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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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Dirty ****** was asking members of the public to take pics of him with his blooded hands what a sick son of a *****
RIP soldier.

100 - 150 EDL on the streets in London, This can get nasty.

....AND ALL WILL GET ARRESTED. Stoip assoicating British troops to EDL or BNP. Both parties are disliked by both Muslims and armed forceces alike.
fcuk really? where? wtf is met police doing..

Not Sure, but in London! a riot can happen, things can get messy like last time.

....AND ALL WILL GET ARRESTED. Stoip assoicating British troops to EDL or BNP. Both parties are disliked by both Muslims and armed forceces alike.

Are you feeling Ok mate? when did i associate british troops to edl or BNP! I am just giving you information take it or leave it and contributing to the thread unlike others.
Not Sure, but in London! a riot can happen, things can get messy like last time.

Are you feeling Ok mate? when did i associate british troops to edl or BNP! I am just giving you information take it or leave it and contributingto the thread unlike others.
riot for this one incident? I dont think so.
self delete

I used to work just up the road (Shooter's Hill) from where the incident took place. Woolwich/Plumstead and Thamesmead ('Little Lagos') are full of Nigerians and the bloke in that video looked more Nigerian than Somali to me.

Eltham is not too far and is full of EDL/BNP types so that's probably where the trouble, if any, is brewing. On the other hand, there is always trouble in that part of town so it`ll be just another day at work for the coppers.
I used to work just up the road (Shooter's Hill) from where the incident took place. Woolwich/Plumstead and Thamesmead ('Little Lagos') are full of Nigerians and the bloke in that video looked more Nigerian than Somali to me.

Eltham is not too far and is full of EDL/BNP types so that's probably where the trouble, if any, is brewing. On the other hand, there is always trouble in that part of town so it`ll be just another day at work for the coppers.

Yeah they are Nigerians not Somalis anyone who is brown will be a target now I remember after 9/11 my friend was attacked on the tube by 2 skinheads and he was Indian.
RIP soldier.

100 - 150 EDL on the streets in London, This can get nasty.

Expect more arrests..........

@gambit don't act like you know Everything.:disagree:

IMO the EDL are the low of lows. Mindless thugs who ironically can barely speak English, let alone engage in a debate.
bunch of benefit scrounging chavs, type 'edl interview' into youtube. The mind boggles.
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Woolwich! meeting in the their local pubs. British police got a night to look forward too.
Stop defending these bastards.
They give us a bad name. Thanks to them, I will have to face mass hysteria on the news for the next few weeks and possibly some knock-on effects in my community and real life.

It's true that British involvement abroad is nothing less then a crime.
My tax payers money has been used to fuel violence elsewhere and to kill.
That is why I went to protest for days on end. I met with my local MP and wrote letters to the other MP before this one.
Point is, my protest was lawful and I acted as a citizen.

If people here are going to engage in this kind of senselessness, then they deserve no rights as citizens and should be treated as terrorists. And we mustn't condone this kind of behaviour in anyway, shape or form.
Its about time stuff like this happens. UK has been far too soft on muslim extremists, this would be a good wake up call to any developed nations about the problems with a large muslim diaspora. I hope China, Japan are watching closely.
Not Sure, but in London! a riot can happen, things can get messy like last time.

Are you feeling Ok mate? when did i associate british troops to edl or BNP! I am just giving you information take it or leave it and contributing to the thread unlike others.
..and your contribute is trolling ? WOw
Salafi/Wahabi pigs is a cancer which must be removed the whole world knows it

Why are you coming to religion you sick mentally unstable! This guy was not even releted to salafis and wahabis!
IMO the EDL are the low of lows. Mindless thugs who ironically can barely speak English, let alone engage in a debate.
bunch of benefit scrounging chavs, type 'edl interview' into youtube. The mind boggles.

You're right mate, i have seen the interviews you are talking about (It keeps me entertained).


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