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Software Engineers Thread.

For what would I use ADA? How would LISP or Python tie into such a job? Answering either of those will bring you one step closer to me explicitly offering any clarities... but mostly I'm interested in seeing if you can decipher the use of either language in a military context.

Each has a role, and if I do work with unmanned systems, what roles do they have?
i know ada is a very strict low level language, and thats is primary purposes is for millitaty applications . i did a bit of work in ada when i graduated when working for bae systems
what's the difference between software engineers and software scientist?
I am an electrical engineer btw. worked with MATLAB, oop using c++, VHDL, Assembly for 8051, Arduino too but thats almost like c++.
what's the difference between software engineers and software scientist?
I am an electrical engineer btw. worked with MATLAB, oop using c++, VHDL, Assembly for 8051, Arduino too but thats almost like c++.
Never heard of software scientist. afaik there are Software Engineers and Computer Scientists. Computer science is the study of automating algorithmic processes that scale. And software engineering is making software.
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what's the difference between software engineers and software scientist?
I am an electrical engineer btw. worked with MATLAB, oop using c++, VHDL, Assembly for 8051, Arduino too but thats almost like c++.
No such strict definition.
Engineers apply existing knowledge to create applications or build products. Software scientists do only r&d to create new technologies like AI or some hardware stuff. I have seen this terminology being used like Data Scientists where they only fine tune algorithms to analyze data.
Most companies have these research scientist category mostly phd who only work on algos or creating emerging technologies or publishing papers. They build prototypes but not productionize any of the stuff. That is left to other engineers. Like say i will create a cool new technology to transmit current without any loss then i will be scientist. Any other guy who implements it and pushes to market will be an engineer.
you must really be a brave person:p:.

Ada's really common with military software due to its simplicity and ease of testing - that last criteria is what makes it very, very useful, especially to safety engineers. Nothing worse then having to test shi**y software and offer a safety report on its shortcomings.

Most military systems will use it... but not exclusively it. As @Blue Marlin hinted at, I'm a defense contractor that builds software solutions for unmanned systems, mostly in the maritime domain.

Now, could either you or @Blue Marlin tell me what I'd use Python or LISP for know I work with unmanned systems?

Do you work on clojure as well?

No. I use LISP as the basis for a home-grown language. I have a strong grounding in LISP, clojure isn't one dialect I've personally used and haven't encountered in my professional dealings.

We use LISP as the foundation, but not LISP or its dialects themselves. Isn't Clojure run through Java? I'd never touch Java, even with a pole... too many security issues for military use. Though newer versions are more security sensitive.
I'd use Python
no idea, python is a scripting language rt? gives trouble when you dont indent properly:D.(my only exp is modifying existing scripts when something fails to install properly)
I was not aware that that python would be used for unmanned systems ? I consider unmanned system as an RTOS which needs timely response , my guess was C or Assembly level would be the choice for such stuff.

Isn't Clojure run through Java?
yes, functional one. being on JVM makes it easy to adapt.

I'd never touch Java, even with a pole... too many security issues for military use.
True, wouldnt using LISP take more time for development compared to modern languages like java or c++?
This thread is incomplete without @jamahir's gyan.

as i said before, i am more a computer designer... i have not written a c/assembly program in years and i am not very interested in the present language environments ( java, ada etc ) or operating systems ( except qnx ) because i am creating a platform myself. :)

so i don't know how i can contribute here.

edit : besides, most of the global computer industry is useless or frivolous or harmful.
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I am not a complete SE but I m student of SE from PU.
I think Software Engineers in this forum should participate in this thread.. I thought there should be a thread where all SEs should discuss regarding their work or may be i will be getting help as a student.. :P

I am SE passed out in 2010 working currently in UAE government. i have been trainer/ consultant for university students and their projects as well. You can ask any thing you are facing difficulty with.
me curently in 3rd year of mechatronics engg . i have studied c/c++ also assembly language of 8051 :P
clock-less processor.
err..Don't you think you will have to come up with an entirely new OS to interact with that ?

Intel has a monopoly over the market for a reason, right ? Big reason. So big a reason, that when Intel's immediate rival, AMD sells a processor, even then too Intel makes money.
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