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SKY NEWS: Former Prime Minister Imran Khan claims US backed regime change in Pakistan

Pakistan has nothing to do with external wars or conflict. Pakistan aleady lost 80,000 people fighting external wars in last 40 years.

Pakistan needs strengthened economy.
That didn't show neutrality. I have nothing to do with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and I call it a Russian invasion of Ukraine, had it been the other way around I would have called it Ukrainian invasion.
Haha. We should'nt say America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Rather, in order to be neutral we should say America went into Afghanistan and Iraq for a mission. Remember Bush's, mission accomplished.
Haha. We should'nt say America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Rather, we should say America went into Afghanistan and Iraq for a mission in order to be 'neutral'. Remember Bush's, mission accomplished.

Saigon vs Kabul
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Wikipedia calls it American invasion too. But if America was authoritarian, calling it invasion, instead of liberation, could lead to prison. In Russia, people can be imprisoned for 15 years for calling the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an invasion.
Pakistan has nothing to do with external wars or conflict. Pakistan aleady lost 80,000 people fighting external wars in last 40 years.

Pakistan needs strengthened economy.
Fair enough. Quit commenting on external wars
Patwari spotted.
Doesn’t make sense. Should we start calling youthia those who support Imran khan? In democracy, we have to respect people’s choices in democratic elected leaders and their opinions/votes overall.
4:55 Interviewer: Putin invaded Ukraine.
Imran's response: Putin went into Ukraine.

Imran did not call the Russian military invasion as an invasion.

Well explained point , Honorable Imran Khan's visit was planned years ahead
It just happened to occur near some conflict in Europe , which Pakistan really don't have much influence over

Russia-Ukraine conflict is happening since year 1100 , when the origins of Russian statehood were laid

There has been a constant struggle between Russia (Orthadox) vs Ukraine (Catholic supported)

Ukraine occupies regions of birth place for Russia state , which is why Russia wants to reclaim their Origin land

So which part of this conflict involves Pakistan ?

In any circumstance it is Russia's internal matter

Why don't USA send Donald Lu to Russia to ask them ? questions about Ukraine
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By repeatedly blaming PMIK for ties with Russia and China these fools are tacitly admitting the US hand in the regime change operation. WTF they think the world is populated by Yankee idiots.
Nice way to avoid answering what he did in 4 years and Gogi corruption

4 years was best governance since i remember .. mean while noonie gov we have seen imported indian army style governance


hard facts are ugly?..


Lol , his own mna ditched him .

no.. they were bribed and Supreme court ruled in favour of IK
Nice way to avoid answering what he did in 4 years and Gogi corruption
I hope your kids turn out to be like Nawaz Sharif and Maryam. There is something wrong with you.
4:55 Interviewer: Putin invaded Ukraine.
Imran's response: Putin went into Ukraine.

Imran did not call the Russian military invasion as an invasion.
It took the change of invaded to went for you to come up with that?
Wow… so if we said you came out of your mother instead of were born then should I conclude that you could be a piece of shit instead of a human being because there are two holes where things come out from?
It took the change of invaded to went for you to come up with that?
Wow… so if we said you came out of your mother instead of were born then should I conclude that you could be a piece of shit instead of a human being because there are two holes where things come out from?
I do not have attraction for tyranny or terror, communism or fascism, mistaking those with being independent minded.
Nice way to avoid answering what he did in 4 years and Gogi corruption
Marium baji ke bhi property England to kia Pakistan me bhi nahee
4 years was best governance since i remember .. mean while noonie gov we have seen imported indian army style governance

View attachment 849505

hard facts are ugly?..


no.. they were bribed and Supreme court ruled in favour of IK

LOL best governance in AE for sure. What do you know about Pakistan

Mazak mat kar hahaha

I hope your kids turn out to be like Nawaz Sharif and Maryam. There is something wrong with you.

LOL PTI patwari now resorting to bad duas hahahaa

Bad days going on for patwaris

Marium baji ke bhi property England to kia Pakistan me bhi nahee

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