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Solution to Pakistan's Energy Problems by Me


Sep 8, 2009
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Energy crisis? No problem - here is a well thought out process to resolve our nation's energy needs and also buy us a Aircraft carrier at same time - listen out - but I speek the truth

If my country needs me to execute this plane PM me and I will get it done with Abdul Qadir Khan Sahib

Analysis: (Note Calculations are pretty close to exact estimates very close)

These days you can buy a solar 'Pannel'

220 Watts , Pannels - Cost $800 USD

With 1,400 Watts , people can get away from Electricity Bills
Meaning you would need 3 Pannels (1 free) x $800 = $2400 , gov matches your own contribution - 4 free pannels $2400 So in total we are looking at 6 pannels together connected so we get 1,400 output - which is MORE then enough (considering in Pakistan we use GAS stoves)

212,080.00 PKR ~ is cost of Energy Independence for Home

Considering we waste 5,000 Rupees-10,000 Rupees monthly on gas and oil solution
which has to be imported into country

Our ppl go out and we send in 10 billion into pakistan and what we do next , we go back and buy oil - for 9 billion dollar this is why we see no money

Average Home uses 1400 watts of energy Produced in 1 Hour its saved in Batteries

(Solary Panels also collect energy even at night energy level are highest in Sunlight:pakistan::pakistan:)

Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
Light a Bulb - 60 Watts
TV 32 Inch - 125 Watts
Fridge - 194 Watts (Ones made after 2001)
Computer/Monitor - 200 Watts

So far we have only used 759 Watts of Energy

Ceiling Fan 1 - 55 Watts (Bedroom)
Ceiling Fan 2 - 55 Watts (Living Room)
Ceiling Fan 3 - 55 Watts (Study Room)
Floor Fan - 100Watts

Remaining Power can be Saved in Batteries (Recharging)
You link 4 Batteries together you have Electricity for 4-5 Hours in night

One Mega Watt is equal to 1 Million Waats (1 000 000)

In example Above , 1 Pakistani faimily was producing 1400 Watts

Now 3300 MW = 3300,000,000 Million Watts

So we need about 2.3 Million homes in Pakistan to use Solar Energy

Great how much is the cost ??
2.3 Million X 800 USD = '1.8 Billion USD' is the Magic Number

We can get 1.8 Billion dollar from out aid funds -or apply for loan.

Our Economy produces what 120 billion GDP etc so I don't think 1-2 billion would be an issue a permenent one for that matter - with in 12 months - it can be done

So first of all if our Gov was really serious about fixing the problem they can just fix the damn problem by helping 2.3 Million homes
in Pakistan get off the Grid Lines for Electricity and become 100% independent.

Now lets examine, how much these so called POWER generator run by oil cost ?? First you have to buy the damn units ? Right
Almost 1,000 USD or 2,000 USD and you have to wait in line haggle
and cry every time gas prices rise - well - do something about it

Then on top of that you have to buy Petrol/Gas ($30 USD average) to fill that damn thing up this crap fossil fuel is then imported in paying huge sums to arabs

So in our country now adays 1-2 Million homes already have power generators ??

Lets say 1.5 million (1,500,000) x $30 = 45,000,000 Million USD is giveing up by our country to Middle East Oil weekly when ever our cites go dark

(REMEMBER OUR POPULATION IS 160 Million +) I am taking modest estimates of 1.5 homes that use OIL/Petrol generators above so you see how much Moey we BURN with our hand

Think about it ... for secod .....

GO solar - go wind energy and do it on grand scale -

We as Nation gives up 45 Million dollar - just like that , we don't notice it , when we fill out 1 power generator with oil/petrol , instead of Solar energy..... Just because ppl are turning on these petrol power generator as status symbol

Costs us 45 Million Dollars as a nation weekly /biweekly basis - its no wonder we are runing out of OIL

Just 1 week estimates, Load sheding in Karachi, example , every one fills up gas power generators - and this is Money going out of our country -

WAKE UP ppl .....



Refenrece:Toronto Wind Energy Co-op Windmill
The mill is 91 metres high (the hub is 65 metres).
It maximum power output is rated at 750 kW,
and it's estimated to produce 1400 MW/year
per year of electrical power.

This one system can support 200-300 homes with free energy

Steeles Mills can produce enough steel we produce our OWN cement WHAT IS STOPPING US from making 100 of this wind turbines ????

Why can't our Engineers or gov build 10 of these towering Wind Turbines !!!!

1 Can produce 1400 MW !!! Electricty / year

If we have 10 you ca just imagine


Lastly we have Karachi - HAVE YOU SEEN THE WIND on clifton????
And the WAVES !!! we get at clifton area????

We have waves if we had a project with Holland , they know how to covert wave (tidle energy to electricity 100% FREE ELECTRICITY)

a) Get loan from US 1.4 Billion , setup 3 million home in
Pakistan solar panel , It creates 40,000 Jobs in country

b) Ban gas runned power geerators stop 45 million USD dollar
that is going out of country weekly , and instead tell people
to invest in Solar energy, this will reduce cost of gas/oil in Pakistan

c) Setup 30 Wind Turbines in Karachi coastal zone
Generate 4,3000 Mega watts not just

d) Now sice less people will be using the electricity produced from
conventional private companies, more electricity will automatically
be avaialble , and cheaper prices will go down

e) Pakistani ppl can lease out the Solar Pannels, from gov , so the
45 Million USD that goes to Oil companies will come back to
Pakistani gov hands weekly

52 weeks in year, so our gov will gerate 45 million USD/ Week
in 1 year 2,340,000,000 USD billion dollars !!!

Unlike when we BURN oil in generators, and BURN our nation with our own hands , with alternative energy , we can make a big difference -

In 5 Years - using this simple transition , we can save 11.5 Billion dollars

That 11.5 billion every 5 year can be reinvested in Research & Development or Schools and University Grants or a future Atomic Energy Plant for Electricity

See I took a loan of 1.4 billion dollars and , tured it into a profitable 2.3 billi dolar every year deal for Pakistan

The extra billion dollar we will save each year can be used to setup more solar farms in Balouchistan/FATA area and gawadar yearly

So we can be 100% energy independent with out Nuclear Plants

Or we can buy 1 Aircraft carrier that I always want to get which sells for 2 billion dollars - or we can get 200 Euro Fighters Cash !! Payment



1400 Watts per home , if we all equip our homes with this value (remember there are cheap models but now due to advacement 1400 watt units are in market)

Be FREE , be ... polution free - and SOLVE it .. not debate it

The power is in your own hands !!! The answer is in Nature

WIND/SOLAR/TIDAL forces and Nature has blessed our country with all 3 ..

And 2nd largest coal reserves in WORLD !!!!

Conserve -


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Great Solution,
There is plenty of renewable energy within pakistan. However the stupid people who are incharge dont have clue what renewable energy is, All they care about is how they going to stay in power and how to make money through dodgy contracts.

Also as a nation the people of pakistan need to understand that there is other methods of getting electricity other then from the national grid.

We need to have innovation which i believe is lacking within pakistan

Best Regards
I haven't checked your math thoroughly, but looks like you have atleast done your homework. Here are a few pointers:

1. What government gives three solar panels for free? If US govt, then its only for US residents and doesn't apply to others.

2. A standard house uses 1.3Kwh (1300wh) needs six 220 Watt panels, but you didn't include the price for batteries and inverters etc. since for night use you would have to have enough battery bank to give you uninterupted power supply. You may even need more panels to feed the battery bank for later use.

3. What typically irks me is when Pakistanis quickly look for aid and loans to run projects. How about two options, we use our OWN money and resources, and better yet manufacture our own solar panels rather than buying it from abroad. This will solve other problems like having an industry that provides jobs and fixes energy problems. Chinese are pretty good in Solar Panel and battery technology, how about we license it from them?

4. Another thing you can do is produce electricity by burning garbage, that way we solve even more problems, getting rid and disposing of garbage properly and producing energy by burning it and feeding highly efficient steam turbines/generators. Suddenly grabage will have some use in Pakistan rather than lying outside of our houses.

5. If you rely on government and politicians for all this to happen, then good luck. If someone makes this problem a business opportunity, then thats the way to go. Solve problem, make business, make money, make energy and in return make more money....

Your effort to solve the energy problem in Pakistan are commendable, but need some refining and a bit more research. Good effort. Keep it up! Hopefully some entreprenuers are born out of this problem ;)

oh by the way, lets keep coal out of the equation for now. There is no such thing as "clean coal" energy, although there are some liquified derivatives of coal under development that may solve that problem, - a discussion for another day.

Let's sue Zardari and collect all the money he stole from the people of Pakistan (billions of dollars) and to wash his sins lets invest it into energy businesses/projects in Pakistan. How about that? His stolen wealth can single handedly finance the whole thing easily.
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Go solar ..I am all for it. End of oil dominance.

not only Solar

But the Combination of Solar , Wind & Tidal

Banned Air Conditioners in All Country & High gussling Electric Equipments
Great effort and great addendum by PakAffairs. However, manufacturing Solar panels indigenous is a tricky business. My two cents:

- Instead of the regula 60 watt bulbs, go for 15 watt CFLs.

- Promote biogas in the villages and waste incineration in the cities/ towns.

- For somewhat cleaner use of coal, go for CBM and coal gasification.

- Instead of waiting for Govt, form some NGOs to promote these ideas.

Anyways, good starting point. keep it up.
Are you sure 1 windmill is going to produce 1400 MW of energy? Supporting link?
I haven't checked your math thoroughly, but looks like you have atleast done your homework.
me too
Here are a few pointers:
1. What government gives three solar panels for free? If US govt, then its only for US residents and doesn't apply to others.
True indeed.... infect IMF will never allow this.... and govt. will be foreced to adopt the policy of taxing solar panel bussines.
This is simply no startzer at least a by a govt. who is getting rich on kick backs.
not even insane person will take loans at 16-26% markups?????
I'm willing to lend out as many millions govt. wish at 6% markup.

2. A standard house uses 1.3Kwh (1300wh) needs six 220 Watt panels, but you didn't include the price for batteries and inverters etc. since for night use you would have to have enough battery bank to give you uninterupted power supply. You may even need more panels to feed the battery bank for later use.
Life time of (general) batteries in Pakistan would be around 3 years.
inverter may need service periodically...lets say on average every 5-10 years. and cost of building to house batteries and inverter is also missing.

3. What typically irks me is when Pakistanis quickly look for aid and loans to run projects. How about two options, we use our OWN money and resources, and better yet manufacture our own solar panels rather than buying it from abroad. This will solve other problems like having an industry that provides jobs and fixes energy problems. Chinese are pretty good in Solar Panel and battery technology, how about we license it from them?
Totaly with you...and as usuall i would stress we need to start with hydal energy first because we need to manage our water waste to sea as well and it is even cheaper source than solar.
we don't need any help to build solar pannels but we may need manufacturing plant which can be bought of the shelf.
respective govts. does not needed to be involved.

4. Another thing you can do is produce electricity by burning garbage, that way we solve even more problems, getting rid and disposing of garbage properly and producing energy by burning it and feeding highly efficient steam turbines/generators. Suddenly grabage will have some use in Pakistan rather than lying outside of our houses.
I remember back in 1998 we submited a proposal waste power to Lahore Muncipal Corporation, the problem is foreign hands will never let Pakistan take sane action and pass kick backs to some officers and project closed.
Pakistan had lot of natural resources but no civilian govt. went a head with it....wonder why?
It is common sense that iran is sucking oil from under the ground which Pakistan can also suck if we build a hole on our side of border but some one pay us to keep it quite and cool.

5. If you rely on government and politicians for all this to happen, then good luck. If someone makes this problem a business opportunity, then thats the way to go. Solve problem, make business, make money, make energy and in return make more money....
Yes but if we do not pass due share to govt. than nothing can materialise. I hate this corrupt civilian govts.

oh by the way, lets keep coal out of the equation for now. There is no such thing as "clean coal" energy, although there are some liquified derivatives of coal under development that may solve that problem, - a discussion for another day.
Sure coal energy will never be clean but it will be for free.
This is why i said we should only run de-salination plants at our coast line with coal power.
Let's sue Zardari and collect all the money he stole from the people of Pakistan (billions of dollars) and to wash his sins lets invest it into energy businesses/projects in Pakistan. How about that? His stolen wealth can single handedly finance the whole thing easily.
After getting his money we should hire him in coal mine and if he try to steal coal than he should be punished with life time load shedding.

At the end i would say again......why the hell we ignore the road map devised in shape of power policy of Pakistan 2002 :(
Alternative energy board was formed by last govt. and now this board is dead.
Are you sure 1 windmill is going to produce 1400 MW of energy? Supporting link?


The plan is simple - people invest in High Quality Solary systems , instead of wasting money on oil and petrol

2.3 Millio homes = 3300 MegaWatts

1 Wind Turbine can make 1400 MegaWatts/Year -

We just need revolutionary thinking ad growing up

You go to that Petrol Station and you fill that gas caister you are part of the Problem

We have gazillion ACRES and ACRES of Vacant Land it can be turned into a

Energy Farm places like Balouchistan can created 10,000 MW energy if we just use Solar Farming

It will create 50,000-60,000 Jobs in our country in engineering

Yes no one will get rich but ,we will be able to save

11 Billion dollars over 3-4 years - and every 3-4 years we will save that much over and over and over again -

We can then reinvest that into our own Research and developmet / Space program or anything we desire

IT all starts from US ... OUR OWN SELF..

Energy can be produced

a) Wind - we have wind
b) Solar energy - we have Tones of Sun shine
c) River / water (Dams) we already are blessed with that

d) Tidal Energy (Karachi shores Strong Waves)
With some engineering you ca place , units under water that can move up and down
every time , a wave Hits the beach shore , with every wave the wave will be
converted into mechanical motion , which ca yeild Electricity

Why do we the buy petrol ??? Why do we buy these Generators

->Petrol Money goes to Middle East 8-10 billion dollars
->Generators are mostly Japanese etc all money going there

And we have old model cars which use (HIGH % Of Petrol ) un efficient engines ...

So we are the reason of our own PROBLEMS - us .

If we all at least make our home 100% solar depedent & install 1 Mid size wind mill in our roof tops we can make 75% of energy in our homes

If we all do that we can all help nation generate 11 billion dollars in 3 years -

If it will be done it will be done for Patriotism alone - not for moey



Solar farm i California produces 300 MW FREE clean energy

This little PATCH makes 550 MW ...

HOW MUCH EMPTY blouchistan province we have with INTENSE sunshine , no rain ???

LOTs can you even imagine how much energy we can produce ?

I estimate we can easily make quite alot

Again - Pakistan has 120 Billion GDP but we can easily take 1.5 billion loan , and invest it properly

What I see is 100,000 Jobs for Pakistanis

10,000 Highly engineerig positions

The question is simple can we eat grass and get this done -

End Result:

+ Our Nation will use less oil so we can save the extra oil in oil reserve
Prices will go down

+ Polution levels will go down, as less petrol generators are burning carbon into

+ The money wasted on generators will be staying 100% in Pakistan

+ Lower oil and gas prices will mean the cost of commodity food , will naturally go
down, as less petrol will be spent to bring food items from farms to markets

Every Pakistani will have exta 5,000-10,000 rupess or so , saved in their own pockets
every month over all

Electricity Theft will go down - as there is no need to steal -

WAPDA will still sell electricty , only for (Corporate Sector) or for Aircondition usage
But they will have 80% of their energies saved so there will be no more load sheding

The extra energy can be used , to run , projects which can clean sea water to make it drinkable (along with coal burning alternatives)

What we need to do is use our Steels Mills to create Wind turbines
Steel Turbines/Concrete


WE DON'T NEED MORE SUPERMARKET PLAZAS that is no sign of achivement or shopping malls -

We need energy independence
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You are preaching to the choir. The question is what are you going to do about it? Also are you reading what others are saying here? Seems like you are just making noise, although your intentions are good but I do not see where this is going? Do you have a plan or just sharing some info?

We can all have a debate about it but please show the courtesy to listen and respond to others ideas and suggestions.

Sure coal energy will never be clean but it will be for free.
This is why i said we should only run de-salination plants at our coast line with coal power.

Actually even better would be to use solar power for this with the combination of wind/wave/tidal energy. All free and readily available on site (coast) of de-salination.

To take it a step further solar and wind/wave/tidal energy can also be used to generate hydrogen fuel for free. Since electric energy can not always be stored reliably besides batteries, Hydrogen acts as a energy storage which can be re-used to power electric generators, cars (hydrogen powered cars) etc. at a later time or when needed. Burning Hydrogen produces no pollution but just water.

To have optimal hydrogen production via solar/wind/wave/tidal power you would need plenty of electrolytic water, which basically is sea-water, a naturally occuring electrolytic water resource on site too. So the potential and technology is already there, its just a matter of implementing it on commercial scale.

You are preaching to the choir. The question is what are you going to do about it? Also are you reading what others are saying here? Seems like you are just making noise, although your intentions are good but I do not see where this is going? Do you have a plan or just sharing some info?

We can all have a debate about it but please show the courtesy to listen and respond to others ideas and suggestions.


I am becoming grid free with in 1-2 years time I am saving up 2,000USD for our home - no more burning oil - It would be great feeling knowing

I think if we all as collective make one big push it can happen
Actually even better would be to use solar power for this with the combination of wind/wave/tidal energy. All free and readily available on site (coast) of de-salination.

To take it a step further solar and wind/wave/tidal energy can also be used to generate hydrogen fuel for free. Since electric energy can not always be stored reliably besides batteries, Hydrogen acts as a energy storage which can be re-used to power electric generators, cars (hydrogen powered cars) etc. at a later time or when needed. Burning Hydrogen produces no pollution but just water.

To have optimal hydrogen production via solar/wind/wave/tidal power you would need plenty of electrolytic water, which basically is sea-water, a naturally occuring electrolytic water resource on site too. So the potential and technology is already there, its just a matter of implementing it on commercial scale.

I think the reason why normal betteries are good is

#1 they are already available - if you connect 4-8 betteries they give
you electricity charge for good 8-10 hours which is fine

When night comes , just use the 8-9 hours supply for lighting the
home or running fans in home or water motor for 30 min

#2 In North America all homes are now shifting to put 100% solar
coverings and every thing is conected to each other , and 1 wire
goes and conects to the batteries

In Europe people have even done reverse energy production...

Meaning , when your home has access energy that goes back to electrict company , and your electric company pays you back for giving back electricity to city ... at same rate ....
Refenrece:Toronto Wind Energy Co-op Windmill
The mill is 91 metres high (the hub is 65 metres).
It maximum power output is rated at 750 kW,
and it's estimated to produce 1400 MW/year
per year of electrical power.

This one system can support 200-300 homes with free energy
1400 MW/year:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: for 200-300 homes with free energy

Why China is making big dams and India doing civil nuclear agreement with US, UK and Korea. :cheesy:

Wind farms and solar energy is for local area use only in rich nations.
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