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Dec 3, 2013
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By Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer Yesterday at 11:00pm

Andreas Rupprecht at China Defense Forum

A Flock of Soar Dragons

Two Xianglong drones, to the left of the hoisted JL-9 supersonic jet trainer fuselage, are being assembled. To the right is the original Xianglong (note the black paint scheme and sleeker nose).

The Xianglong "Soar Dragon" UAV, one of the more distinct looking drones in the world, is now in serial production. Built by the Guizhou Aircraft Corporation, is one of China's largest UAVs. Its unique "closed" tandem wings (giving it a diamond shape when viewed from above or below) are not just for show. They increase its flight endurance and high altitude performance by reducing wingtip drag. A July 2016 picture showing a JL-9 trainer jet at GAC assembly plant had three Xianglong UAVs in the background, in various states of completion.


www.top81.cn, via yexu at China Defense Forum

Xianglong UAV

The Xianglong, a high altitude long endurance drone, is one of China's largest drones, with a heavy payload for various missions, including electronic attack and reconnaissance.

The Xianglong gives China a large UAV capability in the category of the US made RQ-4 Global Hawk. Surpassed only in size by the Divine Eagle double bodied UAV, it is about twelve meters in length, with a twenty meter wingspan and a 10-12 ton maximum takeoff weight (measurements are all approximations). The operational Xianglong is likely to be used for maritime surveillance of foreign bases and warships, as part of the anti-access/area denial kill chain. Its long flight time and large sensor payload, in particular, could allow it to follow aircraft carriers, while vacuuming up a wealth of data, for extended periods of time.


www.top81.cn, via yexu at China Defense Forum

Another Big Bird

The 7-10 ton Xianglong, with some stealthy features, would make an ideal EW drone thanks to its huge size, and lone endurance. Its unique 20 meter joined tandem wings increase its range and on station time.

The system might also move beyond a surveillance role. Chinese engineers have noted that the Xianglong's large payload, endurance and range makes it ideal for electronic warfare (EW) missions, both for gathering intelligence on electronic activity, as well as carrying jammers to disrupt enemy radars and datalinks. In wartime, the Xianglong's high altitude jammers would seek to disrupt not only the radars of enemy fighters and missiles, but also jam and spoof communications between enemy bombers, airborne early warning and control aircraft, drones and even datalinks between satellites, ships, land based missile launchers and missiles. in such role, the EW Xianglong would operate alongside a host of other Chinese EW aircraft, including Y-9 heavy transport jammers, J-16 and JH-7 strike aircraft, in both offensive and defensive operations.



Soar Dragon

This image of the Xianglong, by noted CGI artist Baiwei, shows the original iteration of the drone (with longer fuselage and wingspan). Its long range and endurance, made possible by its closed tandem wings, provides a 21st century tracking solution to aircraft carriers and missile bases.

With American "Third Offset" military technologies emphasizing networked communications and data sharing between distant platforms, China's response is soaring in response.
ONLY if it is offered to us
dont be smitten by its outside only.. what matters is.. what it actually carries and its endurance etc
just look at the size of the thing its huge !!! as for it being offered.... well pics of it being at airshows would sudgest that it is avaliable for export and china and pakistan being bff's it should not be a problem it think they would go for the sky wing as opposed to the soar eagle, due it its twin engines and more conventional design

and oh i almost forgot the author is @Deino
ONLY if it is offered to us
dont be smitten by its outside only.. what matters is.. what it actually carries and its endurance etc
I was going to say if it can be equipped with SAR pod and Opto-electric pod for surveillance around the clock surveillance of regions that need constant vigilance. it will also make a great EW bird as it is a role it is being created for and of course being able to do clandestine strikes on our enemies will be great as well.
Thus far, the Chinese have three long-endurance, medium-high altitude UAVs to fufil specific niches within the reconnaissance realm. From largest to smallest:

1. Divine Eagle (world's largest UAV, which carries seven X-band AESA arrays)
Speed: Mach 0.8
Ceiling: 25000 m

2. EA-03 / Soar Dragon
Speed: 750 km/hr
Range: 7000 km
Ceiling: 18000 m

3. Sky Wing III (note the redesigned engine nozzles to reduce IR/radar signature)
Speed: 800 km/hr
Combat radius: 800 km
Mission payload: 80 kg
Ceiling: 18000 m
Endurance: 3 hours
Thus far, the Chinese have three long-endurance, medium-high altitude UAVs to fufil specific niches within the reconnaissance realm. From largest to smallest:

1. Divine Eagle (world's largest UAV, which carries seven X-band AESA arrays)
Speed: Mach 0.8
Ceiling: 25000 m
View attachment 318145

2. EA-03 / Soar Dragon
Speed: 750 km/hr
Range: 7000 km
Ceiling: 18000 m
View attachment 318147

3. Sky Wing III (note the redesigned engine nozzles to reduce IR/radar signature)
Speed: 800 km/hr
Combat radius: 800 km
Mission payload: 80 kg
Ceiling: 18000 m
Endurance: 3 hours
View attachment 318148
No Sky Wing III

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