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Smuggling of Iranian fuels to Pakistan cannot be stopped


Mar 31, 2007
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Customs officials in Quetta have admitted that smuggling of Iranian petrol and diesel through border cannot be stopped due to extreme pressure of influential mafias and powerful gangs in Balochistan for which policy measures such as a legalisation on import of diesel/petrol from Iran and joint check posts of all law enforcement agencies along the coastal belt of Balochistan and Pak-Iran border land routes are needed
Sources informed on Saturday that the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has received a comprehensive report on smuggling of Iranian petrol/diesel from Model Customs Collectorate (MCC) Quetta which has exposed all those involved in smuggling including influential and powerful mafias of Balochistan who pressurised the customs in the province not to hinder non-stop smuggling of POL products through Pakistan-Iran border.
The inside story of POL products' smuggling and modus operandi used by the powerful groups in the province has been disclosed in the report of the Collector of Customs MCC Quetta.
One astonishing part of the story is that smugglers are using transport with fake names and monograms of leading oil marketing companies during smuggling of POL products-up to Karachi. In recent development, the enforcement and strict action by Quetta based Customs authorities has resulted in shortage of smuggled Iran POL product due to anti-smuggling measures.
The only way to stop smuggling of POL products from Iran is to regularise import of Iranian diesel by private firms/persons, subject to levy of duty/taxes/surcharges. The second option is to allow restricted import of diesel/petrol to the extent of consumption in Balochistan.
In case legal imports of diesel/petrol are allowed from Iran, customs authorities are confident that the amount of smuggling would be reduced by at least 70-80 percent, MCC Quetta report suggested.
In view of extreme pressure of mafias and organised influential gangs in Balochistan, the Collector of Customs MCC Quetta has strongly proposed setting up joint check posts of Customs, Frontier Constabulary (FC Balochistan), Pakistan Coast Guards, Police, Maritime Security Agency and Customs Intelligence to monitor the open sea along the coastal belt of Balochistan and land routes along Pakistan-Iran border.
Since one agency cannot cope with the pressure, joint check posts of all agencies shall help in resisting pressure from influential quarters.

What about Iranian side.. what sort of mafia exist on there side and how this smuggling is invisible to IRG????
Can any Iranian explain?
If this smuggling of oil is beneficial for us, then I don't mind if the government looks the other way. That way we can discreetly use Iranian oil without worrying about the international American politics in the region.
Pakistan should welcome Middle Eastern investors in building large scale refineries in Balochistan and also to develop 7-11 new cities in Balochistan, so that Oil can be imported directly from Iran on cheap basis and can be utilized in proper ways...
If this smuggling of oil is beneficial for us, then I don't mind if the government looks the other way. That way we can discreetly use Iranian oil without worrying about the international American politics in the region.
OK..!!!!!!!!!! May I ask, what is your take on smuggling Indian goods into Pakistan.... e.g. cosmetics, pharmacy, auto parts, rubber products, mobile phones.... etc.
Every thing is available and traded openly in market!
OK..!!!!!!!!!! May I ask, what is your take on smuggling Indian goods into Pakistan.... e.g. cosmetics, pharmacy, auto parts, rubber products, mobile phones.... etc.
Every thing is available and traded openly in market!

Is smuggling of Indian goods done via Iran, Afghan or Indian border?

Can u name a few brands or products of Indian origin, illegally trading in Pak bcoz AFAIK consumables r allowed to trade n besides Indo-Pak border is heavily guarded.
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Is smuggling of Indian goods done via Iran, Afghan or Indian border?

Can u name a few brands or products of Indian origin, illegally trading in Pak bcoz AFAIK consumables r allowed to trade n besides Indo-Pak border is heavily gruarded.

Previously, major route was port Qasim and most of times, Indian goods were packed in containers marked as NATO stuff, again most of those containers never made it to Afghanistan and had no record.

MQM, brokered deal (various million $) and Babar took charge, to circumvent the standards, rules and law and handle hindrances.
If this smuggling of oil is beneficial for us, then I don't mind if the government looks the other way. That way we can discreetly use Iranian oil without worrying about the international American politics in the region.

How can smuggling be good for a country? It might be good for the people who buy it (As the price would be less than the market price). What you are suggesting would take out one of the few sources of income (via Import tax, sales tax) the GOP is getting.
Major, issue with Iranian petroleum products being smuggled into Pakistan is that they come with no certification or quality check.
Substandard petrol diesel is destroying the engines of cars and giving low mileage.
Iranian bitumen is being mixed in local produce, resulting in poor quality roads which will need rebuilt soon, depending on the quantity of mix.

On the revenue side, Pakistan is loosing billions, and Iran is earning billions. Unfortunately Pakistan is full of brain washed Iranian followers, who are hurting Pakistan to favour Iran regime.

Funny part is, Iranian regime is shooting Pakistani villagers in Pakistan, and telling those were drug smugglers and Pakistan is not controlling the borders.
Where as the road rail of oiltankers coming from Iran is completely in-visible. Anyone who believe BS of Iranian state media is mentally unfit. those who preach it healthy trade for Pakistan are step ahead.

Last but not least, IMF.... which micro manage Pakistan and demand to increase taxes, and US who had sanctions on Iran........ both have turned blind eye over this open smuggling.

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Previously, major route was port Qasim and most of times, Indian goods were packed in containers marked as NATO stuff, again most of those containers never made it to Afghanistan and had no record.

MQM, brokered deal (various million $) and Babar took charge, to circumvent the standards, rules and law and handle hindrances.

Amazing, Anti-Shia/Iran, Anti India, and Anti Muhajir bias in one thread, you just scored a hat trick.

Is there any proof for any of your claims?
I don't understand how the hell they can smuggle tankers?
They are not bringing in a 1 Ltd container.
Unless of course the officials are involved.
I don't understand how the hell they can smuggle tankers?
They are not bringing in a 1 Ltd container.
Unless of course the officials are involved.

Actually, its international game, officials are tiny tits bits, if any one get real money and benefits, is always the politicians, $ millions, foreign tours, passport of UK/US for relatives, appointments in Pakistan's civil service, every thing is a prize.

Worst part is that some hateful, politicians and groups facilitate would go extra mile to hurt Pakistan.
Asif Ali Zardari, Yousaf Reza Gilani, Hussain Haqqani, Qaim Ali Shah, family of bacha khan etc. are the leading haters of Pakistan.

Whereas, I posted this thread in response to the Iranians, shooting local villagers and declaring them smugglers, where as they failed to notice the oil tankers.

Actually, if you go to Baluchistan, every thing is smuggled in from Iran and this is happening, since i was a kid.
I remember, in 80's Iranian Honda-125 use to be sold in Lahore, Queeta, Islamabad, Peshawar... don't know about Karachi.
Iranian Petrol/Diesel was always available, as far as Quetta and Karachi.
What happened in last five years, is setup of amazing distribution network of substandard Iranian petroleum products, in all over Pakistan.
Again, ANP is the major player.... and today even if you do not wish to buy or mix Iranian petroleum in local produce, the tanker driver will do it.
Outside the refineries, there are touts buying local produce and replacing it with Iranian produce and step further now you can buy Iranian bitumen as well.
Now, you need a rail of tankers to be available for sale in every city of Pakistan. Situation is much worse in small cites.
Now this was the partial evil, the real evil is Pakistan is that Pakistan is loosing billions in revenue and more billions in damage to infrastructure and society.
Clearly, IMF kept a hush hush on it and so did the politicians and media. Why.......... i leave it to individuals to have their own opinion.
Smuggling only occurs if there is a price anomaly between the two States and if there is a high incidence of import duty.

Smuggling is actually a form of trade but without import/export barriers. For example price of diesel and petrol in Iran is heavily subsidized thus it is much cheaper in Iran. Pakistan spends a lot of foreign exchange in importing petrol & diesel. Smuggling from Iran is in fact import substitution. Smugglers sell these products cheap to local consumers and instead buy goods from Pakistan that are cheaper here to smuggle the same back into Iran.

I am partial to Pakistan. In this particular case, while Pakistan may be losing import levy, GOP is saving precious foreign exchange. Smuggling of petroleum products into Baluchistan is harmful to Iran but not directly hurting our economy.
Smuggling only occurs if there is a price anomaly between the two States and if there is a high incidence of import duty.

Smuggling is actually a form of trade but without import/export barriers. For example price of diesel and petrol in Iran is heavily subsidized thus it is much cheaper in Iran. Pakistan spends a lot of foreign exchange in importing petrol & diesel. Smuggling from Iran is in fact import substitution. Smugglers sell these products cheap to local consumers and instead buy goods from Pakistan that are cheaper here to smuggle the same back into Iran.

I am partial to Pakistan. In this particular case, while Pakistan may be losing import levy, GOP is saving precious foreign exchange. Smuggling of petroleum products into Baluchistan is harmful to Iran but not directly hurting our economy.

Yes, every smuggling is an import substitution, while the exporting country wins the much needed forex, in various ways and a stimulated economy, Industry clocks, people earn, pay local taxes and govt. again get profited.
HR get developed in the process, again govt. profit. When govt. profit it invest and the unending cycle of development starts.
Some times govts. engage in foul play to achieve exports i.e. subsidizing the export industry, banning imports or imposing high import duties,building false temples/tombs/ glorifying holiness of graves and old houses e.g. Iran / India.
Most worst foul play is patronizing smuggling and shooting witnesses, and even worst.... shooting them by labelling smugglers.
Well, this is how i know it and all economists are welcome with there input..

In any case, who loose and who win.... was not the subject matter. Which IMO, is two tire.

1- Smuggling, may be legal according to Iranian constitution but it is clearly illegal by Pakistani constitution.
2- How come duty free imports, at such a large scale can remain invisible to any authority and we learn of them when some it become too obvious.
BTW... If smuggling of Iranian petroleum products hurt Iran, (I don't see a reason) than they shall focus on stopping it, instead of shooting selective smugglers.

Sorry, i see no rational in justifying smuggling of Iranian and Indian goods into Pakistan.
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