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Slumdog Millionaire wins 8 Oscars

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Wow . I wasnt expecting this in this thread. Im more glad as Indians who were part of this film , Rahman and Pookuthy won, 3 oscars. Not that very glad about those firangs though.

That's a very strange comment, considering that its the Firang which made the film possible in the first place.
I just want to congratulate Bharat (with a little help from a known firangi), on this massive achievement on the greatest cinematic stage of all, the Annual Academy Awards.

Big up to you, and hope this leads to more meaningful films becoming mainstream. Something to emulate!


Thanks 4 ur appreciation. I want to make two points .

1. Firangi help was there .. yes, but what AR+ javed akhtar ,the gent from Kerala Pookuthy etc got were " original scores / activity".

2 Our region has so much talent. We only have to stop squabbling & we can ( read "will ") do wonders.
Take your bullshit elsewhere. Thanks.
I saw this movie, and I was shocked beyond imagination about the living conditions... I'm pretty sure its no better in some areas of Pakistan, but to see it so prevalent. In Pakista, you won't commonly see people sleeping on the streets (I've seen some drug addicts lying around, though).

To subject your people to this level of poverty is also nothing short of cruel.

Thanks 4 ur appreciation. I want to make two points .

1. Firangi help was there .. yes, but what AR+ javed akhtar ,the gent from Kerala Pookuthy etc got were " original scores / activity".

2 Our region has so much talent. We only have to stop squabbling & we can ( read "will ") do wonders.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't get to hear any songs in the movie? Maybe they were released separately.
I saw this movie, and I was shocked beyond imagination about the living conditions... I'm pretty sure its no better in some areas of Pakistan, but to see it so prevalent. In Pakista, you won't commonly see people sleeping on the streets (I've seen some drug addicts lying around, though).

To subject your people to this level of poverty is also nothing short of cruel.

The effort needed to raise half a billion people from below poverty, with an ongoing military tension and limited resources is beyond most of your imagination.

And hence such comments.
You're strongly warned for using such language against another member of this forum.

Point taken .

Apologies to Bezerk & to the admistration.

Ought not to have happened...
I saw this movie, and I was shocked beyond imagination about the living conditions... I'm pretty sure its no better in some areas of Pakistan, but to see it so prevalent. In Pakista, you won't commonly see people sleeping on the streets (I've seen some drug addicts lying around, though).

To subject your people to this level of poverty is also nothing short of cruel.

What an absurd comment, and completely unrelated to the reasons behind MY comment which you replied to.

You are implying that I'm somehow personally responsible for the condition of slumdwellers in India, and by calling out Bezerk here on his ridiculous assertion that "India is the biggest exporter of poverty" and that "selling poverty" is the reason behind Slumdog's success, that I'm somehow doing a grave injustice to the poor people of India, about whom you suddenly seem to be so concerned.

Claiming that Pakistan's poor are better off than India's poor wins you no brownie points. Firstly, its a rather cheap argument to make, and secondly, the statistics don't suggest anything of the sort.

So basically, your post has nothing to do with anything that I have typed on this thread. So why did you bother to write it?
Before even bothering to go through most of the rant in the thread I can say you have not seen the movie.
Its obvious and a known fact that when pople cant achieve something, they complain. And thats what Pakistanis are doing right now. If they are so concerned about Indian poverty, they should know that all the money colleceted by the film is being donated to charity, so much for selling poverty.
Good intellects will look at it "beyond selling poverty". Which is doubtful and not surprising from what I have read above.

Yes their is poverty in India, and also in Pakistan and in America and in Europe. But unlike the rest of the world, poor in India are not waiting for the last breath. ON the contrary, there is immense resilience, and a desire for existence. Every poor person, is trying to do something to make a difference to their lives, with much assistance from their state.
The movie reflects that strongly.
Not according to what we saw in the movie. When the slum dweller rises, you people throw him in jail... I'm not going to comment upon the resilience, but lets comment a little on tangible things that can be measured and seen by the naked eye. Namely India's corruption. And what about those beggars mafia? What about open shitholes on India's streets? In Mumbai!

Sure you'll find pockets of these in Pakistan and no one here is saying that Pakistan has it all. We're just not the people shrugging it under the rug. It doesn't make us happy that Indians have been caught with their chaddis down, its shocked us that this could go on while India's marketing department duped the world. With a million movies produced in India every year, it took Hollywood to expose the real glare in India's shine.
What an absurd comment, and completely unrelated to the reasons behind MY comment which you replied to.

You are implying that I'm somehow personally responsible for the condition of slumdwellers in India, and by calling out Bezerk here on his ridiculous assertion that "India is the biggest exporter of poverty" and that "selling poverty" is the reason behind Slumdog's success, that I'm somehow doing a grave injustice to the poor people of India, about whom you suddenly seem to be so concerned.

Claiming that Pakistan's poor are better off than India's poor wins you no brownie points. Firstly, its a rather cheap argument to make, and secondly, the statistics don't suggest anything of the sort.

So basically, your post has nothing to do with anything that I have typed on this thread. So why did you bother to write it?
You seriously need to quit your whining. We're not here to massage your egos. India is a public entity and its up for grabs for criticism. Our members, are definitely not. What was wrong about that post, you heard in my PM, since I didn't want to cause any further embarrassment to a senior member who has forgotten basic decency on how to address others.
Not according to what we saw in the movie. When the slum dweller rises, you people throw him in jail... I'm not going to comment upon the resilience, but lets comment a little on tangible things that can be measured and seen by the naked eye. Namely India's corruption. And what about those beggars mafia? What about open shitholes on India's streets? In Mumbai!

Incidentally, slumdwellers associations in Mumbai were protesting against the movie. Does that tell you somehing that you ought to be discussing here?

Sure you'll find pockets of these in Pakistan and no one here is saying that Pakistan has it all. We're just not the people shrugging it under the rug. It doesn't make us happy that Indians have been caught with their chaddis down, its shocked us that this could go on while India's marketing department duped the world. With a million movies produced in India every year, it took Hollywood to expose the real glare in India's shine.

What nonsense. Have you seen Bombay? Satya? Parzania? Indian movies have depicted the "underbelly" of mumbai several times.

however, I'll agree that no mainstream film director has shot candid sequences in the slums themselves, and that is largely because of technical considerations. Its pretty much impossible to shoot a film in that environment without some specialized equipment - the specialized camera required for the film was an experimental one that is under development - and was actually used for the first time in this movie.

And no, Indians have not been caught with their "pants down". That's only in the minds of India-haters like yourself. Infact, the image of India is still very much one of squalor and poverty, which media campaigners have battled against in recent years in order to attract investment, tourism and interest in the country.
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You seriously need to quit your whining. We're not here to massage your egos. India is a public entity and its up for grabs for criticism. Our members, are definitely not. What was wrong about that post, you heard in my PM, since I didn't want to cause any further embarrassment to a senior member who has forgotten basic decency on how to address others.

Well, the word that I used has been used by several members before on this forum, and myself as well, with no action by the mods.

So do forgive me if I thought it was acceptable.
You're strongly warned for using such language against another member of this forum.

Such language should never be tolerated I believe, Creep is bad, but let me remind u so is Imbecile, Degenerate etc etc!
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