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Featured Situation at border tense, war with China can’t be ruled out: CDS General Rawat

India Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat on Friday claimed that situation at the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh remains tense and possibility of a war with China cannot be ruled out.

“In the overall security calculus: border confrontations, transgressions, unprovoked tactical military actions — spiralling into a larger conflict therefore cannot be discounted,” Rawat said.

His statement came amid an ongoing military talk between India and China at Chushul of Friday. He was speaking at Diamond Jubilee Webinar, 2020 organised by National Defence College in Delhi.

However, the CDS also pointed out that India’s posturing is unambiguous and she “will not accept any shift in Line of Actual Control”.

He also said that China’s People’s Liberation Army is facing unanticipated consequences for its misadventure into Ladakh because of firm responses by Indian forces.

The military level talks underway since 9.30 a.m. were the eighth round.

India and China have been engaged in a worst seven-month-long border dispute at the LAC. Despite several levels of dialogue, there has not been any breakthrough.

Further, speaking about defence cooperation, the CDS said that India understand the importance of leveraging defence diplomacy in building mutual trust and partnerships with strategically important countries.

He also said that in the coming years, Indian defence industry will be growing exponentially and contribute to the overall defence preparedness. “The industry will deliver us state-of-art weapons and equipment fully made in India,” General Rawat said.

The officer said that as India grows in stature, security challenges will rise proportionately.

“We must move out of the constant threat of sanctions or dependency on individual nations for our military requirements and invest in building long-term indigenous capability for strategic independence and application of decisive military power to squarely meet present and emerging challenges,” the officer added.

Bro, if you have a hotline with General Rawat, can you tell him to expedite it?
China has Military bases in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Read about string of pearls strategy of China.
What bases in Pakistan please tell us, we don't know where are the Chinese bases in Pakistan but you Know:crazy:
and where in Bangladesh??? you're only right on Sri Lanka
Gwadar, Jiwani, Skardu - Pakistan

Kutubdia / Cox’s Bazar - Bangladesh
Non have Chinese personal and Especially in Gawadar its security personal for civil foreign (Chinese) engineers, And what PLAAF ASSETS IN GAWADAR/JIWANI/SKARDU HAVE, Please tell US???:hitwall::hitwall:
Non have Chinese personal and Especially in Gawadar its security personal for civil foreign (Chinese) engineers, And what PLAAF ASSETS IN GAWADAR/JIWANI/SKARDU HAVE, Please tell US???:hitwall::hitwall:

China building military base in Pakistan

Non have Chinese personal and Especially in Gawadar its security personal for civil foreign (Chinese) engineers, And what PLAAF ASSETS IN GAWADAR/JIWANI/SKARDU HAVE, Please tell US???:hitwall::hitwall:

Chinese fighter aircraft spotted at Skardu airbase in Azad Kashmir amid Sino-India border row
Over 40 Chinese fighter jets, J10, have been witnessed in Skardu in the month of June itself. The Chinese Air Force is understood to have been preparing to use the Skardu airbase to launch an attack against India.
https://english.cdn.zeenews.com/sites/default/files/2020/06/29/869426-Azad Kashmir-fighterjetszee.png

Non have Chinese personal and Especially in Gawadar its security personal for civil foreign (Chinese) engineers, And what PLAAF ASSETS IN GAWADAR/JIWANI/SKARDU HAVE, Please tell US???:hitwall::hitwall:

Pakistan’s Gwadar Port: A New Naval Base in China’s String of Pearls in the Indo-Pacific
CSIS Briefs
April 2, 2018


The Issue
  • The development of Gwadar Port is a key element of the greater China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It speaks to both the strength of the China-Pakistan relationship and the reach of China’s grand strategy.
  • With Pakistan’s two other major ports operating near capacity with no room for expansion, projects in Gwadar promise to eventually handle one million tons of cargo annually, while also providing significant industrial, oil, and transportation infrastructure.
  • Though a “monument of Pakistan-China friendship,” there are misgivings on both sides about CPEC, including the safety of Chinese workers, the resentment of Baloch nationalists, and the growing debt trap created by the project.
  • The prospect of the PLA Navy in Gwadar poses greater security questions, as it forms another link in China’s efforts to expand its maritime presence in the Indo-Pacific region.

Pakistan’s Gwadar Port: A New Naval Base in China’s String of Pearls in the Indo-Pacific
CSIS Briefs
April 2, 2018


The Issue
  • The development of Gwadar Port is a key element of the greater China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). It speaks to both the strength of the China-Pakistan relationship and the reach of China’s grand strategy.
  • With Pakistan’s two other major ports operating near capacity with no room for expansion, projects in Gwadar promise to eventually handle one million tons of cargo annually, while also providing significant industrial, oil, and transportation infrastructure.
  • Though a “monument of Pakistan-China friendship,” there are misgivings on both sides about CPEC, including the safety of Chinese workers, the resentment of Baloch nationalists, and the growing debt trap created by the project.
  • The prospect of the PLA Navy in Gwadar poses greater security questions, as it forms another link in China’s efforts to expand its maritime presence in the Indo-Pacific region.


@SuvarnaTeja, the links you've posted, they are just plain propaganda. We don't have any military bases in Pakistan.
We are not lunatics to go to war for 1000 kms.

We are okay as long as you take only few sqkms every few months.

India will not start the war. We are not insane.

What CDS is saying is that there is a possibility that China could start a war anytime.

True, true. Please wait until you lost 1000000 sq km.Then accept defeat graciously.
Indian army chief: Full scale war improbable, but larger Ladakh border conflict not to be ruled out

Prospects of a full-scale war are low, but border tensions and intrusions escalating into a larger conflict cannot be ruled out, timesofindia.com Nov 6 cited India’s chief of defence staff, General Bipin Rawat, as saying, speaking about the prolonged Ladakh standoff with a belligerently expansionist China.

The danger arises from the fact that China remains determined to shift the Line of Actual Control westwards in eastern Ladakh and India is adamant that this will not be allowed to happen.

“Our posturing is unambiguous – status quo has to be restored,” Gen Rawat was quoted as saying, even as India and China held the eight-round of military talks to defuse the almost seven-month-long tense military confrontation in the high-altitude region on Nov 6.

Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat. (Photo courtesy: PTI)
“In the overall security calculus, a full-scale conflict with China is low on probability. However, border confrontations, transgressions and unprovoked tactical military actions spiralling into a larger conflict cannot be discounted,” the General was quoted as saying, speaking at a webinar.

He has stressed that India will not allow “any shifting” of the LAC by China, which he has said was now facing “unanticipated consequences of its misadventure” due to the firm and strong response by the Indian forces in eastern Ladakh.

The report also cited the India Air Force Chief (IAF), Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria, as emphasizing that his country’s “proactive actions and strong posture” were instrumental in dissuading China from making “any further attempts to alter the status quo” in Ladakh.

The swift deployment of IAF’s “offensive capabilities” reflected the nation’s resolve to use airpower if the need arises, he has added.

During the most recently held military talks, India was reported to have stuck to its stand of “complete de-escalation” at troop face-off sites as well as along the entire frontier in eastern Ladakh, rejecting the “piecemeal and one-sided disengagement steps” being proposed by China.

“The persisting boundary dispute, China’s support to Pakistan, its increasing influence in South Asia through BRI projects and unbalanced economic relationship is likely to ensure that in the near future, the Sino-India relationship will remain a fundamentally competitive one,” Gen Rawat was quoted as saying.

If what you have written were to be true, the army chief wouldn’t make bellicose statements. Either the COAS is out of touch with reality, or your reading of Indian army’s fighting capability is inaccurate.
Becos to indian army commander. Talk is cheap!

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