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SL Defence secretary:Indo-Lanka ties cordial despite Indian shift.

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'Indo-Lanka ties cordial despite Indian shift over resolution'
Published: Wednesday, Mar 21, 2012, 21:51 IST | Updated: Wednesday, Mar 21, 2012, 22:40 IST
Place: COLOMBO | Agency: PTI

Sri Lanka's ties with India remains cordial as they have been at all times, Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said here on Wednesdau, as he pointed to domestic political compulsions" for New Delhi's change of stance on a US-sponsored resolution on alleged rights abuses.

Rajapaksa, the powerful younger brother of Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa, was responding to India's change of stance regarding the resolution sponsored by the US to censure Colombo for alleged human rights violations at the ongoing UN Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva.

Rajapaksa, who steered the government's victorious military campaign against the LTTE, said Sri Lanka had noted the change of Indian stance from opposing country specific resolutions to a stance of supporting the US move.

"We have to understand the domestic political compulsions for the Indian government," he said referring to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement in Lok Sabha that India was "inclined" to support the resolution.

The Congress-led UPA government is under huge pressure from its ally, the DMK, which has warned that it could withdraw its ministers from the cabinet if India either abstained or supported Sri Lanka during the vote on the US-sponsored resolution.

The resolution, which could be considered as early as Wednesday afternoon, has been dismissed by Sri Lanka.

Rajapaksa said a visit to Tamil Nadu by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton last year was a precursor to the American resolution against Sri Lanka.

He denied the accusations that government troops had deliberately targeted Tamil civilians in the no fire zones (NFZ) during the final stages of the ethnic conflict with the LTTE.

Western countries and international human rights groups have accused the Sri Lankan military of large-scale human rights violations during the war against the LTTE which ended with the defeat of the Tamil Tigers in May 2009.

International rights groups have alleged that up to 40,000 civilians died in the final months of Sri Lanka's military campaign to crush the Tamil Tigers, who waged a bloody decades-long campaign for a separate homeland for minority Tamils.

"We did not create our own NFZs. We declared areas where civilians concentrated as NFZs. Because we knew that the LTTE would not allow civilians whom they used as human shields to arrive into areas defined by us as NFZs," Rajapaksa said.

He said the government had provided humanitarian assistance based on the information provided by the World Food Programme and other NGOs.

Hence, adequate supplies of food and medicine were readily despatched to areas then under LTTE control. On the danger of LTTE regrouping in the future, Rajapaksa said he was aware of the possibility.

He claimed around 4,000 LTTE cadres or those with links to the organization were still at large.

He warned that the pro-LTTE diaspora in the West would seek to establish links with them in order to re-group.

"Although the war has ended the threat from the LTTE has not completely died," the defence secretary stressed.

Rajapaksa's comments came on the eve of the UNHRC resolution tommorow in Geneva.

It aims to bind Sri Lanka to commit to expeditious implementation of its own reconciliation commission recommendations, including urging Colombo to probe alleged rights violations during its ethnic war.

According to UN estimates, some 100,000 people were killed during the ethnic conflict.

'Indo-Lanka ties cordial despite Indian shift over resolution' - India - DNA
lot of people were expecting frictions in relationship.. why dont they facepalm themselves now in front of mirror and spare us the BS.
'Indo-Lanka ties cordial despite Indian shift over resolution'..Why should not? We watered down the resolution for them.
While China, Pakistan, Russia, Bangaladesh, Philiphine, Indoneisia and all other Asian countries support Sri lanka, only India supported the US led resolution. Why? can't Indians understand the issu that all other Asian countries could undurstand very clearly?This is just one incident unveils Indian stance over Sri lanka.

LTTE was trained and build by Indians against us, Isn't it?

On 1984 when LTTE was defeated and to be capture it's leader by SL forces, Indians urged SL goverment to stop the war and then violated our air space by sending their fighter jets Isn't it? It is because that indian aggression we paid the cost by our blood for last 30 years.

Indians refused to evacuate 40000 SL soldiers who were under heavy attack by LTTE on 1997 and said they can't interfere in to out matters isn't it? (But when LTTE was under heavy attack by SL army on last stage of eelam war 4 Indians keen to provide safe passage to LTTE) At that time Pakistan came forward and provided MBRLs to SL ARMY to retaliate against LTTE. It was due to the support we received from Pakistan we were able to save lives of 40000 SL soldiers.

Indians refused to provide any offensive weapons to SL while Pakistan and China came forward again to support us.

Indians put tremendous pressure on our president to stop the war against tamil terrorist when it comes to the final stage as they have done previously. But this time our response was something they never expected. "We will continue untill eliminate all terrorists from our soil, do what ever you want to do" this was our president's words to Indian envoyes.

There are many more to proof Indian duplicity. But we are not against Indians as they are. We want to see a huge strong peace loving super power who always support her neighbours. and keep good relationship with Pakistan as well as China. Who protect her neighbours against western powers. At that time we will feel India as our elder sister in the reigion.
^^ You have ******* clue about the war.

The Americans wanted to have Prabha evacuated when he was cornered and were about to send a ship to that purpose...It was India that stopped that by sending a warship of its own to Lanka and saved your *****.

But we are not against Indians as they are.

Look don't patronize yourself or harbor any delusions of grandeur...Lanka has no friggin choice except being friendly with us. That is your reality, geographical reality. Realize it and live it.

p.s:- I dont think you are a lankan, anyway.
While China, Pakistan, Russia, Bangaladesh, Philiphine, Indoneisia and all other Asian countries support Sri lanka, only India supported the US led resolution. Why? can't Indians understand the issu that all other Asian countries could undurstand very clearly?This is just one incident unveils Indian stance over Sri lanka.

LTTE was trained and build by Indians against us, Isn't it?

On 1984 when LTTE was defeated and to be capture it's leader by SL forces, Indians urged SL goverment to stop the war and then violated our air space by sending their fighter jets Isn't it? It is because that indian aggression we paid the cost by our blood for last 30 years.

Indians refused to evacuate 40000 SL soldiers who were under heavy attack by LTTE on 1997 and said they can't interfere in to out matters isn't it? (But when LTTE was under heavy attack by SL army on last stage of eelam war 4 Indians keen to provide safe passage to LTTE) At that time Pakistan came forward and provided MBRLs to SL ARMY to retaliate against LTTE. It was due to the support we received from Pakistan we were able to save lives of 40000 SL soldiers.

Indians refused to provide any offensive weapons to SL while Pakistan and China came forward again to support us.

Indians put tremendous pressure on our president to stop the war against tamil terrorist when it comes to the final stage as they have done previously. But this time our response was something they never expected. "We will continue untill eliminate all terrorists from our soil, do what ever you want to do" this was our president's words to Indian envoyes.

There are many more to proof Indian duplicity. But we are not against Indians as they are. We want to see a huge strong peace loving super power who always support her neighbours. and keep good relationship with Pakistan as well as China. Who protect her neighbours against western powers. At that time we will feel India as our elder sister in the reigion.

Do you think that without India's help and with just the heavy offensive weapons provided by Pakistan and China you won the war? Let me remind you - the war would have been a stalemate if LTTE was allowed its weapons warehouses(ships stored with weapons) to stay in the overseas - LTTE was running short of mortars and other weapons as India helped destroy these weapons warehouses.
While China, Pakistan, Russia, Bangaladesh, Philiphine, Indoneisia and all other Asian countries support Sri lanka, only India supported the US led resolution. Why? can't Indians understand the issu that all other Asian countries could undurstand very clearly?This is just one incident unveils Indian stance over Sri lanka.

You shouldn't have been against us from day one. That's what soured the whole ties. Otherwise there is nothing that stops us from being good friends.

LTTE was trained and build by Indians against us, Isn't it?

US and Pakistani forces were given fueling and supplies during wartime with us in 1971 isn't it? That's where it all started.

On 1984 when LTTE was defeated and to be capture it's leader by SL forces, Indians urged SL goverment to stop the war and then violated our air space by sending their fighter jets Isn't it? It is because that indian aggression we paid the cost by our blood for last 30 years.

The only aircraft that entered your airspace was to drop supplies for those in need. Mirages were well outside your periphery, circling to ensure any hostile actions were not done on the transport aircraft that dropped medical and essential supplies. If you had a spark of sense you'd know that LTTE uses the blend-in tactics that most other groups use so as to hide between commoners and fight.

So naturally there were a lot of common people who were stuck in the line of fire and needed supplies.

Indians refused to evacuate 40000 SL soldiers who were under heavy attack by LTTE on 1997 and said they can't interfere in to out matters isn't it? (But when LTTE was under heavy attack by SL army on last stage of eelam war 4 Indians keen to provide safe passage to LTTE) At that time Pakistan came forward and provided MBRLs to SL ARMY to retaliate against LTTE. It was due to the support we received from Pakistan we were able to save lives of 40000 SL soldiers.

India was also the first country to send you assistance when natural disasters have struck your country. If we had not withdrawn our support from LTTE even Pakistani support couldn't have done jack against LTTE.

It was this continued support of Pakistan that caused bitterness among us. You started this in 1971 and naturally this feud continues. Even if you had been neutral in the conflict, we'd have appreciated it and never gone against you.

Indians refused to provide any offensive weapons to SL while Pakistan and China came forward again to support us.

After the aggression of your army against common civilian Tamils who didn't even have any role in the war, you expected us to provide offensive weapons? Naturally Pakistanis and Chinese will do anything against India and vice versa.

Indians put tremendous pressure on our president to stop the war against tamil terrorist when it comes to the final stage as they have done previously. But this time our response was something they never expected. "We will continue untill eliminate all terrorists from our soil, do what ever you want to do" this was our president's words to Indian envoyes.

You're lucky LTTE was against India after killing our PM. Consider this as a reconciliation and let us work towards a better future. If you continue to hold Pakistan and China against us, we cannot help but respond in kind.

There are many more to proof Indian duplicity. But we are not against Indians as they are. We want to see a huge strong peace loving super power who always support her neighbours. and keep good relationship with Pakistan as well as China. Who protect her neighbours against western powers. At that time we will feel India as our elder sister in the reigion.

We also don't want hostilities. In fact, if there was a hypothetical war between you and any other neighbors, we would stay neutral and refuse military assistance to any of them therefore not at all meddling. Your then-PM meddled with a war that was not yours and caused us to prolong it more (even though we won it). That's what sowed the seeds of discord.

One thing I will tell you about diplomacy:

If two sides are hostile against each other and both are friends, you keep your involvement out by supporting neither in any logistical or military manner. This will earn you the respect of both the warring parties who will then not involve you in the conflict.

If you had done that rather than support US-Pak alliance in the war, you'd have got full support of NAM if they ever bullied you diplomatically in 70s conflict.

But even now, we can be together and nothing is lost.
The only aircraft that entered your airspace was to drop supplies for those in need. Mirages were well outside your periphery, circling to ensure any hostile actions were not done on the transport aircraft that dropped medical and essential supplies.

Dude I doubt his nationality....first of all Operation Poomalai (garland) was in '87 and it was for those who were suffering without essential supplies like food,medicine due to Lankan siege of Jaffna.

Sri Lanka will never be "Sikkimized".

No....but it will be BD-ized ...complete with a Dalali govt in power.
The best way to go is not Sikkimization...but BD-ization...with a dalali govt in power.

That is the best Indians can do, but not to worry, they will eventually be kicked out. Post like these help convince our clueless countrymen and take us one step closer to that reality. Thanks.
The best way to go is not Sikkimization...but BD-ization...with a dalali govt in power.

झंडे पर मत जाओ, बाबू । :D
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