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Sissi's visit to saudi arabia

Hell NO

Nov 26, 2014
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I think that shows the amount of hatred the new saudi king has for sissi
Ah I love destroying MBs wet dreams
King Salman can not have friendly relations with Sisi & engage in salafi ideology and have friendly relations with Erdogan & the Turks at the same time. Either King Salman choses Sisi & salafi ideology then Erdogan & Turkish relationship deteriorates to that of King Abdullah who supported Sisi. Or King Salman choses Erdogan & the Turks then relations with Sisi & salafi ideology deteriorates. One or the other but Erdogan will not permit both. And there are plenty signals that King Salman and Erdogan & Turkish relationship is improving. Whoever King Salman choses the Amir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad is still the man cos neither Erdogan or the Turks would be standing if not for him.
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The MBS scumbags were saying that the new saudi king has a new policy and that he is pro MBs and that sisi is going down

Hey genius, yes he had meeting after he made live speech last week stating he will release political prisoners and apologized to qatars emir today. Now he's opened discussion of what he calls 'reconciliation' with MB. Which means giving Egyptians freedoms no matter what their views are on society.
Hey genius, yes he had meeting after he made live speech last week stating he will release political prisoners and apologized to qatars emir today. Now he's opened discussion of what he calls 'reconciliation' with MB. Which means giving Egyptians freedoms no matter what their views are on society.
Firstly there is no such a thing as political prisoners in the egyptian law so admitting that he has political prisoners is admitting a crime.
Secondly he apologized for the insults to the mother of the amir from some of the egyptain TV channels and I think he said clearly why he apologized.
Thirdly "reconciliation" when pigs fly. Sissi knows what happened to the last prisident who reconciled with the MBs.

King Salman can not have friendly relations with Sisi & engage in salafi ideology and have friendly relations with Erdogan & the Turks at the same time. Either King Salman choses Sisi & salafi ideology then Erdogan & Turkish relationship deteriorates to that of King Abdullah who supported Sisi. Or King Salman choses Erdogan & the Turks then relations with Sisi & salafi ideology deteriorates. One or the other but Erdogan will not permit both. And there are plenty signals that King Salman and Erdogan & Turkish relationship is improving. Whoever King Salman choses the Amir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad is still the man cos neither Erdogan or the Turks would be standing if not for him.
You are taking as if turks are the one calling the shots my friend as they say money talks
anyway egypt has a great relationship with russia and the GCC
Hakan Fidan the ex-head of Milli Istihbarat Teskilati (MIT = national intelligence) was also in Saudi Arabia. Hakan Fidan in purple shirt. This is not good for Sisi.

hakan fidan umre 01 mart 2015.jpg
Hakan Fidan the ex-head of Milli Istihbarat Teskilati (MIT = national intelligence) was also in Saudi Arabia. Hakan Fidan in purple shirt. This is not good for Sisi.

View attachment 198647
what is he doing praying that sisi dies or something
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Report also his sectarian postings if you arent a hypocrite.

now you are calling me hypocrite, that's a pretty harsh insult to say the least for someone you dont even know dont you think?

first of all, i didnt read much posts from him but sects do exist it is a reality of the muslims, just mentioning them doesnt necessarially make you sectarian it is the facts but if you want to ignore it ofcourse you may do that but you cant expect from everyone do the same and forbid people from speaking out their own mind

besides imo you are a simple minded personality cultist like north koreans worship Kim Yung il you are pretty much the same, as can be seen from your avatar and from your hostile attitude towards people with different opinion do i say anything about that?

no i respect that, just i asked you politely not to insult people thats all

ibo135 is a nut job
And that's a fact

he made very accurate analysis if you ask me
now you are calling me hypocrite, that's a pretty harsh insult to say the least for someone you dont even know dont you think?
Calling someone a hypocrite and asking to be fair to not to become hypocritical are quite different things.

first of all, i didnt read much posts from him but sects do exist it is a reality of our country and the ME, just mentioning them doesnt necessarially make you sectarian it is the facts but if you choose to ignore it ofcourse it is just your own decision you cant forbid people from speaking out their own mind
Insulting someone or calling names based on sect is revealing the sectarian mind of this person, stop apologizing stupidity.

besides imo you are a simple minded personality cultist like north koreans worship Kim Yung il you are pretty much the same, as can be seen from your avatar and from your hostile attitude towards people with different opinion do i say anything about that?
Say again what you think about judging people you dont know...

Just leave it at that to avoid looking stupid any further and stop playing the polite/smart person here, you failed already.

PS: just for the next time, his name is written Kim Jong Il...
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