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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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I don't know, sounds a bit weird. I think it's too soon to be sure of what happened.
If they were terrorists then it seems odd that they didn't try attacking other civilians until the police arrived, seems like they targeted that one guy specifically. I mean 2 guys with machete's can do a lot more damage than killing one guy if they wanted to.

Look at this:

Woolwich exclusive on Vimeo

The fvcker was trying to hold a press conference after just killing a man.
Their target was the soldier for whatever reason. After that their mission seems to have been to antagonise the British people- they were asking to be filmed and saying stuff like this will keep happening blah blah blah.

They clearly had an agenda.

oh, I don't deny this is a distinct possibility and becoming rapidly more likely in my eyes as you and others provide additional information. I just don't like to jump to a conclusion and prefer to have an open mind. In my, sadly too many, experiences of this nature often times the initial information is clouded and just plain wrong.
However with a video online the ambiguity is fast disappearing.
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Sick black gentleman stabbing a soldier , what type of people are these savages that they cannot recognize humanity, what a sick murder in cold blood and I hope he will pay for this heinous crime in this life and the one after(no offence intended to athiest). I mean we all died for the empire and the queen and we share a common background but how can they be so ignorant to kill their countrymen with such brutality and to think my cousin died for these ungrateful's freedom, keep it classy Britain..


We all fought for the same empire, i mean this don't make sense especially the animosity expressed and using a machete to hack a person to death is just disturbing, this guy is definitely not mentally stable for sure...
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Are the attackers dead?

RIP..to the poor guy.
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they believe that they are doing a divine duty and that their crimes will be forgiven by a divine powerbecause they killed a 'kafir'.

The only divine duty they are doing is sealing their fate in the bottom of a pit filled with leeches sucking on their blood...
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The only divine duty they are doing is sealing their fate in the bottom of a pit filled with leeches sucking on their blood...

calm down, i can feel your rage. It needs to be seen whether the black Muslim community will come out to condemn this or will fall silent to the threats of these murderers.
@for truth

He says that, what you just saw is what we see in our lands everyday. (UK's international wars) Maybe its a politically motivated murder??
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Such morons should be killed instently. UK needs to deal with home grown terror in the strictest possible way.

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