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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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We have become a laughing stock..People mock us saying we are from religion of Peace..They are no where wrong after seeing our deeds.Fcuking terrorists..hope Authorities will chop off heir tongue and they can no longer chant Allah u Akbar.

Unfortuantely You are right. They should be deported to their native place. We don't have place in Civilized World :(..

wtf is wrong with you....

Why should any muslim be deported. Why should any muslim be sorry for what these scumabags did??? I condemn this unprovoked attack and my prayers are with the family of the victim. I hope these people who cowardly murdered that man - are punished severely for their actions. But no muslim should apologise for what happened. There are over a billion muslims and just because someone does this, everyone has to be blamed for this??? Nonsense. We condemn this attack but no way in HELL am i apologising for being a muslim!
Britain should hang him from his testicles now, this is what he deserve..
What is most interesting in this thread the way people deduced that the guys were muslims , they were traveling together with that white guy and then when their vehicle turned over they dragged him out and chopped him . It can be due to some enmity, mafia wars or a false flag op , had any of those two murderer was found alive things would have been more clear.

About slogans of Allah ho akbar well we all know how western media is so islamophobic for past decade as it gives a chance to some schumuks to comment on "religion of peace " ,I was just watching eye witnesses account and nobody said anything about such slogans.

To my Paksitani and muslim bro's dont believe anything on the surface without first investigating it.
wtf is wrong with you....

Why should any muslim be deported. Why should any muslim be sorry for what these scumabags did??? I condemn this unprovoked attack and my prayers are with the family of the victim. I hope these people who cowardly murdered that man - are punished severely for their actions. But no muslim should apologise for what happened. There are over a billion muslims and just because someone does this, everyone has to be blamed for this??? Nonsense. We condemn this attack but no way in HELL am i apologising for being a muslim!

This is exactly what we say after each and every incident, be it after 7/7 or after burning Poppies. If Muslims cannot live with the law of the land then they should be deported to their native country. If we dont want to see it happening in our country then for obvious reasons Brits does not want to see people doing all this in their country. Taking asylum over there and trying to own them is not going to work anyways.Better all these immigrants live in their **** hole.

What is most interesting in this thread the way people deduced that the guys were muslims , they were traveling together with that white guy and then when their vehicle turned over they dragged him out and chopped him . It can be due to some enmity, mafia wars or a false flag op , had any of those two murderer was found alive things would have been more clear.

About slogans of Allah ho akbar well we all know how western media is so islamophobic for past decade as it gives a chance to some schumuks to comment on "religion of peace " ,I was just watching eye witnesses account and nobody said anything about such slogans.

To my Paksitani and muslim bro's dont believe anything on the surface .

Very true If it would have happened in America, obama and the liberal media would have called it "Workplace Violence".
Why they attack only one soldier .
Why they did not attack any civilian [White people]
Why they did not run
Why police shot them when they did not have any gun .
Why he was talking to reporter about his country situation

Lots of Question

I think its political motivated and wants to open the eyes of british citizen about their government Atrocity .

When Norway massacre happen nobody said its terrorist act because the culprit was a christian.

When Babri masjid massacre happen Hindoos where shouting har har Mahadev and killing hundred but no one said its hindoo Terrorism .

When Gujarat Massacre Happen with same Vaner (Monkey) sena shouting and killing innocent muslim and burning them alive was not terrorism.

Sri lankan Tamil killing innocent civilian and security forces for independent is not hindu terrorism but kashmiri fighting for independent is muslim terrorism .

This mean from now on every Muslim in Britain is effectively a combatant in a religious war. Nice going.

Since war has been thrusted upon us by the western kaafirs we have no choice. That said, dont drone my house in the dead of the night, cause I am vacationing in the northern areas :cheers:
UK is the biggest player in arming Syrian rebels and stirring up the armed rebellion against an otherwise stable country..
People from that part of the world cannot be in Love with UK....

It was better if UK being a small country,had kept to themselves and not tagged along in USA's war.
@Die Hard

Do you want to contribute to the debate or want a boot?

Your choice.

Correct, home grown terror has become a huge issue for the UK. However,the question that must be posed is that how many such incidents took place in the UK before it joined the Afghan and Iraq war?

Well since UK intervened in Afghanistan and Iraq these problems started and now they are escalated well tbh for all this blame goes to uncle sam if uk didn't got herself in this mess we shouldn't witness these horrific incidents :hitwall: And cause of these numb nuts now the whole of the Islamic community will take the blame sigh.

@Die Hard

Do you want to contribute to the debate or want a boot?

Your choice.

Correct, home grown terror has become a huge issue for the UK. However,the question that must be posed is that how many such incidents took place in the UK before it joined the Afghan and Iraq war?

Well since UK intervened in Afghanistan and Iraq these problems started and now they are escalated well tbh for all this blame goes to uncle sam if uk didn't got herself in this mess we shouldn't witness these horrific incidents :hitwall: And cause of these numb nuts now the whole of the Islamic community will take the blame sigh.
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Sick ****. The Muslim population of the UK needs to get its house in order.
Since war has been thrusted upon us by the western kaafirs we have no choice. That said, dont drone my house in the dead of the night, cause I am vacationing in the northern areas :cheers:
no, the equivalent of that will be some western guy immigrates to pakistan and after a few years kills muslims because muslims are fighting with christians and bible asks him to act.
no, the equivalent of that will be some western guy immigrates to pakistan and after a few years kills muslims because muslims are fighting with christians and bible asks him to act.

You mean like Raymond Davis :azn: BTW its we who will decide what is equivalent or not.....When people lose their loved ones in sensless drone or missile strikes they really dont care about what should be right or wrong.
Ḥashshāshīn;4320160 said:

Nothing like Mumbai...

In the sense this wasn't a "traditional" terro attack with bombs but a very specific and targeted attack with weapons.
Sick ****. The Muslim population of the UK needs to get its house in order.

OH please how many time peoples are saying here why blaming the whole community for a deed which is done by an insane person :S
Though i do condemn the barbaric killing of the poor soul as tbh it was not his fault at first and still he got killed still it doesn't means that you start blaming on the whole community for it
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