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SKorea Says New Cruise Missiles A Warning To North

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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SKorea Says New Cruise Missiles A Warning To North
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea has unveiled new cruise missiles it says are capable of hitting any target in North Korea.
Seoul's Defense Ministry said Thursday that it has completed deploying the missiles. Officials say the deployment should serve as a warning to North Korea.
Pyongyang on Sunday unveiled a new long-range missile during a military parade and conducted a failed long-range rocket launch two days earlier. North Korea says the launch was aimed at putting a satellite in orbit. The United States and South Korea called it a test of ballistic missile technology.
Relations between the Koreas have deteriorated badly in recent years. Pyongyang on Wednesday repeated its threat of waging a "sacred war" against Seoul.

The 500 km range ballistic missile.


The "cruise" missile.

This "cruise" missile is derived from the second-generation anti-ship missile, which has a range of 1000 km without afterburner, but shorter in reality because it does supersonic dash at terminal stage. Thus this cruise missile may also be capable of supersonic dash and sea skimming, a unique feature in the world of cruise missiles. It was shown hitting the target via dive and at certain altitude, intended to hit a building at certain floor level(Kim Jong Eun's office)
Yes, Korean-designed guidance system at work.
This is called showing middle finger and warning . One more real warning is Agni V test by us . Not like funny warnings who give semi final and final warnings and megaton warnings.
This is called showing middle finger and warning . One more real warning is Agni V test by us . Not like funny warnings who give semi final and final warnings and megaton warnings.

What's really buzzing is the unannounced anti-ship missile on which that cruise missile is based on. At a max-range of 1,000 km and a supersonic dash at terminal stage(With this the range is reduced. This may be the reason why the subsonic range is so long), Korea can now take out PLAN warships in all of the Yellow Sea and the most of East China Sea at will. This will give the US carrier battle group operating close to China's coastline some degree of protection.

The 500 km range ballistic missile.


The "cruise" missile.

This "cruise" missile is derived from the second-generation anti-ship missile, which has a range of 1000 km without afterburner, but shorter in reality because it does supersonic dash at terminal stage. Thus this cruise missile may also be capable of supersonic dash and sea skimming, a unique feature in the world of cruise missiles. It was shown hitting the target via dive and at certain altitude, intended to hit a building at certain floor level(Kim Jong Eun's office)

We signed a defense agreement earlier this year I hope this missile is in the pack :D
S Korea: This will teach those northern Kimchi fookers not to mess with the power of the Korean people! you dam norkies cant even shoot a rocket strait and your satelite blew up last week! he he he.

N Korea: You American lap dogs! You have bountiful kimchi and rice but you ***** yourselves out to the imperialists! Our dear leader Kim jong il... er eun wih his bountiful mass and magnanimity will block anything you throw at us! He needs only stand on your border and his great stature and masculine girth will cast a shadow so dark that no kimchi will grow on your lands! Power to the korean people!!

The 500 km range ballistic missile.


The "cruise" missile.

This "cruise" missile is derived from the second-generation anti-ship missile, which has a range of 1000 km without afterburner, but shorter in reality because it does supersonic dash at terminal stage. Thus this cruise missile may also be capable of supersonic dash and sea skimming, a unique feature in the world of cruise missiles. It was shown hitting the target via dive and at certain altitude, intended to hit a building at certain floor level(Kim Jong Eun's office)
Nice CGI. Too bad making an actual cruise missile isn't as easy as making a CGI. Funny how you don't show us the real thing :lol:

What's really buzzing is the unannounced anti-ship missile on which that cruise missile is based on. At a max-range of 1,000 km and a supersonic dash at terminal stage(With this the range is reduced. This may be the reason why the subsonic range is so long), Korea can now take out PLAN warships in all of the Yellow Sea and the most of East China Sea at will. This will give the US carrier battle group operating close to China's coastline some degree of protection.
LOL there is nothing special about supersonic dash at terminal stage. Chinese exported YJ-803 already have this feature. PLAN has air defense destroyers capable of defending against precisely these kinds of anti-ship missile attacks.
@sino, i belive you will be happy that china got a neighbor, who talks in same language, now you guys play warning-warning
Chinese exported YJ-803 already have this feature.
Except that YJ-803 has Chinese guidance system and is highly unreliable. The hit probability drops with increasing speed. Just ask Pakistan on their impression of YJ-803.

PLAN has air defense destroyers capable of defending against precisely these kinds of anti-ship missile attacks.
The PLA Navy doesn't. The lack of a decent air defense ship in the PLA Navy inventory is the reason why everyone is jumping into supersonic anti-ship missile business in order to kill the Varyag.
Why the Chinese don't deploy the cruise missiles covering the whole india and korea and japan to prepare for the possible worst situation???

Chinese are too humble and theory!!! :rolleyes:
Except that YJ-803 has Chinese guidance system and is highly unreliable. The hit probability drops with increasing speed. Just ask Pakistan on their impression of YJ-803.

The PLA Navy doesn't. The lack of a decent air defense ship in the PLA Navy inventory is the reason why everyone is jumping into supersonic anti-ship missile business in order to kill the Varyag.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Keep trying to compare your perpetual vassal state to a superpower like China!


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