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So we don't deserve an appology?


Mar 30, 2010
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So where is the apology for all those Biharis and us urdu speakers who were systematically killed in former East Pakistan due to "crime" of remaining loyal to Pakistan. Where is the apology for those people who are neither Pakistani nor Bangladeshi and still live in ghettos as immigrants. Where is the apology for those whose men were slaughtered and women were molested by the so called "freedom fighters". What all those liberals of Pakistan think for all those "fools" who still support Pakistan in a Cricket match against Bangladesh. What for those "idiots" who still believe in Pakistan. Who still love Karachi more than Dhaka or Chittagong I know they are criminals. They have committed the crime of being loyal to Pakistan. Yeah their blood might not be that worthy to be discussed but still do at least write one sentence or at least one tweet for them too when all Pakistanis feel emotional and apologist for Bengalis once in a year on 16 Dec. Those guys are still homeless unlike other Bengalis and Pakistanis. Feel sorry for them too, despite their crime. Thank you.
Apology from who? Bangladesh will never apologize, they only blindly believe that it was Bengalis that were killed. Pak will not apologize for not taking back the Biharis. Pak can take in millions of refugees from Afghanistan (most of them criminals) but a few Biharis who defended and remained loyal to Pakistan were a burden on them. Be loyal and this is what you get.
Apology from who? Bangladesh will never apologize, they only blindly believe that it was Bengalis that were killed. Pak will not apologize for not taking back the Biharis. Pak can take in millions of refugees from Afghanistan (most of them criminals) but a few Biharis who defended and remained loyal to Pakistan were a burden on them. Be loyal and this is what you get.

For all those Pakistanis who only feel sorry for Bengalis today. Where is there sympathy for these people. Aren't they humans or their blood is somehow less worthy. Obviously I am not expecting an apology from Bangladeshis but what about those Pakistanis who only remember Benglais as the "oppressed" people.
For all those Pakistanis who only feel sorry for Bengalis today. Where is there sympathy for these people. Aren't they humans or their blood is somehow less worthy. Obviously I am not expecting an apology from Bangladeshis but what about those Pakistanis who only remember Benglais as the "oppressed" people.

Apology from who? Bangladesh will never apologize, they only blindly believe that it was Bengalis that were killed. Pak will not apologize for not taking back the Biharis. Pak can take in millions of refugees from Afghanistan (most of them criminals) but a few Biharis who defended and remained loyal to Pakistan were a burden on them. Be loyal and this is what you get.

Your deeds is with you and their deeds is with them. You won't be asked for their actions and they won't be asked for your actions. To them there deeds; To you your deeds... [[QURAN]]
For all those Pakistanis who only feel sorry for Bengalis today. Where is there sympathy for these people. Aren't they humans or their blood is somehow less worthy. Obviously I am not expecting an apology from Bangladeshis but what about those Pakistanis who only remember Benglais as the "oppressed" people.

I laugh at those people that think Bengalis were the only ones who suffered. In war it's never one side that suffers, both sides suffer. The atrocities committed against these Stranded Pakistanis unfortunately is never mentioned, even Pakistanis do not know about the atrocities committed against them and how these people remained loyal even till today.
I know these Stranded Pakistanis will never get to see the homes where they have memories from but atleast acknowledge them and thank them. This is the least they deserve.
^What stranded Pakistanis? Pakistan never have accepted them as her citizen and deported many who made it to Pakistan(many got killed by BSF and Ranger at their way to what they thought their home). It was BD govt who honoured them with citizenship some 20 years after war.
The army generals and the clan of pakistani elite politicians / fuedals lords should appologise .. they were the aggreesors their excesses , denial of rights / stupid policies and the thought that they are superior race so that they can hold onto the power were the primary reasons bangladeshis revolted. As for the urdu speaking biharis they are the one living in camps appologising every day since last 40 years appologising for the stupid deeds of people who thought were their country men.
Both Pakistan and Bangladesh should apologies each other but Pakistan should do it first because Pakistan started this mess.

We have given place to 3 million Afghans in our country,the people who hate Pakistan(recent survey showed 90% Afghans hate Pakistan).Why can't we bring those few thousand living in camps in Bangladesh.
So where is the apology for all those Biharis and us urdu speakers who were systematically killed in former East Pakistan due to "crime" of remaining loyal to Pakistan. Where is the apology for those people who are neither Pakistani nor Bangladeshi and still live in ghettos as immigrants. Where is the apology for those whose men were slaughtered and women were molested by the so called "freedom fighters". What all those liberals of Pakistan think for all those "fools" who still support Pakistan in a Cricket match against Bangladesh. What for those "idiots" who still believe in Pakistan. Who still love Karachi more than Dhaka or Chittagong I know they are criminals. They have committed the crime of being loyal to Pakistan. Yeah their blood might not be that worthy to be discussed but still do at least write one sentence or at least one tweet for them too when all Pakistanis feel emotional and apologist for Bengalis once in a year on 16 Dec. Those guys are still homeless unlike other Bengalis and Pakistanis. Feel sorry for them too, despite their crime. Thank you.

Apology from who? Bangladesh will never apologize, they only blindly believe that it was Bengalis that were killed. Pak will not apologize for not taking back the Biharis. Pak can take in millions of refugees from Afghanistan (most of them criminals) but a few Biharis who defended and remained loyal to Pakistan were a burden on them. Be loyal and this is what you get.

bilalhaider - "yes,, iv been to india a few times, my mother's side (& part of my father's side) lives in india. i am 100% bihari myself. "


Bengalis were homogenous, Unlike West Pakistanis
Gathered in one geographical loacation i/o divided at least in four div,
Speaks one Language I/o many...

They are in far better shape (socially and culturally) post 1947 than us W. Pakistanis but instead of showing magnaminity towards smaller nations they becomes "arrogant", When all W. Pakistan compromising on various issues right after independence, they are actually black mailing.

Every Bengali Poster here have a habit to jump right from 1947.....to.......1971 at once, We make Pakistan....You Killed us....
Does anyone of them ever thinks right in thier heart what lays in between those two years and try to search what thier mistakes are as a nation and as an individual??? Nothing...Simply nothing you will hear from them...!!! Only Arrogance be it 47 or 71.

Sons....!! we have learned our lesson quite a lot and applogise too excesseively....now its your turn to show at least some compassion towards us and remorse what you did solely under the banner of Bengali Nationalism over Pakistan Idelogy.
Both Pakistan and Bangladesh should apologies each other but Pakistan should do it first because Pakistan started this mess.

We have given place to 3 million Afghans in our country,the people who hate Pakistan(recent survey showed 90% Afghans hate Pakistan).Why can't we bring those few thousand living in camps in Bangladesh.

Bec our People still LOVE BHUTTO AND HAVE BELEIF ON HIM AS A HERO... until we will not become realistic nothing will be done.. RIP to all massacred
Do Pakistan deserve an apology or the Biharis deserve apology from Pakistan. Bangladesh already assimilated them but this videos show that many in Pakistan don't respect Biharis for their patriotism and sufferings.

A bomb apparently planted as a protest at the repatriation of at least 238,000 Biharis from Bangladesh exploded in Kotri, Pakistan, on Monday (January 11 1993), killing 13 people and injuring 15. The first group of more than 320 Biharis arrived in Lahore, Pakistan on Monday, ending 21 years of squalid existence in camps in Bangladesh. Police said the bomb in Kotri was thought to have been planted in a motorcycle. The blast demolished five houses and started a fire that engulfed dozens of other houses and shops in the Bihari community. Twenty-two people were arrested and were being questioned by police. The Biharis are descendants of Indian Muslems who chose to move to East Pakistan from India's Bihar state after the British-ruled sub-continent was partitioned in 1947. Following a bitter 17-day war, East Pakistan declared independence from West Pakistan in December 1971 and named itself Bangladesh. At the time, nearly half a million Biharis residing there said they wanted to live in Pakistan. More than 175,000 were repatriated by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) under the supervision of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) until funds ran out in 1974, leaving the remainder in refugee camps in Bangladesh. Most Pakistanis oppose the repatriation, fearing the influx will add to ethnic tensions that already exist in Pakistan where five major groups seek equal status. Opposition has also mounted as more Pakistanis fear the influx will create greater unemployment and inflation. People opposed to the return of the Biharis called a "black day" of protest in the interior of Sind province on Monday, hanging black flags at schools and universities. Although the Biharis are to be repatriated to central Punjab province, many people in Sind fear they will eventually move into Sind. Pakistan agreed to take back all the refugees following a visit by Bangladesh Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia in August last year. The repatriation process is expected to be completed in two years.

Shotlist for segment 1:

(JANUARY 10-11, 1993)
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What about an apology for the 1 million Biharis killed by the Mukti Bahini in Bangladesh?

I am a Bihari, & my father & his siblings grew up in Bangladesh & did their early schooling there. Most of my Dad's side relatives were in Bangladesh as well pre-1971. I have felt the events of 1971 impact me directly. My avatar is of my uncle who was in the Pakistan Air Force in Chittagong, who was killed in April 1971 by rebels & received Sitar-e-Jurat. My Dad just about made it alive to Karachi from Dhaka in 1971, my family had to leave their houses & everything else to make it to Pakistan alive.

What happened in 1971 is done. No apologies from Pakistan. I am happy they got independence, & I am glad they are not part of Pakistan today. Germany did not apologize for the events that led to WW2, neither did the Soviet Union. And even in that case, it's different, because there were atrocities committed by both sides.

The people in West Pakistan were cut-off from the ground realities of the East, & did not know what transpired there. In a way, that makes them less to blame as well, as it was mostly the West Pakistan's government's responsibility for what transpired in 1971. But it is very easy for people like Imran Khan supporters today to be apologetic & easily move on, as they have not been traumatized by the events of 1971 like I have, my family has.
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