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Feb 13, 2013
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I gave up Facebook because it was depressing to see how far ahead all my friends and colleagues went with their lives while I remained stuck. Facebook can be evil!

Social Envy - Study Finds Facebook Causes Depression And Isolation - All News Is Global |


By Fanny Jimenez
DIE WELT/Worldcrunch

BERLIN - Social networks like Facebook make many things easier. You can find out right away if Alex got the job or not, and you can not only read about Marie’s vacation, but you can also see all those pictures of her on the beach, too.

There’s also a downside to this. Researchers have conducted tests that show that people who spend a lot of time scrolling on Facebook are more socially isolated and more frequently depressed than those who do not.

The question, of course, poses itself: are lonely people more drawn to social networks – or does constant surfing result in loneliness over time?

While it wasn’t able to answer the question conclusively, a joint research study conducted by Berlin’s Humboldt University and the Darmstadt’s Technical University did however reveal that spending time on social networks could lead to negative feelings.

The German researchers, led by Dr. Hanna Krasnova, conducted two studies with 600 Facebook users. The results, which will be presented at the end of February at the "11th International Conference Wirtschaftsinformatik (Information Systems)" at the University of Leipzig, show that Facebook can stir up intense envy and can also negatively impact life satisfaction, particularly for passive users.

People who communicate relatively infrequently but read the posts of friends and click through their pictures tend to be less satisfied with their own life, according to the researchers. They asked their subjects to cite possible reasons for this – why using Facebook could awaken a sense of frustration.

The never-ending “envy spiral”

"Envy" was the answer in nearly 30% of cases, followed by 20% of those who deplored “lack of feedback” to their posts by other users. In 36% of cases, subjects said they “sometimes to very often” felt frustrated by Facebook.

Most envied were the vacations or leisure activities of others, followed by social interactions such as, for example, seeing that a friend got more virtual happy birthday wishes than one had received for one’s own birthday. This is different than face-to-face relations, where envy is fueled by the success, talent and possessions of others.

On social networks on the other hand, everybody tries to come across at their very best, often embellishing their profiles. According to researchers, Facebook “friends” become a reference group against which one starts to compare one’s own popularity and success – and this easily leads to glorifying others and putting them above oneself, i.e. the perfect recipe for feelings of envy. Researchers coined the phrase “envy spiral” to describe this phenomenon.

"Envy can proliferate on social networks and become even more intense in the case of passive users," the researchers write. "Considering the fact that Facebook use is a worldwide phenomenon and envy is a universal feeling, a lot of people are subject to these painful consequences," said the study.
Well... You shouldnt suck up to Facebook, Twitter, Forums 24/7 either... Just avoid getting stuck for several hours and you're fine I guess.
Its true that spending so much time on social networking sites is like addiction and make you cut off from real life responsibilities/commitments. Virtual friends cannot be alternate of real life friends and relationship and they should not take over them. Balance is all we need :)
Well... You shouldnt suck up to Facebook, Twitter, Forums 24/7 either... Just avoid getting stuck for several hours and you're fine I guess.

It is not the time spent on Facebook. It is the envy created by seeing other people have a good time and succeed while I am stuck, that is the problem, is what the paper says.

Its true that spending so much time on social networking sites is like addiction and make you cut off from real life responsibilities/commitments. Virtual friends cannot be alternate of real life friends and relationship and they should not take over them. Balance is all we need :)

Balance is a good quality, but how can one find a balance between my own frustrations and deprivation while other people succeed and move ahead in life?
It is not the time spent on Facebook. It is the envy created by seeing other people have a good time and succeed while I am stuck, that is the problem, is what the paper says.

Balance is a good quality, but how can one find a balance between my own frustrations and deprivation while other people succeed and move ahead in life?

I was talking about being on social networking sites too much in general :)

People just need to remain focused on their goals and work hard and be brave. Ups and downs in life happens to everyone.
Balance is a good quality, but how can one find a balance between my own frustrations and deprivation while other people succeed and move ahead in life?

Its good that you have realized it now and you should try to improve your condition without comparing it with others because there will be always someone ahead of you but that don't mean you should give up trying or working hard..
Its good that you have realized it now and you should try to improve your condition without comparing it with others because there will be always someone ahead of you but that don't mean you should give up trying or working hard..

I have not given up trying or working hard, but seeing others get success without working hard due to family contacts and money resources is very unfair.
Yes, I agree. One should not spend more than 15/20 mins on FB and other social forums.
Yes, I agree. One should not spend more than 15/20 mins on FB and other social forums.

Even 15 minutes is enough to see others get fancy houses and cars and marriages and vacations in fancy places, while I stay deprived with no fault of mine. It is not the time spent on facebook, it is the content.
I have not given up trying or working hard, but seeing others get success without working hard due to family contacts and money resources is very unfair.

yea true and sad..money and references play important role in getting job in Pakistan..many competent people are jobless while incompetent people are getting job because of either bribe/safarish/ or links..

but never lose hope ..you will find job one day if you have talent
I have not given up trying or working hard, but seeing others get success without working hard due to family contacts and money resources is very unfair.

If you let your self be unhappy because the world isnt fair i am afraid you have along a miserable life ahead of you.

The world isnt fair, its not fair some guy has a lamborgini and millions just because his dad owns the right patch of sand but neither is it fair that a hard working man loses his family and house due to an earthquake.

Marcus Cole: I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.
If you let your self be unhappy because the world isnt fair i am afraid you have along a miserable life ahead of you.

The world isnt fair, its not fair some guy has a lamborgini and millions just because his dad owns the right patch of sand but neither is it fair that a hard working man loses his family and house due to an earthquake.
wise words @Vassnti!!!
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If you let your self be unhappy because the world isnt fair i am afraid you have along a miserable life ahead of you.

The world isnt fair, its not fair some guy has a lamborgini and millions just because his dad owns the right patch of sand but neither is it fair that a hard working man loses his family and house due to an earthquake.

I know the world is not fair, and I am simply recognizing its unfairness without being unhappy that it is unfair. I am content and happy, most of the time, and simply too tired to care the remaining times.
Not possible..every time I check Facebook I only laugh at how stupid can people be and today's lifestyle -_- It makes me proud of myself for not being idiotic like many people are on Facebook..
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