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Solve the terrorism threat--China's experience


Apr 21, 2010
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How to solve the terrorism threat?-China's experience

----Does China has terrorism problems? Yes,we have. Several years ago, China police were killed by terrorist frequently, and before 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, some terrorism groups said that they would attack during the games. Before 10,1,2009 China's National Day, some terrorists tried to attack either. Before 5,1,2010 ShangHai Expo, terrorists said they would do some things. But several years passed, we didn't see what kind of terrorism happened, why?


2008 Beijing Olympic Games's police

----Reason 1: There was no enough soil for terrorist to live.
----International: China never oppress or affront either countries, China love peace, and want to be friend with all of countries, so China has less enemies than US.
----Domestic:The terrorism threat in China inland come from:
---------1: Separate force. Such as XinJiang and Tibet separate organizations.Tibet and Xinjiang separate terrorists started two riots before 2008 Games and 2009, they hurted or killed thousands of common people. The Xinjiang separate terrorists killed the top police officer of Xinjiang province and many GOV officers.



---------2: Heresy religion. Such as "Rule Wheel Religion". About ten years ago, thousands of RWR members besieged and tried to attack the "Middle South Sea" where the China top leaders lived in. They killed theirself and their families frequently.One member clipped out his abdomen used a scissors and tried to find the "Rule Wheel", soon he died because of sheding out bleed.

One member clipped out his abdomen used a scissors and tried to find the "Rule Wheel", soon he died because of sheding out bleed.

Burn theirself.

---------3: Black society. Many black society organizations would do some terrible things use some society opportunity. They always kill police and burn down the police stations.
---------4: Sadness people. Some poor or unfair treated people feel angry about GOV or society.

----Toward the first case: China GOV would do nothing before the separate terrorists begin to kill common people though they had got the information. Police and soldiers stay in their base and wait for the killing happen. Hundreds of terrorists appear in each corner of the city, they kill everyone and burn down every shop they see. They kill people and steal goods, that's illegal, so police and soldiers go to stop them. Why China police wait for the sadness happened and then stop the riot? Because if terrorists had not killed anyone, they has no guilty. So the police will stand next to the terrorists and see they killing some body freely, after that they would arrest the terroriests.Then the GOV officers ,CCP members,teachers, college students and other intellectuals would visit each families to teach them, tell them the truth, and let them not to join the terrorism organization, they needn't worry, everything is ok. After several weeks, the central government would invest many money to the area where the rior happened, this money would be used building new houses for the poor, building new school in less developed area, buying TV sets for the poor and so on. After one year, those poeple would feel happy. When terrorists let somebody to join them again, he would not agree, and he would theach the terrorists to stop doing bad things.

----Toward the second case: China GOV woud send a large number of GOV officers ,CCP members,teachers, college students and other intellectuals to teach each member of the RWR. At the first, the teaching is difficult, but under the indefatigable teaching, some RWR members understand the truth, they don't believe the heresy. After that, GOV will let them to teach other RWR members who still believe the heresy. At the same time, GOV will try their best to do some good things for the RWR members to make them feel happy and appreciate the GOV. After several years, there is no man who still believe the heresy, RWR is uprooted.

----Toward the third case: In order attacking the Black Society Organizations, the central government orders the local government leader to fight against the BSO, they have to arrest a large number of BSO, if they couldn't finish the mission, they have to go back home.
----Under the order, local government try their best to clear up the BSO. However, some BSO has very deep root and some local gov leaders shield them, in this case, some civilians and other officers would expose the darkness to the central government, CG would send a "Central Censor Group" to inspect the truth. By this way, many BSO were eradicated, and many top leaders of local government were condemned too.

----Toward the fourth case: In part of China's local government, the corruption phenomenon is serious. Some people feel angry, and they think that China is hopeless, so they have no hope either. Central government will send a "Central Censor Group" to inspect the truth.The local leaders fear about the CCG. Many corrupt local leaders would be killed by law, include provinces top leader. However, the corruption phenomenon still occur, China has a long way to go.

----To sum up, the China Communist Party is very important in the solving of terrorism. China has about 60 million CCP members, most of them listen to their secretary-general Hu Jintao's words. The whole country must follow Hu Jintao's orders. As we all know, China isn't a democracy country, CCP is the country's bone, and Hu Jintao is the country's leader. May be some Hesperian dislike it, but this kind of system suit China, under this system, China can concentrate all of her power to do several great things. The whole society is organized well and has a high efficiency. (This system is not bad, but not excellent, not good either. China has a long way to go.)
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----The main experience of China in solving terrorism is: Try government's best to make the "terrorists" live batter and feel happy.
----The second experience is: Let all of the intellectuals teach those "terrorists" what is truth and what is wrong.
----The third experience is: Build alot of schools, make sure all the children can go to school, and the elementary education is free. Build TV tower in each village, the poor people who live in village can get TV set from government without paying money. So the people who live in farway area can understand the truth.
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You are correct, economically prosperous people do not fall into the trap if terrorism set by their handlers.

Thanks for your analysis, your country has been able to use force, ideology and economic development to quash terrorism. We need such advice and need to work for a better country free if such extremists who are violent and suicidal.
With due respects to China's methods, such an approach is not easy in our countries. One big advantage (if you can call it that) is the lack of religious sentiment among the local populace. Any action that the government of India or Pakistan takes will always be painted with a religious or intolerant picture. I don't mean to point fingers, but any action against the terrorists in Indian Kashmir is portrayed as persecution of "Muslims" by Pakistan, and any action against Maoists is persecution of the poor by misguided activists.

Providing the poor with TVs is a good idea if we have state controlled media to dole out the 'truth' , but in India, the news media is sensational and stirs crazy emotions. With such programming, expect a riot in every city every week.

That said, some of the points like improving education, health, employment and dignity of life for the affected people needs to go hand in hand with controlling the terrorists are valid.
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