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Six reasons, why India can beat China.

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Sep 27, 2011
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United States
Six reasons, why will India beat China

Ever wondered who will win the economic competition between China and India? Here are the six short answers to your question – the reason why India will become the next Asian Tiger while the Chinese dragon be humiliated. :P

India is experiencing a explosive population growth which is predicted to overtake China as the World’s largest population within the next decade. Thus India has the human resources needed to propel its growth. Currently India has the world’s youngest population – almost 1 out of every 10 people in India is below the age of 25. Thus the country has a ton of fresh minds entering the various industry, business, and education sectors. China however is facing a population crisis. The One-Child policy has left many parents to abandon their female children or not desire a female child. Thus more males are born to Chinese families to help with the family income. So China is facing an unequal sex ratio (males: females) in which there are less females for every male in the population. By 2015, China’s population will peak at 1 billion and then decrease steadily while Chinese government struggles with providing care to its aging millions.

China’s current economic growth is due to resource accumulation from trades while India’s growth is increasingly based on a more efficient economic sector. In the long run, a more efficient economy will always overtake and surpass a large cumbersome inefficient economy. This is seen today as China buys debts from foreign powers while trying to market their goods and resources to a global market – while India is focusing on specializing their economy and providing better quality services such as the IT sector. Thus unlike China, outsourcing to India has grown rapidly and by 2010, it is expected to be 56 billion dollars a year. Currently every major company has begun to invest heavily in India and has started to rely on Indian engineers for their next-generation products. Google lead scientist, Krishna Bharat is working on the new core search engine technology in Indian tech capital of Bangalore while companies like GM, Boeing, Motorola, Cisco, HP and many others have begun to make their R&D facilities and Asian headquarters in India. Bangalore, in many ways, has become to Silicon Valley in 1999, with much development and growth headed its way. However, China still manages to hold the 9.5% growth lead thanks to its mass production capabilities – which has begun to see problems due to their bad quality as been by the lead in Kingfisher toys or the poisons in Chinese imported fish.

China is a leading producer of marketable good and a major mass producer of such goods. Thus to maintain their lead, China is working on industrial plants geared towards their production sector. Meanwhile, India is a rising power in the software, design, services and precision industry. There is no other IT sector in the world that can compare to or even hold its own against India. So what is the key difference maker between India and China? Well China is what we call a light industry producer while India is the heavy Industry producer. While China makes the toys and the T-shirts that we see as common goods on the market, India is making industrial grade steel used in making skyscrapers, tanks and ships while its automotive industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. Thus in the short run, China will experience a growth that’s mainly due to its ability to sell common goods, it is going to have trouble with heavy industry. A good example of this would be the Chinese attempt to kick start their automotive industry – which continues to be a failure and fails to reach a global audience. Meanwhile Indian companies such as TATA is making headlines by making more cheaper and efficient cars and making deals with western companies like GM and many others. More recent was the takeover of Jaguar and Land Rover by Indian TATA motors – an indicator of India’s heavy growth industry seeking to expand its influence worldwide.

Education System
Every year both India and China produce over 500 thousand engineers who graduate with high degrees – compared to the 60 thousand who graduate in the US. Out of the 500 thousand, a better part of them are Indian graduates. India has the 2nd largest English speaking population out of the English nations and 2nd largest nation with the most English speakers per GDP. India’s education system has proven to be far more advanced than its Chinese counterpart. Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) is a world prestigious institution that even rivals western universities at the quality of education it provides – churning out the engineers and IT professionals of tomorrow. Currently, India is the 2nd largest producer of Engineers, scientist and doctors. Other educational intuitions like the Indian Institute of Science (IIsc) and the Business school have all set standards as the world benchmark. Meanwhile in China, low English speaking populations with high illiteracy rates have been a turnoff for many companies and opportunity seekers. India’s education have steadily been increasing while corruption, and lack of uncontrolled and wasteful spending has not been beneficial to the education sector.

Environmental Consequences
As with any developing country, India and China both are heavy producers of pollution which continues to contribute to the global warning. Massive and forcible seizures of land, the destruction of usable housing structures, reduction of arable land, and environmental degradation in China has all contributed to a environmental policies for the near future. In an effort to promote the image of growth and modernization, China has done little to research their environmental impact on the planet and thus is harboring an oncoming crisis within the next few decades. India has however been slow to respond like China to the growth, thus making sure safety procedures are more accurately followed. Even today, Chinese companies do not install filters onto their smoke stacks or care for where they dump their industrial garbage while in India, environmental groups (using their freedom of speech & rights) have begun to advocate for better environmental care.

Growth Investment
China’s economy began its growth spree almost 13 years (1979) before India even emerged on the global economic market. Even when China did emerge, it began to rely on foreign investments too much. Today, China is dependent on foreign investments. The Chinese stock market has already crashed and is still reeling to recover. Almost 70% of the country’s banks have declared bankruptcy and is now riding on foreign investments. Like communist Russia, China is mobilizing its resources trying to issue a mirage of growth by buying US debts, modernizing its army seizing civilian lands for huge building projects – but at what price? In the long run, none of this will stimulate the decaying and crumbling Chinese financial/capital market. There are no private run enterprises in China – for the fear of individualization and loss of government control of the country. So while China is relying on foreign investments and trade, India has been developing a wave of homegrown, innovative private companies, especially in high tech & information sector. For example, even when facing severe international sanctions and trade limitations, Indian civilian and military nuclear program has been effectively successfully, springing forth a homegrown nuclear technology capable of processing Thorium – unlike all the other nuclear technology that uses uranium.

Just like that, Indian companies have grown on their own, and are now emerging on the world markets. TATA Group, Reliance Corp, Mittal Steel and many others have begun to takeover European and American companies :tup: – expanding their global reach. India’s stock markets have grown exceedingly large; the Bombay stock market has broken numerous domestic and international records. Indian companies are earning more due to the 20% returns on the investment opportunities in India – thus the reason for Japan’s recent 5 billion dollar investment in the “industrial corridor” of India. Overall, India is growing at a rate that ensures quality while experiencing record breaking growth – something China has failed to do:tdown:.

Source: Six Reason Why India Will Beat China | Newsflavor
Only if, our politicians had 10% of focus on development, China would have been light years away from us in development.

---------- Post added at 05:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:44 PM ----------

We were at the same footing but corruption and lack of governance eaten us

100% agreed!! but I have never witnessed a movement such as Anna hazare in past decades :tup:

there is hope now :)
china is now aging and their demographic dividend is over by 2014 their growth will fumble and start downward while India's demographic dividend will start from 2014 and will take 2035 to reach its saturation like china.

- That means India have more then 20 years to grow in double digits and we are already building our infrastructure to utilize and make the maximum out of it. :yahoo:

- India's economy is at around US$ 2 trillion and we were at more comfortable stage then china when it was at that stage.

- china will face instability if its growth fluctuates and goes below 8% as stated by their supreme CPC.

- There will be riots and huge instability in china.

- And as India have matured as a democracy and we have right to practice religion it will act as a safety valve to let out any pressure and frustration if any.

- India is going through a very good phase and walking towards a very bright, stable and secure future. :cheers: :smitten:
china is now aging and their demographic dividend is over by 2014 their growth will fumble and start downward while India's demographic dividend will start from 2014 and will take 2035 to reach its saturation like china.

- china will face instability if its growth fluctuates and goes below 8% as stated by their supreme CPC.

- There will be riots and huge instability in china.

:cheers: let us stick to your growth story and where we gotta improve

let us not talk about what will happen to dem :)
BS.. we have already lost. We were at the same footing but corruption and lack of governance eaten us. We can only follow up...nothing else.

I feel governments $1 Trillion Infrastructure project in next 5 years is revolutionary and will boost up economic growth. We need good Roads, rails, Infrastructure in our country and cities. And as for corruption in China is concerned they have same level of corruption like India only their government don't let the world see it.
For example:- We often criticize Indian Railway and make too much praise of China railway but Indian rarely know that China railway is bankrupt with debt of $307 Billion causing debt of 5% of China GDP and Indian Railway carries 5 times more passengers than China railway every year.

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

lol Indians, how classic, I have saved this article, and I will repost it in 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 20 years and as long as the forum exists, I just want to see how big this joke, how denial and how deep this vvetdream can achieve..:D

We Indians are destined for Second rank in every field even when it comes to Size of Having Superslum, we Indians are still far behind at second rank.
I feel governments $1 Trillion Infrastructure project in next 5 years is revolutionary and will boost up economic growth. We need good Roads, rails, Infrastructure in our country and cities. And as for corruption in China is concerned they have same level of corruption like India only their government don't let the world see it.
For example:- We often criticize Indian Railway and make too much praise of China railway but Indian rarely know that China railway is bankrupt with debt of $307 Billion causing debt of 5% of China GDP and Indian Railway carries 5 times more passengers than China railway every year.

---------- Post added at 06:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

We Indians are destined for Second rank in every field even when it comes to Size of Having Superslum, we Indians are still far behind at second rank.

ignorant indians will never know how investment works, if it is a big project investment there is investment return period. China invested loads money into its HSR system and building the world most advanced, longest and complicated railway system, and it would be stupid and delusional (as most indians are) to realize the up-front investment within just 4 years time spam.

during chinese new years period (20 days) alone the transport system has to carry more than 1.6 billion passengers, even if they just pay $1 for one journey, then during those 20 days the total transport revenue would be $1.6 billion. so people saw the needs and huge market and thus the investment.

we invested $2million into our brand first year, does it mean after year one we are bankrupted?
LOL reason 1 is not to be happy about. India's land mass is not even 1/4th of China's and you want the world's largest population in that small piece of land.

U.S. is the sole superpower and has a population of 350 million and has land mass larger than both China and India.
This article is from 2008.
lol...so in 2013 I will repost this thread as I have promised to do it every 5 years, and i believe reality will either prove those 6 'reasons' or 6 laughing stocks..:P
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