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Sinocentrism for the Information Age

sinocentrism is one of the core values of our traditional culture. Dont deny and keep this tradition going. why do we call our country 中国?remember this and be proud of it.
China historians are sinocentric!? :rofl:

More likely as traitors, that is why I posted a lot of articles how Chinese leaders in the past 100 years outlawed and destroyed a lot of Chinese culture and tradition. They are inline with Eurocentric historian, that Chinese civilization worth nothing.

That is why I posted a lot of articles here and other forums to told fellow Chinese from the wrong perspective about their identity and culture. Most of Chinese believe that their history are garbage, including "the failure" Qing, "the corrupt" Ming, etc. Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean are laughing on us, and they are right.

In the forums, Chinese members are loud when retelling their history. In reality, they just a very small number, influencing nothing under the shadow of huge state propaganda machine. To be true, your Indonesia also have the same problem as China, where your local culture and tradition are being prosecuted. History is being twisted. And I don't believe that Indonesia are culture-less barbaric people as some historian said. I had such discussion about Indonesia and SE Asia culture at other forums, and I'm impressed by your past.

South China Sea owned by Republic of China before any modern countries of Vietnam, Philippine and Malaysia exist. ROC don't claim South China Sea by history, but it's already part of their territory. It's other countries who don't have modern legitimacy over South China Sea, who trying to won the conflict by historical claim. I just want to say, history is history, it's in the past, people should accept today reality and give up their claim.

I don't agree with you what I have been bolded above.
Islands were part of Vietnam from old time. In time of Nguyen Loard and Nguyen Dynasty controlled officially with legislative documents and established Hoang Sa Flottia, implemented his right over Islands. Nguyen Dynasty í existed until 1945 when Emperor Bao Dai handed power to Hochi Ming govt. Vietnam has both historical and legislative evidents to approve our claim in SCS.
ROC occupied illegally Itu Aba with force 1956 when France withdraw from Vietnam.
I don't agree with you what I have been bolded above.
Islands were part of Vietnam from old time. In time of Nguyen Loard and Nguyen Dynasty controlled officially with legislative documents and established Hoang Sa Flottia, implemented his right over Islands. Nguyen Dynasty í existed until 1945 when Emperor Bao Dai handed power to Hochi Ming govt. Vietnam has both historical and legislative evidents to approve our claim in SCS.
ROC occupied illegally Itu Aba with force 1956 when France withdraw from Vietnam.

In old time, you were part of China for 1000 years
The USA is THE mass killer at large。

People in their tens of thousands die each year as a result of the US's military adventurism。

Typical westerner using their own value system to understand and judge China without even trying to understand China's point of view.
Confucius said: "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself"
Regarding Nobel price etc about meddling in others internal affairs.
These are obvious crude attempt in meddling in China internal affairs, therefore China has the right to ask others to not do it. We see these act as unfriendly and not conducive to peaceful coexistence.
We do not do that to you, please don't do it to us. We are asking for equality.
What has always puzzle Chinese is why western needs to do this to China? Don't we have the right to choose what ever system we wish as long as it doesn't harm you. Since we did not harm you and we work internationally within the system, why you need to do this to us?
China do not view the world as a jungle, we prefer to see all as equals. There is no attempt in imposing a sinocentric order. We do not see everything as a struggle therefore we prefer people not to attack/slant each other without apparent reason. We believe people should be cordial to each other and not escalating issue.
It is ironic that the author ask for respect for viewpoints while he apparently did not even try to understand Chinese viewpoint.
China historians are sinocentric!? :rofl:

More likely as traitors, that is why I posted a lot of articles how Chinese leaders in the past 100 years outlawed and destroyed a lot of Chinese culture and tradition. They are inline with Eurocentric historian, that Chinese civilization worth nothing.

That is why I posted a lot of articles here and other forums to told fellow Chinese from the wrong perspective about their identity and culture. Most of Chinese believe that their history are garbage, including "the failure" Qing, "the corrupt" Ming, etc. Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean are laughing on us, and they are right.

In the forums, Chinese members are loud when retelling their history. In reality, they just a very small number, influencing nothing under the shadow of huge state propaganda machine. To be true, your Indonesia also have the same problem as China, where your local culture and tradition are being prosecuted. History is being twisted. And I don't believe that Indonesia are culture-less barbaric people as some historian said. I had such discussion about Indonesia and SE Asia culture at other forums, and I'm impressed by your past.

Most mainland Chinese certainly don't share your kind of view~ especially when they are fed daily with state propaganda.

South China Sea owned by Republic of China before any modern countries of Vietnam, Philippine and Malaysia exist. ROC don't claim South China Sea by history, but it's already part of their territory.
Sovereignty of a nation was judge by:
1. Actual exercised and control of power over an area
2. Recognition by other states

Neither did the ROC ever control the south China sea effectively since its inception in 1911, nor did neighboring countries recognized such claim. The only instances the Chinese try to control it was in 1940s (ROC) and 1970s (PRC) when other power has laid controlled over them (France and Japan).

It's other countries who don't have modern legitimacy over South China Sea, who trying to won the conflict by historical claim. I just want to say, history is history, it's in the past, people should accept today reality and give up their claim.
And that's the POINT!
The reality is, Vietnamese control much of the islands. If the ROC/PRC excercised their sovereignty, how could so much islands was left controlled by other states?

The conclusion is that, south china sea was never effectively under the jurisdiction of any nations until recent occupation or exercised of power by surrounding countries
Asia will resist U.S. efforts to contain China, says Singapore diplomat

Sunday, October 14, 2012
“We don’t want another Cold War. The United States should not ask

Asian nations will resist any U.S. attempts to block the rise of China, as Washington pursues a new strategy in the Asia-Pacific region, according to Singapore’s former ambassador in Washington.

“I think if the United States re-engages Asia to contain China it won’t work because countries in Asia won’t sign on to containment,” Chan Heng Chee said in a phone interview from Singapore.

“We don’t want another Cold War. The United States should not ask Asian countries to choose. You may not like the results if you ask countries to choose.”

Ms. Chan returned to Singapore in July after 16 years as Singapore’s ambassador to the U.S….President Obama has adopted a rebalancing stance toward the Asia-Pacific region…Much of the commentary in Washington has described this policy as a “pivot” and framed it in the context of a military containment of China.

The above article is more than meets the eyes. It is unusual for an ambassador to speak so frankly about the USA and its intent and policies towards another country. While the official US position is all about peace, about anything except containment of China, and so many countries and observers have wool pulled over their eyes that this is a benign power, full of peaceful intent and purposes, the truth is not usually spoken publicly. And Chan Heng Chee has spoken the unpleasant truth.

In her long association with American policy makers and the intrigues behind the façade of civility and pompous feel good motherhood statements, the US must be peddling its schemes and plots to contain China to her allies. While in the US, Chan Heng Chee would have to be polite not to spill the naked truth, but now that she is an ambassador at large, it is opportune for her to tell things as they are with respect to the real USA. And this has to be done to prevent the innocent and naïve to think otherwise and not to be coerced by the Americans to tow the line and be lined up on one side against another superpower.

It is in Asia’s interest not to be pawns in another cold war when they have nothing to gain and risk an open conflict in the region. The US has thus been told, as direct as it can be, not to fool the Asian countries into doing its dirty work and be embroiled in its devious schemes to contain and destabilize China.

The Ambassador must have many first hand experience of what the true Americans are and what they are trying to do in this so called pivot to Asia.

The Americans cannot go on to deceive the world that they are all angels. Time to look at the devil as it is.

My Singapore News: Asia will resist U.S. efforts to contain China, says Singapore diplomat
The Chinese was alleged to have supported the CCP NPA during the 1970 First Quarter Storm, although this ain't the Cold War anymore. China no longer supports Maoists like the NPA or those in Nepal.

Oh please those are Chinese made weapons sir! proving your Chinese using a false flag or a traitor to the Nation and world peace by supporting or aid or defending Imperialist warmonger who have no balls to use the International standard of solving disputes peacefully and fairly. Mas marunnong ka pa! wala ka na man alam pwede ba!

The Chinese was alleged to have supported the CCP NPA during the 1970 First Quarter Storm, although this ain't the Cold War anymore. China no longer supports Maoists like the NPA or those in Nepal.

Oh please those are Chinese made weapons sir! proving your Chinese using a false flag or a traitor to the Nation and world peace by supporting or aid or defending Imperialist warmonger who have no balls to use the International standard of solving disputes peacefully and fairly. Mas marunnong ka pa! wala ka na man alam pwede ba!
The USA is THE mass killer at large。

People in their tens of thousands die each year as a result of the US's military adventurism。


True America has been an arrogant militarist but really who is older? China or America?

China was created by a warlord who conquered his neighbors states to from Imperial China(still is) and name the country after himself and declared himself god and outside his kingdom was inferior and barbaric! and continue to expand a policy of arrogance and expansionism. A mind set that china is now revising and using with out the Emperor.

True their are good points like culture, invention, innovation etc the good side true but America has that too most recent Invention that we take for granted like aviation remember the wright brothers and electricity tesla and Edision and the experiments of good old ben Franklin.

So in sale of jerks you people still out Jerks the Americans sure they are jerks sometimes but they have the capacity to change your people don't like change because you think your prefect better than anyone in fact! which why you had that period of humiliation in the 19th century because you people refuse change and keep that up your going to have a second period of humiliation.
China a better Pacific friend than US: Samoan PM

Samoa's Prime Minister says China is a truer friend of Pacific countries than the United States.
An awning on a portside building in Apia celebrating Samoa's 50 years of independence in 2012.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele says that China is more flexible in its aid and has proven itself willing to forgive debt.

Samoa is celebrating its Golden Jubilee of Independence from New Zealand.

Many of the largest buildings in the Samoan capital, Apia, have been built by Chinese companies and funded with soft loans from China.

Prime Minister Tuilaepa says it is the sort of help it can't get from its traditional partners.

"We brought the Chinese in," he told Australia Network's Pacific Correspondent, Sean Dorney.

"We asked them to come and fill in the gap that New Zealand and Australia cannot do for us."

Prime Minister Tuilaepa accuses the United States of a lack of interest in the South Pacific.

"You [the US] are only interested in areas where fighting, wars are fought.

"And I know why. So it will help your industries, your war machines. But you're not interested in the Pacific because it is peaceful."

Celebration of stability

Samoa's Prime Minister says his country - which is this week celebrating 50 years of independence from New Zealand - has worked hard to maintain stability.

The Prime Minister has been in power for 14 years and his Human Rights Protection Party has governed for most of the past 30 years.

He says stability has grown since the early days of independence.

"It was not easy for them," he said of the early leaders.

"For one thing, you need to have monies to run the government and to impose tax.

"[That] was something completely new to our people, to impose duty.

"Self sacrifice was not yet absolved and accepted in full, so they had to move very carefully not to alienate the people at the same time."

Meanwhile, Samoa will release 35 prisoners from jail, saying they will be pardoned as part of its independence celebrations.

Head of state Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi announced the pardon to the thousands who gathered at Parliament to mark the Golden Jubilee.
True America has been an arrogant militarist but really who is older? China or America?

China was created by a warlord who conquered his neighbors states to from Imperial China(still is) and name the country after himself and declared himself god and outside his kingdom was inferior and barbaric! and continue to expand a policy of arrogance and expansionism. A mind set that china is now revising and using with out the Emperor.

True their are good points like culture, invention, innovation etc the good side true but America has that too most recent Invention that we take for granted like aviation remember the wright brothers and electricity tesla and Edision and the experiments of good old ben Franklin.

So in sale of jerks you people still out Jerks the Americans sure they are jerks sometimes but they have the capacity to change your people don't like change because you think your prefect better than anyone in fact! which why you had that period of humiliation in the 19th century because you people refuse change and keep that up your going to have a second period of humiliation.

Do you have evidence? If so, please tell me, if not, don't post irrelevant info.

Crying is useless without power

How many times was Vietnam occupied? I heard that China dominated the place 4 times.
Without strength(including soft and hard power) supports, Sinocentrism idea just like cheap goods.
What China need , just to develop very well then Sinocentrism naturally spread out ...
Whatever u admit or deny, ppl always respect the strong one.Today U.S has large strengths(soft power and hard power) so she's the only one SUPERPOWER, S.U was ever SUPERPOWER but she lost strengths then Russia become a developing country.

Without enough economy and cultural supports, Sinocentrism just like the dogsh!t.
People need to realise one thing, and one thing only.


When you talk about international politic, if you can find one country in this world did not draw their path in the center of their own country, i will pay you a hundred bucks.

Every political system have their own country's advanatage come first, there are no exception. So there are no point denialing something as simple as that. You can, of course, turn into denialism about this but that does not do anything.

The problem is, every country in this world had in some degree try to back down from their own interest and try to maintain the balance of their own advantage and creating enemy. China never did any of those balance. When it come to International politic. If things goes its way, they will go all in, and if things does not goes it way, they will try and tell people to shut up.

Let me use the noble price as an example. While who the committe award the noble prize is none of Chinese business, the fat to the matter is, when they are awarded to anti-chinese personnel. China will jump up in protest. You can say, and indeed many Chinese say the Nobel Prize committe meddling the Chinese affair. but wasn't objecting the prize goes to that person in itself are meddling the Nobel Prize Committe affair? They won't see that, as their goal is to 100% chinese, not to give concession to others.

Fact to the matter remain, even people hate America, America still try to balance the goods and the bads on their own agenda, take Israel as an example. Yes, we are pro-Israel. But if we act like China did on Israel, i would say Iran and Syria were long already at war. The problem is, backing off does not show your country's weak, but show that you have the power to take the helm. If Chinese can see that and adjust their policy, i am very positive they will have a bigger say in international politic in no time.
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