countries where it’s not working. And UK cases didn’t rise up due to lax policies they raised uonbcuz of delta variant which their vaccine can’t handle

This zig zagging situation isn’t apparent with pfizer. That’s why countries who relied on Chinese vaccines are switching over to Pfizer.

And the amount of excuse people here are willing to make for shitty *** Chinese vaccine is mind boggling. @Tai Hai Chen this idiot just quoted it’s good virus is killing people
Virus is not necessarily a bad thing. They kill the weak and the old, leaving the survivors young and healthy. Think about it. Lions eat the weak and the old, leaving the surviving herbivores young and vibrant. The US tries to save the weak and the old, and ends up destroying itself demographically.

I know you have a habit of saying some “out there” things, but that comment was really low of Mr. Powers.
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This is a very baseless and sorry *** excuse. So someone shouldn’t question a doctor who killed a few patient as long as he has saved some patients?

this zig zagging isn’t ideal way to vaccinate everyone. Just because some countries it’s working isn’t excuse for other countries where it’s not working. And UK cases didn’t rise up due to lax policies they raised uonbcuz of delta variant which their vaccine can’t handle
so british vaccines suck. i only see you making excuse here.
This zig zagging situation isn’t apparent with pfizer. That’s why countries who relied on Chinese vaccines are switching over to Pfizer.
pfizer has very low effectiveness against indian strain and all those nasty side effects..

pfizer export to the world is very very tiny. no one is switching over. talk is cheap. how about donate that about to expire unwanted astrazeneca doses to the world first?
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