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sochta pakistan dec 8/2011


Mar 20, 2006
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few days ago i posted the following

Note i made a spelling mistake in my original post where i wrote para-gram instead of paradigm shift i changed it on this one as i am not being able to edit my earlier post

i think given the mood of the desperate measure the U.S is taking these days , i think diplomacy would be the best course of action

few steps : create as much understanding with Russia,china & Iran as possible

normalize relationship with India as much as possible

increase trade with both china & India get in through the India-china trade relationship utilize this to the fullest initiate the transit route with china,India,Bangladesh to central Asia vice versa to south east Asia once that will be accomplished thus automatically bringing in India to the economic dimension & its benefits the eastern border will thus become calm there will be just so much economics at stake this is where the U.S will feel the pinch as India will then become cautious & will hesitate to participate in any U.S persuasions for an indo-pak escalations don't isolate India that will only bring in the U.S closer to it don't give that any chance instead bring India in to the picture along with china, Russia, Iran, Bangladesh trust me that way if played well India might be the triumph card for Pakistan here

the way things are going with Russia , china & Iran NATO staying put in Afghanistan will only make them uneasy its a known fact it has three simple dimension central Asian resources to which Russia will never agree see the power tussle between the the pro-Russia & pro-west political parties in central Asian republics

the other keeping a check at china ( Pentagon's support for Ms. Rebiya Kadeer head of World Uighur Congress & its sister organization The Uighur American Association (UAA) is well known ) for more info visit BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Profile: Rebiya Kadeer

& thirdly Iran's nuclear program & its threat perception felt by Israel coupled up by the financial trouble facing the U.S though the ambition is there to stay but along with that the U.S also needs the financial strength to materialize that goal which is in steady decline strains of which at the moment it simply can't afford so i will say that anything is possible but practically speaking its not feasible or affordable

the only weak link to all this is Pakistan's inability to make a very important & a very big foreign policy shift & its subsequent admission to SCO till 3 years ago i used to shout at the peak of my voice in this very forum for a paradigm shift in Pakistan's foreign policy from its sickness syndrome of look Washington D.C policy i emphasized on the importance of a Russia/Pak relationship viz a viz china/Pak & thus a sino-Russia-Pak relationship but no-body cared the love for f-16 block 52's knew no bounds it could even put Romeo & Juliet to shame , but khair... now its the time for Pakistan to take that step if taken properly as i said a few days before it can be a masterstroke

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Alright! just finished watching the video, and I found it extremely shocking by hearing that, ISI had already forewarned Nawaz Sharif about the selection of Musharraf as COAS, but he went ahead - as the US needed a one-man power to do the things for them.

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