the stupidity of arguments and lack of knowledge of social media by above posters is appalling to say the least .
like a frenzied lynch mob, posters here baton charge anything ---
1. let them leave pakistan,
2. those blood suckers social media companies
3. they support PTM pages
facebook, twitter, google , = their stock mkt cap is x4 times pakistan total GDP . for them, pakistan doesnt count a bit sans a data listening post . asking them to 'regulate' and open offices here is plain stupid
on one hand, our courts are letting go PTM activists and granting them bails, even MNA seats are given to them, yet on the other hand, we are 'scolding' facebook to block their pages, WTF
the only way is to make your own social media = wechat, VK, QQ ( like russia and china did ) , and i doubt we can do that ,,, ( our IT talent sucks to be honest)