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So we don't deserve an appology?

remember that both W Pakistanis and E Pakistanis were Muslims however 1971 turned into a war between " Pakistani " army and Freedom fighters from would be Bangladesh

both sides remained loyal to their nation
If they remained loyal to their nation Pakistan instead of their ethnicities (Bengali) then they would never demand independence from Pakistan. If some west Pakistani politicians don't oppress the rights of east Pakistani on ethnic grounds then this seed of hatred never grow and east Pakistani politicians dont use this excuse to gain political power and independence.

I said Islam should be primary identity of Muslims because Islam is all about fairness and justice not only for Muslims but for non Muslims as well because Islam ask you to protect the honour, dignity and rights of non Muslims if they are under your protection. Secondly i have observed the attitude of nationalists on Indian and Pakistan defence forums and trust me most of them are blind lover of their country as well as blind haters of opposite side. They spend hours to defend their nation and sometimes they know what they are defending is clearly wrong but they don't see it wrong because they consider their country as perfect without realizing that their country is run by politicians who can make wrong decisions and can do corruption. Whenever i will criticise their country they will start feeling insecure.

Another thing is hypocrisy of nationalists. on one side they will liberate the balochi, bangladeshi because they are being oppressed by politicians of their enemy country but they will never dare to feel the same for those who demand freedom in their country on same grounds. Natioanlists will ignore/defend the oppression/abuse in their own country while will love to point out and discuss the oppression exist in countries of their enemy.

where would have been Pakistan if it did not have lakhs of citizens who loved pakistan by their heart and at times gave everything for Pakistan?

however enough amount of nationalism is crucial for any nation

For me there is a difference between patriotism and nationalism. It is natural to love your country. Blind love is bad and so are blind lovers. I am proud of my country when it does things that are worth being proud of. I will never die for my country if its going to do something which is not right. I will be against my country leader if he use his power/authority in the wrong way. I will stand against him unlike nationalist who defend his country at any cost :)
I think we can develop better ties with Bangladesh and help those citizens integrate with a solution perhaps bring them and populate them in Balouchistan (create 1 city in blouchistan , 1 in Sindh , and 1 Punjab and 1 Frontier)

---------- Post added at 05:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 AM ----------

I think we can develop better ties with Bangladesh and help those citizens integrate with a solution perhaps bring them and populate them in Balouchistan (create 1 city in blouchistan , 1 in Sindh , and 1 Punjab and 1 Frontier)

I hope that Pakistan and Bangladesh at somepoint in future would come closer as they were pre 70's and lets move forward with China towards a good future
So where is the apology for all those Biharis and us urdu speakers who were systematically killed in former East Pakistan due to "crime" of remaining loyal to Pakistan. Where is the apology for those people who are neither Pakistani nor Bangladeshi and still live in ghettos as immigrants. Where is the apology for those whose men were slaughtered and women were molested by the so called "freedom fighters". What all those liberals of Pakistan think for all those "fools" who still support Pakistan in a Cricket match against Bangladesh. What for those "idiots" who still believe in Pakistan. Who still love Karachi more than Dhaka or Chittagong I know they are criminals. They have committed the crime of being loyal to Pakistan. Yeah their blood might not be that worthy to be discussed but still do at least write one sentence or at least one tweet for them too when all Pakistanis feel emotional and apologist for Bengalis once in a year on 16 Dec. Those guys are still homeless unlike other Bengalis and Pakistanis. Feel sorry for them too, despite their crime. Thank you.

I am sorry that Muslims killed Muslims. Bd government offer them citizenship long back, many accepted it, many don't. Some wants to migrate to Pakistan but Pakistan government denied.

So, what Bd government can do for those who refused to accept citizenship but rather like to collect welfare?
East Pakistanis made just as great sacrifices as the West Pakistanis to help create the nation, only to be treated as second class citizens. They were shunted aside, and overlooked and were never given fair national representation...they represented the majority of the population, but instead they were treated as a small minority. When they protested against it, we tried to systematically destroy their culture and self respect by killing millions...we are asking for an apology for the backlash that followed?
Its like me punching someone in the face and then asking for an apology after he hits me back in self defense...its even worse in light of Pakistan's nonchalant attitude towards the atrocities committed in East Pakistan; maybe when we have apologized and meant it, even once, then we can ask for the same from the Bangladeshis.
East Pakistanis made just as great sacrifices as the West Pakistanis to help create the nation, only to be treated as second class citizens. They were shunted aside, and overlooked and were never given fair national representation...they represented the majority of the population, but instead they were treated as a small minority. When they protested against it, we tried to systematically destroy their culture and self respect by killing millions...we are asking for an apology for the backlash that followed?
Its like me punching someone in the face and then asking for an apology after he hits me back in self defense...its even worse in light of Pakistan's nonchalant attitude towards the atrocities committed in East Pakistan; maybe when we have apologized and meant it, even once, then we can ask for the same from the Bangladeshis.

I agree with you and its sad but no politicians of west pakistan or General tikka khan asked my permission or permission of any common Pakistani before committing any atrocities there so why i or any Pakistani should be responsible for his acts when we equally condemn their wrong acts.
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